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Aquila calva

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Everything posted by Aquila calva

  1. Thank you, Mr. Churchill! Congratulations that your Philmont belt still fit 30 years later! You must have purchased it extra large as a youth! Wink, wink. The big question remaining is... Does rattlesnake really taste like chicken? Does anyone know for sure?
  2. Another suggestion... Whenever the Mom laughs at bad behavior from her son(s), quickly and calmly walk up to her, look her in the eye, and (again calmly) say, "That is not funny." Then immediately continue with the program. This may help. Or, she may be in complete denial of what is going on. Really sad!
  3. Hello Margaret, Welcome to these discussions. Below is a link to some past discussion on a similar situation. There are some helpful suggestions from a number of contributors. This was from March 2006 in the Cub Scout section of the discussion board. The title of that thread is Unruly CubScout keep or kick-out? When a situation develops that basically comes down to its the good guy or its the bad guy we need to make some difficult choices. When the bad guys include an eight-year-old, out-of-control, child, along with his Mom with questionable parenting skills, and an older bro
  4. One Hour says "We were a small troop 20-25 boys." Gosh. In our Council the "average" size of a Boy Scout troop is 20 scouts. That isn't small. That's average. Not bad at all. The quality of the program, and the good relationship among the members are the most important aspects of this important group activity. Have fun Scouting.
  5. "I'm happy to be a dreamer, but the Scouts who join Scouting didn't join to just dream." The Scouts joined to have fun. Let's see...What IS that vision thing? Vision Statement The Boy Scouts of America is the nation's foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training. In the future Scouting will continue to Offer young people responsible fun and adventure; Instill in young people lifetime values and develop in them ethical character as expressed in the Scout Oath and Law; Train young people in citizenship, service, and leadership
  6. Eds advice IS correct. But also tell your Scout Executive about this man, and do it today. You may find out that the SE already knows. Your CC, COR and SM need to act quickly and decisively. These three need to understand the situation and be in total agreement as to what to do and how to do it. These three need to deal with a situation that is immediately dangerous. This is one time when a committee meeting is not necessary. This is one time when the CC should pick up the phone and tell this guy he cannot ever show up at a meeting again. You are dealing with a man with major a
  7. A different view...or two. "The truth is this: no one of the gods loves wisdom [philosophen] or desires to become wise [sophs], for he is wise already. Nor does anyone else who is wise love wisdom. Neither do the ignorant love wisdom or desire to become wise, for this is the harshest thing about ignorance, that those who are neither good [agaths] nor beautiful [kals] nor sensible [phrnimos] think that they are good enough, and do not desire that which they do not think they are lacking." Plato, Symposium, 203E-204A. 1 Corinthians 3:18: Let no one deceive himself. If any one
  8. Posted on Mon, Jan. 22, 2007 This article is about Big Brothers Big Sisters. When I read the phrase one hour a week and when this article made a reference to volunteers time, I thought the scouter forum may like to read this. The times they are a changing, indeed. Schools + mentors = a perfect match Homeroom Big Brothers Big Sisters / Young program's popularity growing rapidly BY MARY BAUER Pioneer Press It's noon, and the two students are on the floor, hunched over a piece of art paper in the school gym at Kenneth Hall Elementary in Spring Lake Park. At fir
  9. During a radio interview yesterday on Minnesota Public Radio (you can look it up if you are interested), Peter Kottke said the lady had made camp in a very protected area, out of the wind, but it was also out of sight of where they were hiking, on the other side of the river. Peter said she had expressed disappointment that no one had come searching for her. The young men didn't know what to say at that point, but found out later that a searcher had been about 300 feet from her camp, but didn't find her. He went on to say that it is most important to tell family and friends exactly where
  10. Posted on Tue, Jan. 16, 2007 A routine hike and a rescue Minnesota brothers come to the aid of a woman stranded five weeks in the mountain wilderness of southwestern New Mexico BY TAD VEZNER Pioneer Press Before Saturday, the Kottke brothers could count on one finger the number of times they'd encountered other hikers while exploring the mountainous wilderness of southwestern New Mexico. But last weekend, they found and saved Carolyn Dorn, a 52-year-old South Carolina woman so weak and desperate for an offered feast of Tang and ramen noodles that she could barely mov
  11. The BSA may not have any troops that are made up of adult leaders. But there are two groups that take on some characteristics of such troops. They are Wood Badge (adults) and Order of the Arrow (youth and adults). Then there are those temporary troops that form during summer leader training at the Philmont Training Center at Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. Do an internet search on the following and you will learn a lot. Wood Badge, Boy Scouts of America Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of America Philmont Training Center, Boy Scouts of America
  12. Seventeen scouts at summer camp taking Wilderness Survival Merit Badge. They go on an overnight. These are often supervised by the MB counselors at summer camp. 15-year-olds may well be the camp counselors. At other summer camps, how many of these Wilderness Survival overnights have adults along? Probably not many. Things may change. That was 2002. This is 2007. Those 15-year-olds are now 19. Possibly married, with children of their own. Future Boy Scouts.
