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Balding Eagle

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Everything posted by Balding Eagle

  1. ScoutNut, The instructors were a couple of Scouts. We begged to make a copy of the setup and answer sheet. We asked the Leader in charge of the POW WOW and his response was to purchase it from the Scout Shop. I looked but I could not find it in the online Scout Shop. The last POW WOW I attended I received a notebook with handouts from all the courses and a CD. This one I received nothing. They are supposed to put everything up on the council website, but nothing to date. Overall, I liked the POW WOW. I learned some good things with the highlight being meeting Mr. Baloo's B
  2. I attended a POW WOW this weekend. One of the sessions offered was running a Cub Scout Compass Course. We were not given any information on how to set the course up or the answer sheet. Where can I obtain them? We are taking the pack camping in a couple of weeks and we would like to use this course. Thanks in Advance!
  3. Thank you everyone for the info. Well, since I live in NJ and my wife is a SAHM, I guess my dreams of a career change will have to remain on hold.
  4. As I sit in my office wishing I could make a career change, I see a local council is looking for a DE. Does anyone know what a DE earns? I know they put in a lot of hours usually nights and weekends, but I am curious.
  5. We will be heading to KMSR albeit only for a Cub/Parent Weekend. This will be our 3rd year for the Cub/Parent Weekend. They do a great job and my son and I have great time. We camped at KMSR in the fall for the Cub Adventure Day and we are having a Pack Camping trip in April @ KMSR. I must admit I was pleasantly surprised to see KMSR mentioned in this thread. I love KMSR. I spent many a night there as a youth. I have many fond memories and a couple of sad. I did a lot of growing up there. Its nice now to go there with my son and point out where my father and I slept on my first ever s
  6. This is sore subject with me. The majority of the Scouts call the adults by their first name. This carries over to sports too. I have recently started correcting any Scout who calls me by my first name. Funny thing is some of the parents have given me a raised eyebrow. It appears to be working somewhat. The Scouts I have corrected no longer call me by my first name; however they still call other adults by their first name. One step at time, I guess.
  7. According to the GSS: Boxing, karate, and related martial artsexcept judo, aikido, and Tai Chiare not authorized activities.
  8. Hey baldingeagle nice forum name. I guess it may get a little confusing.
  9. Just when you think you have all the answers..... Another question: Can 2 father and son pairs share a tent?
  10. I suppose we can string a rope across the room and drape some blankets over it to create a barrier from view. Most people usually sleep in tents and not the cabin. The main reason we reserve cabin site is for females and cooking. I think I have a good understanding of what we need to do. Thanks everyone for your assistance.(This message has been edited by Balding Eagle)
  11. The cabin has a main room and a smaller room, both with bunks. The main room will be for males and the smaller room for females. Does a tent with seperate rooms count as seperate sleeping facilities? Say a three room tent with the parents in one room, the older Son in another room and the younger son and the Scout from the other family in the last room.
  12. Thanks for your replies. So are the sleeping arrangements the only concern? The site we have reserved also has a cabin. What if the Scout slept in there?
  13. Our Pack is having a Family Camping trip in a couple of weeks. One family due to private issues is unable to attend but would like their son to attend. A parent of another family has agreed to be resposible for this Scout. This family will be in attendance with two Parents, their two sons and this Scout. When I heard about this propossed situation YP-GSS alarms went off in my head. I don't know what the proposed sleeping arrangements are but I am assuming the family and the assumed responsibility Scout will all be in the same tent. I seek your advice, input, warnings, etc.
  14. Does anyone know the correct placement of this patch and rockers? Thanks!
  15. Contact your Order of the Arrow lodge. Your council should be able to give the contact information.
  16. Does it have to be Duct Tape? You can probably find electrical tape in those colors. Another option may be a craft store. They always surprise me with what they have available. What kind of decorations are you making? I am looking for some ideas for centerpieces.
  17. Does anyone have information or suggestions on the following requirements for the 75th anniversary award for Cub Scout Leader? Learn about a game that boys played in 1930. Teach the game to Cub Scouts at a den meeting, pack meeting, camp, or district activity, or to a group of leaders at a training event or roundtable. Using materials that would have been available in 1930, teach a craft to Cub Scouts at a den meeting, pack meeting, camp, or district activity, or to a group of leaders at a training event or roundtable. Learn a song that was popular in 1930. Teach the song to Cu
  18. A similar situation happened when I was a youth. The scapegoat boy was kicked out the troop. The other four boys earned their eagles and aged out at 18.
  19. I agree with Double Eagle, can't go wrong at that price.
  20. There is no other requirement. The principal made it very clear that if we didnt paint we could still have our meetings there. I agree with everyone that this something the boys can do. I do not know why the principals request was meet with so much resistance last year.
  21. He stated he made this request last year and it almost started a major battle with the pack looking for another meeting place. I would like to hear opinions as to this request. By the way my Den is 2nd grade Wolfs. (This message has been edited by Tiger_Dad)
  22. Our pack is chartered by the PTO of the elementary school where we have our pack and den meetings. When I met with the principal to schedule my den meetings he requested I consider have the boys or some parents painting some restrooms in need of painting. He would supply the materials and we would have to supply the labor. He(This message has been edited by Tiger_Dad)
  23. If you can get into the jumpstart area on the OA National site you will find the correct spelling. Hope this helps.
  24. "Participate in an outdoor flag ceremony." What constitutes participation? Being present at an outdoor flag ceremony? Or being a member of the color guard? Or something else?
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