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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/23 in all areas

  1. Unless this is a requirement of your specific council OR your charter organization the answer is no, vendors or guest speakers do not need to be registered or YPT trained. Here is a cut and paste from the current YPT FAQ on scouting.org: ♦ Q: Do the September 1, 2023, changes mean that third party vendors must be registered with the BSA? A. No. Youth Protection and supervision remains the responsibility of the unit and Scout leaders. Vendors and other third parties must be licensed businesses that carry proper liability insurance, units should be sure that they use reputable
    3 points
  2. I would encourage your Troop's leadership to reach out to the OA chapter absolutely as soon as possible. I say this for a few reasons: They can do a presentation to your Troop explaining what it is and what it does so that the Scouts can be thinking about whom they would elect. Any requirements for membership that are lacking can be made up before the election. You don't miss your chapter/lodge's election window if they have one.
    1 point
  3. Not quite... The Scout is expected to go back and serve his unit. Whether he chooses to serve the lodge and join in all those other lodge activities is just that... his choice. Election to Order of the Arrow, and completion of the Ordeal carries with it absolutely no obligations to the lodge itself. You are an Arrowman for life. You are only a lodge member year to year as you pay your dues. Unfortunately many do not agree with this philosophy. But that is another thread 😜
    1 point
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