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Everything posted by moosetracker

  1. This district is so riled up already by the other volunteers on the committee, I would need to work very hard at being aggressive to be considered just one of the gang.. Who knows, maybe their behavior and attitude will rub off on me over time.. Wont you just love that!! BadenP, you also have an "agressive my way is the only way attitude".. (Love it)..
  2. Eagledad - it took me a while to understand this post. I may have gotten some of it wrong, but this is my interpretation.. (I know others will correct me if I am wrong).. In the post he mentions "Direct Contact leaders" then starts using "DC" (In other post DC stood for other things. But this is what I think "DC" means here.). they goes on to say.. "that means SMs have to have This is Scouting".. So I think for him "DC" stands for SM & ASM, only.. This does Not even include Committee members who work with youth like your Advancement Coordinator, or Outdoors coordinator. I did n
  3. A Venture crew starting up and getting their members by stealing the troops older boys.. "You can make eagle here as well as there, no uniforms, girls, and no younger scouts to look after".. Strangely enough the troop was able to retaliate and finally wiped out the crew because the parents of the boys they won over were loyal to the troop refused to participate in the crew. The crew couldn't continue without adult leadership. They planned on the adult leadership coming with the boys. Sad for both parties. If the crew had done things right they could have had a friendship. Currently the t
  4. In our troop The SM & ASM get the training needed by for the position of SM & ASM before they can even take the position.. Why do you think "SM is about the only position that DOES NOT NEED ANY TYPE OF TRAINING TO TAKE THE BOYS ON OUTINGS".. BSA policy have a training list for SM.. So it will be required by National that to re-register yearly you need to have the training specified for your job description. ALL members involved in interacting with our youth MUST TAKE YOUTH PROTECTION.. This includes those who are SM, ASM, committee members and merit badge counsilors. This is a re
  5. BadenP. I think your anger at me on the other thread, has caused you not to read this one very well. If you made this comment after my first or second message, you might be making sense. Currently the issue went from me thinking that the DE was a position above the DC due to the fact the DE is interviewing the canadates for the committee positions and the DC is not involved at all. The more I talked with people the more they made me realize that the DE should not be involved in the committee member positions at all. I have benifited from the knowledge of this group and have been lis
  6. Thanks for everyones support.. But, in all fairness I did by mistake start the bitter feud between BadenP and myself. He hit a nerve in me and I unfairly said something that got his dander up.. I have been trying to apologize ever since, while defending my stance, but I guess I really ticked him off. I love this discussion, but if BadenP, would again please accept my appology for my first comment, I would love to get this back onto an intellectual debate rather then anyone feeling they are personnally being attacked. I think we have already frightened off Nike, who was the original p
  7. Nope, not one knot.. I thought about it while helping other adult leaders earn theirs, but truely it was not worth the time or effort. I do have a sprinkling of mentor pins given to me by not my son, but other Eagle scouts our family took an interest in helping by either becoming thier scouting parents because they lacked parent involvement, or by being their trail-to-eagle guide. Those mean more to me then any knot ever would, so please think before you attack them with more negativity. It would be like personally attacking my son to me. But, yes I do take pride in them. My husband
  8. I will have to take your word for it. The old WB was around, but I was personnally not ready to take WB until the new WB came out. So I don't have anything to compare the new WB with.
  9. Eagledad thank-you, It is important for the committee to be well trained. But wouldnt you agree that SM & ASM should have WB also to help with their communication and team building of the youth members? The required training for a committee member is a start, but insufficient. Scoutmaster Specific Important for SM & ASM yes, but important for committee members also.. This is where the true BSA program is defined especially for the troop meetings. How can you make good policy guides if you dont know the goal of scouting. What BSA policies are in Black and White, and which ones yo
  10. Best projects are when the scout feels true ownership, and sense of purpose for the project. Have him choose a group of people whom he respects and who know him personally to brainstorm with him.. Scouting or other, young or adult. Look at what he likes to do outside of scouts, hobbies, extra curricular, school programs etc. Then have others jot down whatever ideas then can be generated as to what could benefit the community or a non-profit group. Once he has a list, he can canvas to see if there are any needs for those ideas he truely loved. Now he is not stuck with a
  11. No I am new to the District. I have been involved with the Pack and troop committee since my boy was a tiger and through to currently at 19 having made eagle scout. I have even served on a Venture crew. I have been the Committee Chair for the troop & the Venture crew. I am sorry, if this is not what you were getting at, but saying that Woodbadge would cause committee members to feel better then others or to brag about tickets, and other to feel left out is unfair. And why so a committee member but not the SM or ASM? Basically we had committee members take woodbadge if they felt it wo
  12. Good point moxieman!! Yes, Yes, Yes, make sure the CO appoints a represenative that takes an interest in the unit. If they attend the committee meetings & a few events. Lot's of times the falling out between SM, ASM and the committee are adverted when they know they both have a boss that can pull them both in line. Otherwise alot of times the SM & ASM feel they do not need to listen to the committee, they think they are the head of not only the boys but the whole unit, and the committee works for them. Most times this is the reason the two groups stop working with each other. True
  13. Thank-you BBender.. You have eased my mind. I believe the power point you mentioned is what I saw in the Council roundtable (or whatever you call it, I still am unsure of the actual names of things), forgive my greenness. The statement you made about "...and we are now in a position to confirm that the leader materials and training needed to support the change in delivery method will be completed and in local council service centers between April 30 and May 7, 2010" Also sounds like what I heard at the meeting.. The statement wording sounds familure.. But I really thought it s
