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Jamboree Headgear


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Reading the council guide it calls for an Uniform Hat or a Jamboree Hat. In the past we purchased boonies or visor caps and attached a JSP to the hat.

What are other contingents doing for this event. Any of you buy the offical Jamboree hat for the entire contingent? The current green BSA hat is pretty hot when I wear it in the sun.



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Ms Crew21 and I are going as staff this next year, so we are not uniforming with the council. I spoke very briefly with my council contingent Scoutmaster(attended 2005 as well) and ASMs, and just offered a few thoughts from what I saw during last Jamboree.


In 2005, my troop had ball caps, 2 t-shirts, 1 polo shirt, and etc... Our heads were burning up under the sun with those ball caps, and the polo shirts didn't breath at all. Some mid-days were like a sauna at Ft A P Hill.


But my observations of other Jamboree troops equipment and casual uniform-wear was more meaningful.


Moisture wicking T-shirts. They are more expensive, but worth it.


And the smartest troop I saw at Jamboree, purchase about 50 summer loosely weaved straw "panama" hats from their local WalMart/KMart and sewn their CSP to the front (at a cost of around 10-15 dollar). Seriously and literally, they had to have been the coolest troop at Jamboree.


I wouldn't even do boonie caps, they would provide a little protection for the back of the neck, but still hot under the cloth. I would highly recommend the loosely weaved straw hats (like what you would find on a golf course) and a Jambo CSP.


Scouting Forever and Venture On!

Crew21 Adv

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Unless your Council has specified differently - and they may have - the uniform hat is what the contingent Troop selects. Echoing Crew's comments, I would avoid a full cloth hat for the middle of the day at Jambo. There are lots of options out there, from high tech to low tech, just have the Scouts choose the one they like and add the patch or universal hat pin, etc. You'll see contingents in their custom hats that are neon hot pink, hunter orange, etc which does make it easier to spot each other in a crowd as well. The visor you mentioned would probably work pretty well most of the time, too. Though I don't like visors much - lost my natural head covering a while back so I prefer a closed cap.


My and son and I are going staff this year but this is the hat we've used since our Scouting days in AZ (inclluding the 05 Jambo contingent) and here in west TX; didn't have much use for it in AK though!



I forgot to mention they also offer a 10% discount on purchases for Scout units.(This message has been edited by ntrog8r)

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Finally a logical answer! I like the design of this hat, totally functional. I mentioned the word cammo on the the Jambo Leader News group and they never got to the point of viable hat options. There is also a neat one on the Philmont tooth of time site called a Carbiner Bucket hat. Not as functional as this one but a neat concept.

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I have a nice canvas fedora with mesh sides that is about the color of the original switchbacks. I wear it in the summer with the adult emblem.


Here is one on eBay:




Ed(This message has been edited by epalmer84)

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As part of the fee the Scouts pay, our Scouts receive a couple of the official Jambo T-shirts and the official Jambo Cap.

Much as I hate to come off sounding like an old stick in the mud.

I see the Jambo uniform as a uniform, the uniform is whatever is laid down in the Jamboree Guide.

Scouts should travel to and from the Jamboree in the full uniform and attend the Jamboree ceremonies in the uniform which includes the official Jambo cap.

What they choose to wear on their head, when in what is often called the Class B uniform is up to them.

Adding BSA or Council patches to non-approved BSA caps and hats is not something that I'd ever recommend.

Again sorry to come off sounding like an old stick in the mud, but at the Jamboree there is a lot of media coverage and my feeling is that as long as we have a uniform or a dress code that has been laid down we should abide by it.


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I'm pretty sure we agree. If the Council has specified a particular piece of headwear, it is the uniform hat and should be worn. However, the BSA gives a lot of leeway in (some) areas of uniforming. Troops can design their own neckerchief (or not wear one), wear unit t-shirts, choose from a variety of "centennial" shirts currently available, use a Bolo, select the official hat for formal occaisions, choose tehir belt (and buckle), etc. There are also all the optional pieces like Jac-shirts, nylon jackets, patch vests, patch blankets, MB sashes, et al.


