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I think OGE said what I wanted to say only better.

When I had given this a little thought I arrived at what OGE stated so well when he said:

" The youth itself is supposed to be "asexual", they arent straight, they arent gay, they are youth"

FScouter, Scouting and Sea Scouting ideals are required in Sea Scouting, so we will be covering all this material.

I'm really looking forward to meeting his parents.


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Oh my goodness! Wearing pink on Valentine's Day! That's it, slap a rainbow flag sticker on his forehead and hand him tickets to see Brokeback Mountain!


Last year, the most popular boy's t-shirt sold at Kohl's was pink and had one of two sayings:


"Tough Guys Wear Pink"


"Don't Laugh, This is your Girlfriend's Shirt"


Glad you were able to laugh about this Eamonn. And here's to your crew growing in numbers!


As to letting the lad know about the membership requirements, I wouldn't tell him about avowed homosexuals not being able to join if you've never told any other applicants that and aren't planning on telling any future applicants that.



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"We believe an avowed homosexual is not a role model for the values espoused in the Scout Oath and Law.


Boy Scouting makes no effort to discover the sexual orientation of any person. Scouting's message is compromised when prospective leaders present themselves as role models inconsistent with Boy Scouting's understanding of the Scout Oath and Law."


-BSA Press Release June 28 2000 in response to the Supreme Court Finding in the Dale case.


Hot topic, not likely to become any less so. Luckily Eamonn you are a thoughtful and considered leader who seems to be an advocate for children. I would agree that given the above reference the BSA advocates a don't ask don't tell policy for adult leaders, indeed, "any person".


I personally agree with OGE that scouts for the purpose of scouting are considered asexual. Your instinct to laugh at the inuendo and rumor are admirable and, I feel, appropriate. Don't waver from this position and you will be fine, for a little while.


Think now about how you will deal with the next concerned parent and the gossip of the kids. I would suggest that you continue to respond as succinctly as possible. Don't get caught up explaining your postion. Your position is Crew Advisor and that is that, not sexual orientation inquisitor.


I also have to say that Baden has a point as well. It isn't that you are breaking any rules, heck it's taken this forum just to get a handle on what the actual rules are. Kids being who they are test limits. Not opposing his joining the Crew might be seen by the scouts as permisive behavior on your part. I would advise you to keep an eye on their behavior, the moment that they step across the line, let them know they've done it in the way you always have and they will get it right quick!


Good luck, you will be in my prayers.

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I believe OGE has it right. The membership policies related to "avowed" homosexuals are directed towards adult leaders, not youth members. As far as I know, unless someone can show differently, this youth can be totally out of the closet, and can be allowed to join. Although I see no reason to press the issue since it is irrelevant to his membership status.


However, if he were to act out sexually with other members of the ship, he could be asked to leave, as would any heterosexual member if they exhibited similar behavior. And there is no reason to believe he is any more likely to act out inappropriately than any other member.


Welcome him aboard if he is truely interested.



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He arrived yesterday, with his papers filled out and $50.00 for his Sea Scout Manual and working uniform.

It was funny we were working on Landship Ceremonies. Some of the Scouts see these as a waste of time and I think I heard the word "Poppy" something or other used!!

I was trying to help get them into the spirit of the thing, so I suggested that they stopped looking at it as a ceremony and started looking at it as a play, the Landship being the stage!! It helped a little, so I thought I was being very clever when I suggested that they do it as far over the top as they could!!

Benny Hill, would have loved it!! I had tears running down my face. It was just so darn funny.I don't know when I laughed as hard.

We did manage to tone it back, but everyone ended up having fun with something that on the surface started out looking like it was going to be very boring.

Next week we are visiting SSS 46 (The National Flag Ship) to participate in their Change of Watch and Quartermaster Ceremony.

This poor kid must think we are all nuts.


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Couldn't help but laugh at Calico's post - "slap a rainbow sticker on his forehead." Tee hee.


And my son has both of the t-shirts you mentioned. My MIL bought them for him - not sure I would have, but there ya go.



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I am still having problems with Backpacking merit badge 7B-How do you prepare and deal with human and environmental hazards my occur on trek. I thought I had the right answer but my scout master said no. He thinks some of it is in the no trace princples. I am still confused. Can some scout who has do this one already help me with the answer. May be someone who has the merit badge book.

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