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Everything posted by Hiromi

  1. Bob WHite wrote --"Pappy, In your opinion what would do more to enhance the BSAs Brand recognition and quality? A video from national showing the BSA program, or having more local units that followed the BSA program?" And Pappy responds- "Well both of course, Bob. But I am not convinced that simply following the BSA program is any guarantee of quality or generating buzz, brand naming, or FOS.( We have been down that road before). What I was saying- National- or a group of scouters, would do well by scouting by producing a series of high quality videos that show scouting in action. Tha
  2. Hey fellas, I remember one time at a Pack meeting I stood up and asked the scouts why they thought being a scout is a good thing. The Cub master's son answered it. He said that it will be good for his career when trying to get a job. That was actually the most articulate answer I got from the group. IT got me thinking about our values as a society. I have met parents who call teachers and in threatening terms pressure them into raising their childs grade. I have met many parents who do their childrens assignments for them. I meet parents who coach to insure that their kid will play
  3. Bob, I'm Sorry I misrepresented your postion. I stand corrected. Thanks for pointing it out. Piling on is so much fun, soemtimes I get carried away. Back to the Games thread - Yes - it wasn't the scouts's fault that he was poorly formed. You're right of course. My point was that you do see alot of schooling model as opposed to what I think BP intended in scout meetings and the approach to advancement and badges- getting boys out in the woods practicing these skills in the context of scouting- and not abstracted- I see dishonesty and dad's and mom's doing the work for t
  4. Bob, I got from It's Me's post that learning from doing- i.e. practicing scout craft by doing an activity frequently is a more robust and effective way to learn something than to learn it in a Merit badge class (for instance). You can go over lashings in a gym during night time BS meeting, or you can build fortifications with a time limit and restrictions on what kind of lashings you may use in the forest as the enemy approaches.. One is abstracted into a schooling model, the other is fun and games-man-ship and the skill is also emphasized. Lots of canoeing trips with the skill
  5. Gold Winger (Angel's Wings?) Where in the world are you going with this one? (Unless you are reiterating one of the greatest apologetics arguments for why the Catholic Church takes a dim view of Sola Scriptura and beleives that Sacred Tradition and A teaching magisterium of the church are needed as well for the proper formation of the faithful). Welcome to the fold Gold Winger- you old garlic eater! God Bless Us, Every On Pappy(This message has been edited by Pappy)
  6. Boffo response "Its Me"! But I have one question for you Mr. Smarty pants- How do you make your print hot magenta colored?! Pappy
  7. From THe Archives: Epistles of Captain Pappy Spiney Norman RE: The Epistles of Captain Pappy: Letters to news papers in defense of scouting Posted: Thursday, 1/24/2008: 10:08:33 PM Well PAPPY I have to hand it to you. This board has certainly lit up since your arrival. I do have one question for you though. Can you tell me exactly where it states that the BSA is a Christian organization as you stated above. "You should go with him to the first few meetings and see for yourself citizens in action trying to turn green young bucks into creatures worthy o
  8. You'll get no argument out of me. My son, when he is of age- can choose what direction he will take. I know the length of my power over him. And I know that you can only come into Christ of your own free will. But I am duty bound, as are his God-parents, to insure that he has been brought into the fullness of the faith. I think we all have the tendencey to take from people's words what meanings we choose to consider, and filter out or simply ignore the rest. "There are not a hundred people in America who hate the Catholic Church. There are millions of people who hate what they
  9. In the Guise of a Game: Developing games to promote scouting skills, whether it be canoeing, pioneering, orienteering and geo-caching - what have you - is the creative end of our job. Games make things that in the abstract may not seem so apparently fun. I know that you guys hold serious reservations about anything that smacks of paramilitary or PC-incorrect. But lets not forget what boys already love. They love adventure -They love conflicts- They love a little danger- They love adult tools- They love martial combat They love codes and tests of wits and grist.