When it comes to the "class A" uniform, it should be as complete and correct as possible. I'm a hat to sock kind of guy and even buy brown shoes to go with. Uniforming is a method of Scouting, and as important a method (in my opinion) as the Patrol. I myself always encourage proper uniforming. However...


Most of a Scout's time at the Jamboree does not require the class A uniform. Walking around, participating in all there is do, and seeing everything going on is generally done in a contingent t-shirt (and often hat) or other "class B" variant. I see nothing wrong with selecting a specific piece of headgear to equip the contingent. I would advise (and have) that the contingent pick a piece of headgear, just as they do shirts, to keep uniformity. The BSA, of course, also has alternate headgear for wear:

http://www.scoutstuff.org/BSASupply/ItemDetail.aspx?cat=01RTL&ctgy=PRODUCTS&c2=APPAREL&C3=AHATS&C4=&LV=3&item=947GMS&prodid=947GMS^8^01RTL& OR

http://www.scoutstuff.org/BSASupply/ItemDetail.aspx?cat=01RTL&ctgy=PRODUCTS&c2=APPAREL&C3=AHATS&C4=&LV=3&item=500FBH&prodid=500FBH^8^01RTL& OR



All of these could be worn as well.


The universal Hat Emblem I suggested is for use on BSA hats and comes for both youth: and adults: http://www.scoutstuff.org/BSASupply/ItemDetail.aspx?cat=01RTL&ctgy=PRODUCTS&c2=GIFTS&c3=PINS&c4=&lv=3&item=50150.http://www.scoutstuff.org/BSASupply/ItemDetail.aspx?cat=01RTL&ctgy=PRODUCTS&c2=GIFTS&c3=PINS&c4=&lv=3&item=50150

A less official (?) version can be bought as well:http://www.scoutstuff.org/BSASupply/ItemDetail.aspx?cat=01RTL&ctgy=PRODUCTS&c2=CRAFTS&c3=LEATHER&c4=&lv=3&item=17061

In keeping with the Insignia Guide, the last option could NOT be worn on official BSA headgear.


I could not find any restriction on the type of headgear authorized for use in uniform. There regulations concerning when to wear official headgear. There, of course, are regulations and guidelines concerning use of badges, insignia, purpose of uniforming, etc. Headgear specific guidance is here: http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/Media/InsigniaGuide/03.aspx


Anyway, I agree that when the class A uniform is being worn I would wear the Jambo hat with Jambo pins (only at the Jambo of course because pins can't be worn elsewhere). During the day, when wearing an activity or class B uniform option, I would think the contingent could select its own appropriate headgear for the Jambo.

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Jamboree headgear story (from a reliable source):::


When the 2005 Jambo steering committee was meeting to decide on things, the supplier of Staff Hats (among other things) presented each member of the committee with a sample Staff ball cap, personalized in the back with the committee member's name. The chair, (whose name I forget, say it's John Jones) handed his hat back saying, "this is fine. Make 8,000." And they did. 8,000 hats with "John Jones" embroidered on the back. When they arrived, and the problem was discovered, the hats were sent back and rather than make 8,000 more, they embroidered a pretty rainbow OVER the name.

At least, that's how it was explained to me...



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  • 5 months later...

While I too am a stickler for "uniformity" as far as BSA goes, the 100+ degree heat and sun in VA in summer, warrants ANYTHING that will protect an individual! I am a nurse; suffer from pre-cancerous skin lesions,and my personal MD says ANYTHING that covers you totally, should be allowed...including, sunprotecting shirts ! She used to put this in writing for me to show to medical at Jambo, but the last time in '05, medical just laughed and said WEAR IT! DON"T WORRY ABOUT AN MD LETTER!! No one stopped me,and I wore whatever hat and a long sleeved sun shirt, every day, over my jambo tshirt...and for once, I wasn't as burned as in other years there...WEAR YOUR BIG HATS; BIG SHIRTS; and don't worry whether it is BSA or not..I am serious...take care of yourself; your boys; your fellow scouts...Keep us as minimally exposed to sun as possible!!!

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The story of the 2005 Jambo Staff Cap is correct. The error was made by the company in Bangladesh that made the hats. The now-retired "John Jones" is a longtime friend of mine and has autographed my copy of his "memorial hat".

Let's hope this year's staff headgear is a little more breathable.

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