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Fuzzy Bear

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Everything posted by Fuzzy Bear

  1. JH, The D.E., the D.C. and the parents are all myths when it comes to you taking over their responsibilities. People find true happiness when this occurs because it is just one less hour for them and one more for you. Happy Trails, FB
  2. Lisabob, I realize that you are trying not to tread on the tender ego of the male beast. No doubt such a good hearted warrior would fall hard from such a violent blow but if he hasn't taken WB, then he should. It was fun even in the olden days before fire was invented in the 1980's. I may just do it again so that I will not be such a relic. I may still have what it takes to work my ticket. OFB
  3. If the guy cant remember what he took 20 years ago then his memory of what he learned has been lost as well. It is time to update. By the way, 20 years ago was 1986. Cornerstone had long been gone by that time. He took Scout Leader Training which had an overnighter. The old WB course had three weekends. He should have some kind of evidence. WB records are also preserved by the merging councils. Records are generally not summarily or ceremonially burned. FB
  4. As a former teacher, I have witnessed students with babies at 12 and 13. People congratulate the happy parent and go gaga over the babies. Few bother to cast a shadow of condemnation or even ask questions about financial resources, marriage, the absent Father, health care, or if they will finish their education. It is expected that Medicaid, Welfare and other Social programs like grandparents will fill the void. The Church people are the happiest because another child of poverty is alive and well, so marriage at 12 is exactly what the anti-abortion crowd has longed for all of these years.
  5. The basketball Team analogy does include the bench warmers but in a Scout Service Project there are no bench warmers. It may not quite fit because there are only five slots in Basketball and the Coach may want any one of those filled with a fresh player at any time during the game. So by inference, all that are suited up are possible players during the entire game. In a Scout Service Project, all that suit up are players/workers during the entire project time and just being ready to work usually doesnt apply. There are also administrative parts of the project that must be completed a
  6. Here are other possibilities that will kill off society: Heterosexuals that marry and divorce and leave behind children or chose not to have children or cannot have children. Heterosexuals that live together for fun and leave behind a string of partners with or without children. Heterosexuals that decide to practice permanent or temporary birth control or are impotent. Heterosexuals that live in a drug induced state of euphoria and are impotent by choice. There, I believe that is the clear majority. Society must now fail save a few married with children and unmarried
  7. Here are at least two viewpoints that should be considered. The parents of the other Scouts in the Den will take a dim view of this person just for him being on the list for whatever the reason. The other parents of the Pack will be further from the truth than those in the Den but will decide the truth for themselves and condemn the Den and the Pack. The BSA is very quick to judge and will disallow this person access to a leadership role of any kind. How do I know this? Because we had an incident that was remotely like this one and the individual was disallowed leade
  8. Yes, Y.H. pointless and fun, so here goes: I am against homosexuality because it doesn't float my boat and because the BSA says it's wrong and its off limits to the Catholics but then I am not a Catholic but I am a Scout leader. I just happen to agree with them but not for the same reasons. With that being said, I am not against homosexuals marrying because there have always been homosexuals and it is high time they have a taste of something that will settle them down. Running from person to person for sex doesn't do much for disease control or for relationship building and I am for bu
  9. The GOP should simply pass a bill that states it won't do business with the Bank of America unless they do whatever the politicos want them to do no matter what the issue. This will short circuit the whole political mess making it the Grand Ole Party that we have come know for the past few years. Always being right makes tough love easy.