  10. I won't go down that rabbit hole with you Gold Winger. The forum menbers could read scripture for themselves. Pappy
  11. Pappy "Probably the best way for a scout leader to promote a Scout's "Duty to God" and being "Reverent", is by personal example and how they live the values of their own faith each day."----Bob WHite I find myself partially agreeing with Bob White here. But this is an open-ended idea- isnt it. While I didnt agree with your other sentiments pertaining to discovering belief as opposed to being taught belief. (Catechesis is central for most faiths because if you dont learn the Sacred texts and the traditions of your faith and discuss them with others and with teachers then your fo
  12. Fire Cat- Perhaps you complaint about this word and how your perception of an XY X X double standard about licentiousness could be spun into its own thread. I think that the Christian, Orthodox Jewish and Muslim view is that this is aberrant behavior. (The sexual deviance- not the going off message on threads). Libertinism and casual out of wedlock sexual dalliance is equally offensive to those that believe that it is both socially and morally and spiritually damaging behavior. It does indeed rise to being timely- worth while, and relevant to this forum if we Scouters rea
  13. Trevorum wrote: "OK, Beav, I'll be patient. I'm genuinely baffled as to what you mean by "inform Scouting". That has the sound of meaning, but is elusively slippery. Can you rephrase that question?"" Defintion Number 3 is the "Inform" I meant. But in a srtange way all the differnt senses of the word inform are intersting. How does Religion inform Scouitng? To Inform: 1. to give or impart knowledge of a fact or circumstance to: He informed them of his arrival. 2. to supply (oneself) with knowledge of a matter or subject: She informed herself of all the pertinent f
  14. Hiya fellas, I think a good compromise might be to have separate sites out of eye or ear shot but close enough to be there if there is any trouble. THen a lot of issues such as transportaion, being able to travel to better road-trip distanced parks, saftey, and parental concerns are met to a degree. You can even invite each other over for camp visits- say the scouts cook a meal for the ADults, and vice versa. And then back to your ownn camp sites. FWIW Pappy
  15. Here is what I came up with. Probably pretty useless. T L H F C K O C T B C R The large hippo forgot copper kroners October to buy corn risotto. Ticks lick hairy fat crumb kernels off corn tubers but cant read. I better go and find where I left my life! Pappy
  16. The argument could be made that the term is inherently unchristian, in that it is an accusation not unlike the accusation that Jesus was asked to judge in which he stated that he who is without sin throw the first stone. On the other hand - that term is not without utility in describing an aberrant and sinful behavior. I wish that our culture still mostly thought in those terms. There seems to be no shame left in our society- how can you have s***s when virginity is looked on with ridicule- adults put their girls on birth control at 12 and 13, and many if not most kids don't even da
  17. Beavah, Thanks for considering this worthy of a thread. I think that the best rationale for considering this subject worthy of discussion is that we have formally ensconced in our scouting tradition an Oath based on Honor that we will do our Duty to God, and that we will uphold our mandate to Be Reverent. While we can emphasize some aspects of scouting and deemphasize others, I would think that some would like to just suppose some aspects of the Scout Law and Oath would just disappear or at least be left to the parents. The question is: Reverence to what? How should this r
  18. Old Grey Eagle- I won't go down that rabbit hole of Ron Paul and the LIbertarians fighting the Federal Bogey man. ALL I was communicating to Mark was if there is a way to construct a home made buzzer that would send off a signal that would be picked up by radios. This might be a neat thing to know if you are trapped in a place- have access to electricity- and want to let the world know you where you are. Besides- Orwell might approve of such a device- because using one would initially get "Big Brother" pretty peeved - until it was reaslized it was just a resourceful BOy Scout t
  19. Thanks again Mark. Do know of any good websites that are authoriative on the subject of Morse code and proper emergency transmissions? Would it be a ham radio protocol? Also - do you know anything about making a home-made buzzer that could be used to send transmissions in an emergency? Probably if the scout had access to electrical power, they wold probably have access to a phone - but I always want to know---"what MacGyver would do?" I realize that this sort of device would be illegal in normal use- but if a scout needd to be located, if he sent out a transmission, it could be tr
  20. Great advice Mark. Yes, when it is taught in meetings, that I use a small keyboard- or I have actually just sang the code on occasions. BUt what you said is absolutley correct. I don't have them think in tems of Dsh and Dot but thing like Da-dooog - Di - it! and other memorable sound combinations. THank you for the feedback. By the way- another scoutmaster told me that John McCain didn't actually ude Morse ode in the VC prison. Do you know what code he used to communicate to his prison mates if not Morse? Thanks Pappy
  21. Gold Winger, My campouts look like Norman Rockwell paintings. So I have seen evidence to the contrary. We chop trees and Saplings down with axes. It is great fun. But did John in K.C. want his thread to contain tit for tats and debates about the veracity of each of our comments he asked for. John- is this what you want? Pappy
  22. Did some one say brainstorm? My favorite kind of weather. 1. Hire a marketing firm to think of ways to sell scouting to Youth and Adults and America. 2. Develop a scout Boy Scout Academy and form an elite Scouting Force, not unlike the Navy Seals, but there mission would be to be a crack scouting outfit- fully uniformed, visually impressive, affable, communicative, and then start filming them in action doing high adventure- troop meeting- conducting patrol meeting. Show us out here how it should be done. 3. This Boy Scout Academy can be virtual- online , or real, either summer or y
  23. Hi Fellas, The Handles are in a great fun. In fact, over time the boys were given the opportuity to change there handle. Currelty we have such handles as Smokey bear, Snake Eyes, Saber TOoth, Tank, Pan Am, Chief, and Hog. It is definetly in the spirit of gamesmanship and imagination. I think boys love pretending. ANd the handles help give them a scouter game identity. Those games are more like a klodike (with stations to perform tasks,etc.) then war games. But calling something a mine field, or to be capable of watching for ambushes and trip wirtes and booby traps is a very
  24. Besides, those staves make superlative fighting staffs. Especially on logs over a nice brook. I one time found myself against a portly friar from our parish who had the audacity to not allow me to pass over the log first. He made quick work of me I can tell you! How was I to know he was once a Knight Hospitalier! I'm off to join my band of merry men to make for mischief for the Sherif of Knodingham. Tallyho Bob - you old Saxon Dog! Pappy-hood
  25. evmori, There was a concern expressed to me in PM that the google search engine was directing the words with the CO name towards our heated discussions that involved many amazingly negative critiques of my integrity, including epitaphs cpmparing me to a certain German political party of the 1930's and 40's. THis association may have been very unfortunate for the CO and for that matter for me and for our unit. I do suspect that there may have been conversations (though I am only specualting here) that may have brought up libel or slander. Certain members seeemd to have fabricated inf
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