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Everything posted by bacchus

  1. The anonymity and distance tend to add to the lack of civility. In addition, people cannot "read" the inflection of our voice and cannot feel the context of the comment. Regardless, we should take note and make a conscious effort not to offend. Without, of course, lowering our standards
  2. I like to see the scouts in full uniform and as an adult leader I point out what's wrong with it. Maybe I'm preparing them for life, or maybe just the next BOR/EBOR. Whatever the case, next time they go in to see 3 adults who are dressed in their Class A uniforms, they will be dressed likewise, with all pockets buttoned. As to denying BOR or EBOR. I don't think we should do it if they have met the requirements. Even a slouch who has performed all the requirements for rank deserves the rank without an additional test or requirement by the board - unless of course the board believes the
  3. Your COR is not just there to sign paperwork, but she doesn't know that yet. Regardless, you can move on without her if necessary. Scouting.org has a recommended system here: http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/TrainingModules/SelectingQualityLeaders.aspx . Talk with your Unit Commissioner for any other suggestions. Good luck with it.
  4. To address some of the accusations I have seen put forth by the media, why is it that when a "right-wing" commentator makes a statement regarding the cost of government-provided healthcare it is a biased lie, but when somebody from the "left-wing" makes a statement about the cost, it is considered fact?
  5. I have noticed that people very often determine whether something is "right" or "wrong" depending on their political party, and the political party of the person committing the act. For example, a left-wing nut might say, "You're a Nazi" to Dick Cheney and Democrats would say that's acceptable speech while a Republican would call it unfair and uncivil. Then, when a right-wing nut says something similar to Barney Frank at a town hall, the Republican says "free speech" and the Democrat says, "but it's true, talking to her really is like talking to a table." In the end it's just a bunch of
  6. So true. And I didn't mean to take this thread off-topic, but I was just commenting to the SM less than a week ago about how this Life Scout could have gone to the regular summer camp instead of his high adventure activity and would probably be done right now. Well, I guess the boys need to have some fun while they are still young. The 8 merit badge shortfall is true, but it's a half exaggeration too since he's working on about 6 of them that are almost done, and his mother has him working with a couple specialists in the areas for the other 2, so he will be o.k. I just wonder how he h
  7. Nuts? No, it sounds great. This is a super way to keep the scouts interested, involved, and looking forward to next year. Now what do I do about the guy in my unit that is 17 3/4 years old and has his eagle project done, but needs 8 more merit badges?
  8. Good one Sandspur, get the real SEALS on board to out him Regardless, I like the Beavah's suggestion - vote with your feet.
  9. Lots of good posts. I've been trying to do the same, and glad Mr. Mazzuca and OGE are pushing this topic to the forefront. I'll also be reporting my progress to my youth. I think they look up to their seniors' examples, even if they don't want us to know it.
  10. Trevor, Why is it that an unmarried homosexual couple in a committed relationship is not promiscuous, when an unmarried heterosexual couple in a committed relationship is? Have our standards really sunk that low?
  11. ""Because the change is one of interpretation. Morally straight is a general term which leaves a lot of room for individual interpretation." I agree. When the Oath was written "straight" was the opposite of crooked just as gay was the opposite of sad." -Hal You can argue that our modern translation of "straight" to mean heterosexual does not coincide with the Baden Powell translation of "straight", but you would have a difficult time arguing that the Baden Powell definition of "morally straight" allows an individual to be promiscuous, regardless of the gender with which they intend to be
  12. Penn and Gern, though interesting, your accusations do nothing to support your views that homosexuals should be admitted into scouting. In addition, your predecessors who came from all-white churches were very upset about the Mormons settling in Missouri. One of their main complaints was that this new "voting bloc" was primarily from Northern states and therefore against slavery. To remove these immigrants from their territory they raped the women and killed many good men, women, and children. The locals then forced their new neighbors across the Western plains and the Rockies in the mi
  13. "My answer would be for the BSA to do the same thing the BSA did when the Mormon Church first started charteing units - much to the very vocal chagrin of many volunteer scouters - Nothing." So you are saying that back in 1913, 2 years after scouting came to the States, that there were already "many volunteer scouters" and they had "very vocal chagrin"? I'm interested in seeing the newspaper articles you got that from. And exactly what immoral influence was it that the BSA did not want?
  14. "I have to admit that I find: " After all no one religion has an exclusive on getting to heaven, even though the Catholics like to think they do" Way over the top." I'm not Catholic but I have to agree. Scouting is one of the few unifying organizations among many religious groups. We should find our similarities here, not snipe at each other. It makes no sense to me why people would advocate "tolerance" by putting down others' beliefs.
  15. Wow, this is a hot topic. Deservedly so. The winds of change are working to change our very morals. They are doing this in the name of "progress" or "acceptance" or even "tolerance". I believe we should be tolerant of our friends who act in ways we do not approve. However, we do not need to change the Scout Oath, or to make exceptions to individuals, or large groups, who do not want to follow our standards. Regardless, BSA is going to find itself faced more and more between a rock and hard place as these "winds of change" continue to try to change our moral compass. In the end i
  16. Back in March at the completion of the outdoors part of Wood Badge, we were given a recognition coin. I was surprised for two reasons: 1) I didn't realize we would get a coin - that was kind of cool, and 2) To me the coin seemed kind of flimsy and thin. I live near a couple military bases and people there are given coins for various units, training, or schools they have attended. So I guess my idea of a recognition coin is a little skewed by that. However, I thought a coin that was awarded to me would be a little heavier and wider. This one just seems a bit thin. My personal opin
  17. Come on guys, this isn't rocket science. The Chartered Organization is Presbyterian, it's only fair that's where they attend. If somebody is going to pull the argument that he, or his child, does not want to attend there; and you do not have 4 adults (2 for the service, 2 for chaperoning the non-attenders) then it's not really an option anymore and nobody goes to church. All the better reason to be home early enough they can go to their own congregations, or maybe even be home Saturday night.
  18. Edit. Glad it got worked out (This message has been edited by bacchus)
  19. bacchus


    Will all Owls please raise their hands?
  20. From the Scout Oath: On My Honor... I will... keep myself... morally straight. From the Scout Law: Trustworthy, Loyal, among others. We can make excuses all we want, but if the adults are not following the standards, how can we expect the youth to follow them? My suggestion is to get rid of the problem, asap. By the way if you know about the problem, the boys probably figured it out a while ago.
  21. 2 Scout Shirts 1 Belt 1 Pair Scout Pants 2 Pairs Socks
  22. I'm a relatively-new, but trained, COR. Looking to make a difference.
  23. Kind of the opposite situation here. I hear through the grapevine the SM will not allow one Star Scout to have a POR because he wants to hold off his advancement. I'm the COR and will be checking into it tonight. If somebody wants to hold a Scout back, it would seem the more appropriate route would be through the SMC and this just feels a bit dishonest. Thoughts?
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