  10. I obtained my beads in 1982 but arrogance was not part of the program as I remember it. I will always honor the friendships that it brought to me and the quality of training that remains solidly practical. I have long since recovered from working with several at the Council level that knew how to run everything. These individuals were highly knowledgeable about all there was to know about Scouting and any other issue and worked closely with each to make it all happen, so I am satisfied that they are still doing wonders without me. I have come to appreciate that the least job in Scouting is
  11. Yellow H. You are right there is very little that is added by anyone's addition to any of these religious/personal arguments. Everyone already has their stock opinion. We could do this by the numbers rather than spend time typing it out. It makes little difference how strong a position that anyone has; nobody changes, even the weakest of musings has solid support. So, it is the ethereal optimist in me that puts wind under my wings. FB
  12. Ok folks, lets play Local Politics! The first rule is to understand that everyone in this game will not change their mind one little bit. Everyone has their mind made up about what is right and what is wrong. The second rule is that no matter how strong your argument is nobody will be moved from their personal logic, religion or prejudice. The third rule is that only two parties will unite all of these different opinions under one banner or the other. You must understand that you don't have a choice. The fourth rule is that if you decide that you will try to gain supp
  13. CNY, Let's play like I am your UC for a few serves. I call you and say, "Hey CNY, how are you doing? You look a little forlorn and try to say that all is well but with my wealth of people skills I say, "You look like we need to talk over a pot of coffee. Do you have some time?" You begin to smile, knowing that I have a bundle of secrets that will make Scouting fall right into place for you. The pressure is off. You know that you will not need to do two people's job instead of the one that you want to do for your hour this week. I begin by telling you that, "my bac
  14. If one wanted to prioritize what is important in politics, one should begin with finding where our money is going instead of where is all of the dust being kicked up. Our national debt may well put us back into the dark ages where we belong with all of the political moralizing. The Chinese view of intermingling politics and religion is that it makes for the worst of all possible conditions. We can still be proud because our super-hero has won the day with pockets over stuffed with our cash. FB
  15. I send the happy couple my best. May the fruit of your union bring forth peace and happiness. FB
  16. It was stated that the BSA has the "appearance" of a religious organization. Why is it like a religious organization? It requires its' members to believe in God. The BSA's oath or promise states "duty to God". One part of the BSA's Law is "reverent". This is not truly evidence of a religious organization but it is close enough to make a call. The stuff regarding public schools, the Constitution, the First Amendment, the Fourteenth Amendment and Supreme Court rulings will only make this longer, so I won't risk it. FB (This message has been edited
  17. Ed, The original Constitution without the Bill of rights, without the First Amendment, and without the Supreme Court rulings for the Separation of Church and State would make your statement correct. In 2006, your statement is questionable but then you may have other information. FB
  18. Ed, (You asked me about my reasons for supporting the BSA in leaving the public schools and returning to churches.) The BSA is not a religious organization but its' policy declares that people that do not believe in a God cannot join. The BSA also uses the word reverent in its Law and duty to God in the Oath. This appears to be a policy that is religious in nature and it creates confusion for those trying to figure it out. The BSA is also charted by the United States government but the BSA declares that it is a private organization and can make its' own policies. The polici
  19. Ed, To ask a question that has already been asked and answered by signing the registration form is to imply the Scout is untrustworthy, disloyal, disobedient, cowardly, and irreverent. That is the reason that the question is confrontational. To ask a question regarding one's religious growth assumes the Scout believes in God and is seeking his way daily. It opens the door for an interchange and a way to get to know the Scout personally. It is a question based on friendship and brotherhood. It allows one to reflect about what is happening to them spiritually. People seldom
  20. I grew up with school prayer. The administration played a Christian song over the loud speaker and then had a Christian prayer every day. Since I was a Christian, my feeling was still guarded because I kept thinking about some of my friends that were of other faiths. I later decided that everyone must be Christian by default during these interludes and that it was understood to be universal. Years later as an adult, I delivered a Christian sermon at a Camporee. My best friend came up to me afterwards and reminded me that he was Jewish. I told him I did not know how to make it universal an
  21. As I see it, Scouting belongs in the churches and civic clubs and not in the schools or public supported institutions. Religion belongs in the Churches and the daily life of the individual and should not be watered down or disturbed by school activities. Prayer belongs in the individual's private daily meditations and should not be disturbed by school activities or any other activity. Whenever religion becomes a public activity, it ceases to be what it was intended for and that is for the individual and that person's God. Whenever the State legislates religion, then religion ceases to be a
  22. The "war" is all about the overwhelming desire to cram religion down the throats of school children and any other person that will stand still long enough to allow it. It has become a religious jihad for those that believe in an impotent God and a full political agenda against any that won't do as they are told. It is a war against thought and the right of free speech. It is a fear that someone will actually have a religion or no religion other than the one prescribed. It is a war against freedom itself. This last year I spoke with (not to) more than 500 students. By the way, the stu
  23. LB, Nothing wrong with moralizing that I can see. Point is that it doesn't seem to work. It is like potty training a two year old. It can't be done in one setting. I am not sure that anything will work because their aim seems to be way off. Just get out the Wipees and be prepared to clean it up. FB
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