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If I could work staff I would just take Amtrak from Chicago. 15hours $70.
No matter what your council says, don't hang your hat on a backround check. We need to vigilantly abide by two or three deep leadership and keep the scouts safe. 95% of child molesters are never caught, making the backround check pretty much a useless scam and only good for press releases. The bigger question is what units do about adult who don't abide by 2 deep leadership guidelines. These are the perverts and we need to get them out of scouting.
Jambo 2012 rejected - Now What?
hadulzo replied to rhol's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
With 2013 being a jamboree year you may be able to join a council contingent to philmont. If you think about both experiences they have a controlled diet. You know exactly what you will be eating every day and should be able to controll it. However the variable here is dehydration. My last trip to PS we had a scout and his dad. the son was diabetic and lied to me about it being under control. The issue was he had glucose tabs and is blood sugar would bounce all over the place. One day he crashed. His dad said they should leave. I made him sit down and drink a liter of water and he was fine. Turns out he was not drinking water. Think about it you have a controlled diet and exercise both good things. My 2 cents i've been to both twice the only thing i want to go to a third time is Philmont. -
Jambo 2012 rejected - Now What?
hadulzo replied to rhol's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Never say can't or won't. Program is up to the boys and what they are willing to. If adults say they can't afford it then they can't afford it. How about boys we need to raise money for this if you want to go. I did a camp promotion in a small town on the outskirts of chicago. (they went to Owasippe this summer) The troop took advantage of the poor economy since there were plenty of open slots on the council contingent. They raised enough money with car washes, popcorn and candy that 22 boys ans 3 adults went for free. Also there is money availble if the council jamboree committee does their job I was able to get money from region and our excutive board. Don't puch the boys to go but they they need to be empowered to raise the money if they want to go. -
Jambo 2012 rejected - Now What?
hadulzo replied to rhol's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Never say can't or won't. Program is up to the boys and what they are willing to. If adults say they can't afford it then they can't afford it. How about boys we need to raise money for this if you want to go. I did a camp promotion in a small town on the outskirts of chicago. (they went to Owasippe this summer) The troop took advantage of the poor economy since there were plenty of open slots on the council contingent. They raised enough money with car washes, popcorn and candy that 22 boys ans 3 adults went for free. Also there is money availble if the council jamboree committee does their job I was able to get money from region and our excutive board. Don't puch the boys to go but they they need to be empowered to raise the money if they want to go. -
Please show me chapter and verse of the "power tool ban"
First. Make sure your son wants to go. Parents sometimes send their kids when they aren't really that interested. You are not out of line asking what the costs are. That 1850 may be set or a fuzy price they had not knowing what national was supplying. Nothing wrong with finding out who is in charge and getting an itemized budget. There is a minimum age for jambo but the scout needs to be used not having adult supervision and be mature. The boys leave the troop site and are gone for most of the day, with their buddies or patrols doing activities. There are only 4 troop leaders and 36 scouts. If your sons troop is not boy run he will learn fast how that works.
You need to learn to take the compliment and say know. If you say Yes to many times you will be doing many things poorly instead of one or two things well. Avoid scouter burnout. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed a while back and quit several positions. You can improve your cub camp promotion by utilizing the Order of the Arrow to help you.
Anyone know who make cub scout belt loops?
hadulzo replied to ilford's topic in Open Discussion - Program
I am sure whoever makes them is in China. Not sure what you want to do but you can buy existing ones and polish the picture off and put whatever you want on there. or buy material from a sheet metal shop or mcmastercarr.com and bend them yourself. -
Adult Scout Leader Training Question.
hadulzo replied to BigEagle38's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
I get a kick out of you guys that a resistent to participate in training. Learning is an ongoing thing. It is not required to retake the course but it is fun and I always learn something new from course materials or participants and most of all meet new friends. I have take outdoor training 3 times and have also been an instructor many times. You could continue to hide with your unit or volunteer to help with a training course and get an new training card. If you claim to be trained because you took a training course 22 years ago you are deceiving yourself. Policeman, fireman, baseball players are always training why are scout leaders any different? -
I will go with the "where is it written" about troop committees voting. I side with the committe chair on this. A tax on each scout for gear seems so government like. Just have a pancake breakfast and raise some money for troop equipment. Committee members are not representatives of anything. they should have specific jobs ie training, membership, etc. Since when is scouting a democracy?
Philmont sells all their left over food at the end of the season. The intent is for shake down trips by next years crews. Obviously the council in question bought the surplus food for their program to save money. Real sure national would not be giving directives on how to handle their inventory. Expired product should be caught during a camp inspection.
BSA - Second Class (swimming requirement)
hadulzo replied to pvtjoker's topic in Advancement Resources
He doesn't need to swim until he is 15 or so. He can complete all the meritbadges for Eagle, all the requirments for 2nd class and 1st class except for swimming. as he matures he can work up to being a "marginal" swimmer. I didn't pass the swim req's unil 15 and i still got my Eagle. Waiving a requirement because he is afraid to do it is a bad precident for him personally. -
Using the same logic scouts can't squirt a garden hose. When I was a scout we used the #10 cans used for fire buckets next to the tents. Super soakers weren't invented yet. Next capture the flag will be considered war like. Oh yeah, it is.
Many times the groups have talked about sheath and the legend that they are banned in scouting. I was thinking I would buy an official BSA sheath knife and wear it proudly drawing stares and harassment from fellow scouters. Never got around to buying one but low and behold a friend of my wife gave her some scout stuff. I mentioned all the angst sheath knives cause amoung leadership and my boys agree its just plain silly. Before the rise of lock blades both my sons cut their fingers either closing the knife or the knife closing on its own or the knive breaking at the joint. I must admit I don't have much use for carrying a pocket knife when on a scouting trip since all i have to say is "knife" and there are plenty to choose from. However since I like to camp cook a sheeth knife is totally practical for me since the troop chef knives wouldn't cut hot butter in July. It will be interesting to see how this plays out