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Hurricane Sandy - Scouts preparing

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Thanks RememberSchiff, I was about to start a thread like this. I hope everyone in your area do well over the next few days. Also, NJCubscouter and I guess everyone in the NorthEast. I wish all of you the best of success and well-being while this storm passes.

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Kinda looks like the best place to be during this storm is in a nice warm, well lit jail.

Bad news is that I very lightly will get mandated to stay there until the storm passes.

Good news is all that comp time!!


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I am in Bethlehem PA, they have been talking about Frankenstorm for so long, storm fatigue has set in, I have checked my flashlights so often, I will need to dip into the reserve supply, TV says its right around the corner, but is still a day off or so away


Then again, it could be real bad real soon. So, the Eastcoast hunkers down and tells the rest of the country to behave until we get back?

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Thanks Packsaddle.


This will be interesting. Fortunately I am not near the coast or any other area that has been evacuated. My house itself is not in a flood area, but a major river passes through our area and there will definitely be flooding. I am anticipating being without electricity at some point, hopefully not for too long. I wish the best to everybody else in this area.

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Best of luck to everyone your side of the pond about to get hit by this.


My SPL is currently in NYC on holiday with her family. Her facebook status suggests she's a wee bit nervous about this. Just praying that she comes home with a few yarns to tell round the camp fire and nothing worse :s

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Northeaster on Lake Erie. I've heard old-timers talk about this sort of thing. Not sure how often it lasts for 48+ hours.


Whatever wasn't tied down in Canada will wash up along my in-law's boat ramp. Hear's hoping Flagship Niagara is dry-docked.


As far as Pittsburgh goes, I figure a lot of our linemen are getting ready to head east once they take care of micro-burst damage here.

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Well, I have no power at home -- I believe approximately half of New Jersey lost power and only about 20 percent has been restored, but who's counting -- but I do have power here at work, which is how I am writing this. We lost power around 8 pm or so on Monday and it may still be out for days.

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