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Everything posted by Eagle1984

  1. Well said Trail Pounder. I agree whole heartedly.
  2. Kahuna said it best. An Eagle Scout is only a "former" Eagle Scout when National takes it away. You can leave scouting and go on with your life, but unfortunately, "Once an Eagle Always and Eagle". Whether or not you choose to continue in the Boy Scout program, you are an Eagle Scout for life. I am proud of obtaining Scouting highest award. I became one of the elite in the scouting program when I obtained this honor on July 13, 1984 and I am still involved with the program as an adult in several areas of the program: troop level, district level and council level. Receiving the "
  3. Is there a right time and a wrong time to wear your sash. It has always been my understanding when I was a youth in the program and now as an adult, you only wear the sash when you are involved in an official OA function. I see pictures of youth's and/or adult's wearing them in pictures taken for Court's of Honor, at regular Court's of Honor. I recently attended an Troop COH to present an award to a scout in this particular unit and found those that were OA wearing their sash. This same unit wore them at another COH when I did an FOS presentation. When I asked why them why they were weari
  4. I have had this happen inmy district and it turned out to be one heck of a service project for the troop and the scouts involved received service hour credit for the time they spent working on it. Apparently the scout wasn't council on the Life to Eagle process very well if something like this happened.
  5. I need some help. Somewhere I saw this, but can't remember when or on what website. I am looking for animated badges of rank to use for a computer presentation. Can anyone help me out. Eagle1984
  6. I've been thru this one many times for a venture crew I was a part of. 1. Check with the bank you wish to use and they will give you the information that is needed to open an account(Be sure to tell them that you are with a NOT FOR PROFIT group) 2. If your CO doesn't have one or won't share it for any reason, contact your council office and ask for a tax exempt letter that is standard from the IRS or Dept of Revenue in your state. 3. Any and ALL mail should be directed to your CO as adults leave and hard feelings can happen and they may empty the account just to get back at some
  7. To ALL those concerned, This is to inform those of you who have chosen to address this post. I, Eagle1984, am not associated with the unit and problems in question. All responses come from him to me to add to this Scouter.com board. I am a long time scout friend and have seen my share of internal problems in a unit(pack & troop). Every unit can't and won't function properly even when every leader has all the best training in the world. He has informed me that the CC, COR and SM have met and have dealt with the problem(s) and don't think that it will surface again. I
  8. BW, After looking at the numerous posts from hotdesk, it doesn't look as if he actually has specific responsibilites. Is there a sheet somewhere that gives a job description of a JASM. It also seems that with his father as the SM, he does whatever he wants, therefore bypassing the SPL all together.
  9. His position is as Jr ASM. The BOR's have been held and everyone is advancing just fine. Thanks for the concern and encouragement
  10. FOG, As stated, a Board of Review is just that. It is not a test of skill(s). The scout is only asked questions about skills learned, activities participated in and so on. You CANNOT retest a scout on any kind of skill during a BOR. This was or should have been done during the SM Conference. I have had to stop and inform 1 committee member during a BOR that this is in direct violation of the Advancment guidelines.(This message has been edited by Eagle1984)
  11. GKM, This may be a late post, but I wanted to find out if anything was done about your son's advancement. If you are having a problem witht he SM and maybe the committee, you should let the Charter Rep know what is going on before you go to district or council level. 9 times out of 10 the issue can be resolved in house before bringing in the "BIG" guns of the district or council. If nothing has happened your next step should have been to the District Advancement Chair and his/her committee. This is where they are able to hold a district board of review with district staff and 1 member
  12. How do you handle a situation where the SM wants to have the PLC plan a COH and then have a meeting with the Advancement Chair and SM to tweek what they have planned. Should the SM even be involved at all ? Who plans and runs COH's in your respective units ? Any help would be appreciated.
  13. BW, We have informed the DE, Venturing Commissioner,Distrct Commissioner. The Male advisor has befriended a male scout and sees nothing when this venturer is involved. Monetary issues got involved and the advisor brought in the Executive Officer, completely going over the head of the Crew CC and the committee and recently sent a letter out to Crew Adults and parents informing everyone that he wants no one's help at meeting as the crew youth will run everything themselves. The advisor has also stated theta he has been in contact with National about the 2 deep policy and he has informe
  14. TP, The Crew Advisor befriended a Venturer and has caused nothing but problem and also does not agree with the 2 deep leadership policy set forth by National.
  15. What do you do when the crew advisor, claims to be following the book, but others can see that he/she is not. This is especially hard when he plays favorite with 1 venturer in the crew. It has been brought to his attention several times and he doesn't think anything is wrong and when this venturer causes a problem, the advisor doesn't notice it. Any help on how to deal with this would be appreciated.
  16. When I was a scout the SPL and ASPL always ate meals with the other scouts. The patrols did their thing and the adults did theirs. If a unit wishes to include the SPL and ASPL with the adults, then that is their choice and as the senior scout in the troop they themselves might enjoy this experience.
  17. As stated in the message title, PLEASE BE CAREFUL about the advice or solutions that you offer on the board. Others may use this to their advantage if they have problems within their respective units. I, myself am guilty of this. Offering too much information to one specific problem causes much bigger problems and everything gets blown out of proportion. All I ask is that everyone be careful with information or possible solutions to problems that are posted on this board. Thanks for letting me clear the air.
  18. Thanks for all the different solutions to this question. I know this is a sensitive issue(not as much as personal hygiene though) FOG, I am the CC not the COR. The CO is a Methodist Church of which myself and the Advisor are members. After talking with the Advisor and hearing his side of this situation, I have made the decision to let him handleit and only step in when I have to. Thanks again for everyone help and different opinions.
  19. I need some help on this one. At a recent Venture Crew meeting the Advisor stated to the members of the crew that he would like to see everyone work towards earning a religious award(specifically protestant). Our crew is made up of different denominations and one of the members stated that he didn't believe in "God", that he was an "Atheist". My feelings is to remove him from the crew. I have already spoken to the COR about this, but would like to hear from everyone else on what they would do if this situation involved them.
  20. A little help on this one, please. If a scout appears at a BOR and during the process and has stated that he doesn't remember what he learned, but only did the work to advance to the next rank. 1. Would you question him more to find out why ? 2. Would you stop the BOR and explian what needs to be done before appearing before a BOR again.
  21. It is not a committee decision to my knowledge. This decision rest solely with the scoutmaster of the unit. If it has worked in the past, YES, if it hasn't, Then NO. Don't created waves and try to do this on your own. That is when trouble starts.
  22. Thanks everyone for your help. The SM & CC have sat down with this leader/parent, but after a month or so, the problem has re-emerged and is causing the same problem all over again. I have talked to the COR, SM, and CC about this and have asked for this meeting to happen again, but with the COR there with the SM & CC this time. If the problem continues after the meeting, I have informed them that I will file a complaint against this leader and have them removed from the unit.
  23. The SM & CC have sat down with this leader/parent, but after a month or so, the problem has re-emerged and is causing the same problem all over again. I have talked to the COR, SM, and CC about this and have asked for this meeting to happen again, but with the COR there with the SM & CC this time. If the problem continues after the meeting, I have informed them that I will file a complaint against this leader and have them removed from the unit.
  24. Need some help on this one. How would you handle a leader in a unit, who is also a parent, that is always making "waves" within the unit. This leader/parent second guesses everything that the scoutmaster does and does the same with the committee. What would you do ??
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