  14. We will find out tommorrow, when we meet with him. But, my guess is he is trying to find support from those of us who are too green to know better, or the members who were not being disruptive. Why? I don't know.. But, it sounds like the committee will have a say somehow in if we accept or reject the DE's choice for DC.. He is not only meeting with us privately, he is meeting with alot of committee members privately. I think he is lobbying for his choice of a DC. I fear I will be answing specifically to the DE, no matter how it "Should" be.. With the abscense of the Training Chair, the D
  15. I agree with Beavah.. I have had my share of wonderful experiences and horror stories.. The strong success of a Pack or troop is based on the adult leaders. Even in a troop or crew where it is to be youth lead, our youth need good guidence and people doing the organization of the events. If you have choose a scoutmaster souly because they are the only one to take the job, rather then having a selection of canadites that you can choose the best from,you may get someone in the position that does not have the right personality. If the SM can not make the program fun, the boys will drift. If the
  16. I'm glad to hear that the true program will not be so rigid. That is a relief thank-you. Currently our training committee has alot of trainers and no one doing any of the other position, training chair open, VP to training chair open, registrar of training records open, Troop/Pack/Venture coordinators open/open/open.. Then lots of trainers. And no one has been interested in these positions for years, and no one currently is interested in any of these positions but me.. Oh yes and we have no District Chair.. So currently I am unassigned to anything, until the district gets someone to take
  17. Again, there is no DC and no Training Chair at this time, and may not be for some time. Whatever position I take I will be the highest position on the District training staff until other people want to join the staff. Oh my husband is excited about his future position he has been on the Advancement Eagle board for a while, and likes the idea of doing the Advancement Chair position, although it sounds like alot. Both of us may not be official in anything until a DC is position. I am beginning to figure out what you say about the DE & the DC, and I am more aware of why the com
  18. I had to post to disagree with BadenP. You sound like a SM or ASM who have great conflict, someone who thinks an ignorant committee allows the SM & ASM hold the power because they will not question your word. I am from a family of scouters, my husband & son (19 YO) have been on the SM team and in the committee both.. (Yes, at 19 my son is officially on paper and ASM, but is doing the Outdoor coordinator job on the committee and is the only young person who has been give the right to vote.) I have stayed only in the committee. We have all taken WB.. My son is working on his tickets
  19. Not officially, "The Program", but we had a meeting for the district volunteers that had an in-depth presentation, this told us about the overall changes of the program. Like the change of themes for the the Pack meetings. But "The new Den & Pack Meeting Resource Guide" we were told would be available by April 13th or 15th.. But the web site below says May. This link also explains the new program in such detail it,gives you 2 den meetings per month for a full year for every for each rank. I do not know if the den meetings will change, or stay the same forever with the assumption that the
  20. I am going into the District training, and it's all abuzz about the new program for cub scouts. Training for will start middle of this month, and the program will start in the Fall.. But, I know some places have test piloted this program. If your area has I would be curious about your views. I am going to not be doing the teaching, but the trainiers of my district will be looking at me to help organize the training program for it. Some guidence is out of a book, but alot is from my trainers having had personal experience, which they will no longer have. I just wonder if any of you have an
  21. At the risk of sounding thickheaded. The DE reports to the SE, the Council President meets with the SE.. the title Council President means to me he is higher then district level. So where does he fall into the hiearchy and why isn't talking to him seen as going over the DE's head? Maybe someone has already done this hence the visit from someone from the Council at the last meeting. My husband said his first District Committee meeting was brutal also, but the 2nd one (my first one) more so.. Maybe some of the disruption was for our visitors benefit. I don't know his title, but definatly hi
  22. This is all interesting from a personal perspective. Our troop is loosing boys going to other troops, due to our scoutmaster. Other boys are trying to stay, but the parents say there boys after a troop meeting, have broken down in tears over the actions of the SM and how he is ruining a once great troop, but feel helpless. five more members are ready to jump to other troops if things are not fixed. All events are promised but never materialize due to the SM tasking the boys to arrange the events with no guidence, and blaming the lack of going due to disorganization on them. Advancement is
  23. Some of that I got & some I didn't being so new to the district level.. I guess I should have used DC not CC (District Chair) not (committee Chair). So yes the DC was there.. From what I know there was no nominating committee, but sounds like that would be a good idea given the atmosphere rather then a choice being solely that of the DE. I did offer to do the training Chair position. But only because the whole training staff is empty down to those who do the actual training, those position are fully staffed. I probably would prefer starting in a smaller position, but no one
  24. I know the UC.. But we just got one, and he was our CC until his last son made eagle then went to UC. So the distrust isn't there. I didn't know people had distrust with the UC. Anyway this is the 2nd UC I have had in 12 years of scouting, I had one for 6 months and now this old troop adult leader. I know many many many units have no UC.. I don't know if this is just a problem in our district. The first UC was our UC for 6 months. I did try to use him. I went to him while a CC in the troop that we could not get the SM to work with the committee. His solution was to stop contact with
  25. I am new to the district committee, went to my first meeting and just got voting rights. I plan to go on the training committee. My husband has been in a district position but is taking a new position where he is new to the committee also. This was his 2nd meeting. I had met the DE several times, he is young, but friendly and is trying. Several people on the committee I have met, they are dedicated hard workers, with alot of knowledge and enthusiasm. But the meeting was very disturbing. There is serious problems between the committee & the DE. Some of what it's about I have seen.
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