  13. Indeed! "These are the good old days." An idea that has been around since...well...the good old days. We can never know about the days to come But we think about them anyway And I wonder if I'm really with you now Or just chasin' after some finer day Anticipation Anticipation Is makin' me late Is keepin' me waitin' And I tell you how easy it feels to be with you And how right your arms feel around me But I, I rehearsed those lines just late last night When I was thinkin' about how right tonight might be Anticipation Anticipation Is makin' me late Is
  14. Thanks for the post. Creating the good old days for our children and grandchildren is a wonderful task. A little free association...It made me think of the theme song to "All in the Family" and made me smile. (Politically incorrect and all.) "Boy, the way Glen Miller played. Songs that made the Hit Parade. Guys like us, we had it made. Those were the days! Didn't need no welfare state. Everybody pulled his weight Gee, our old LaSalle (a car) ran great. Those were the days! And you knew where you were then! Girls were girls and men were men. Mister, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover a
  15. ...held out his LEFT hand... We will most honor Eagle Scout Ford when this country ELECTS an Eagle Scout to the post of President. Our work is cut out for us. Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.
  16. Who is Kohlberg? From Wikipedia.... "Lawrence Kohlberg (October 25, 1927 January 19, 1987) was an American psychologist...... Lawrence Kohlberg grew up in a wealthy family and attended Phillips Academy, a private and renowned high school. During World War II, after finishing his high school education, he enlisted and became an engineer on a freighter. On that ship he and his shipmates decided to aid Jews attempting to escape from Europe to Palestine. They accomplished this by smuggling them in banana crates that were secretly beds, fooling government inspectors that formed the
  17. Before the marvel of this night Adoring, fold your wings and bow, Then tear the sky apart with light And with your news the world endow. Proclaim the birth of Christ and peace, That fear and death and sorrow cease: Sing peace, sing peace, sing gift of peace! Awake the sleeping world with song, This is the day our God has made. Assemble here, celestial throng, In royal splendor come arrayed. Give earth a glimpse of heav'nly bliss, A teasing taste of what they miss: Sing bliss, sing bliss, sing endless bliss! The love that we have always known, Ou
  18. This was in our local newspaper on 12/8/06. Good advice! Should his focus be on kids or cleaning? ABIGAIL VAN BUREN Dear Abby: I would like your opinion about something. I am a single dad with two kids. I work 60 hours a week to support them. I'm involved with the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, soccer, their school, etc. I am often on the go to the point that the vacuuming, mopping and dusting are postponed. Personally, I feel that being involved with the kids is more important. I have a lady friend I have been seeing for a few years, and our relationship is at a standstill. She is a
  19. Sounds like a good idea for an improvised grommet. Calling it an Indian grommet probably doesnt give Native Americans enough credit for very carefully-made loops and stakes that served to hold their dwellings to the ground (tipis in this case). (The dwellings were made by and owned by the women of the tribe.) Here is a link to a photograph by Edward Curtis from about 1926. Look along the bottom edge of the tipi for the loops that must have been well-sown into the rest of the material that covers the frame. There are extra stakes near the girls feet, too. http://www.ushistoricalarchive.
  20. Sounds like fun. Here is one place to see pictures and even a short video. http://ropesandpoles.blogspot.com/
  21. "now all you buddhists, sit this one out, we've been over it" That would be Lotus position, I presume. I am a Roman Catholic just about to go to sleep, praying to the BVM that mk9750 will now drop the inquisition of this scout. Life is too short! It sounds like the real "problem" is with the scout's parents. Give the scout a break, for heaven's sake! "Hail Mary, full of grace..."
  22. mk9750 In reading some of these posts again, follow Hunts advice. His advice coincides with the message being offered by the current President of the Boy Scouts, Rick Cronk. When people use the word "membership" you think of kids, and Scouting asking kids if they believe in God. ... We don't ask those questions. Rick Cronk, President of the Boy Scouts of America Published May 23, 2006, USAToday http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2006-05-23-cronk-interview_x.htm The following is from an interview with Rick Cronk published in USNews last June. Turning to God in the
  23. The young man probably hasnt had a whole lot of opportunity to study world religions. He may not really understand the extent of his choices. Perhaps one place to start could be here: http://www.buddhistinformation.com/ He could come to his next meeting with you and explain how he has taken up an in depth study of Buddhism and is now on a journey seeking truth. He could say his God is Truthfulness. Or perhaps (to get closer to the Christian texts)...his God is Love. He could say "I believe in the higher power of truthfulness and love." A line from the page listed ab
  24. beetles = insects The Beatles = the rock band (1960-1970) ...as in "to beat the drum." A little musical etymology. The band had split up before John L recorded "Imagine" (in 1971) which was also the title of his second post-Beatles album. (Some of our younger readers will be wondering what an "album" is...Oh well.)
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