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I wear the sign language strip because I learned it from deaf mutes. I can't do any interpreting for them for someone speaking, but I can make myself understood and can understand them in a rudimentary way. Surely after working and living with these people would qualify me in sign language. I can still make an evening of sitting and "chatting" with deaf people, but I don't think I would call myself "proficient" enough to be an interpreter. There's a wide range between being able to communicate and being proficient. I have studied French, German, Latin, Greek, and Spanish, but I wouldn't be able to wear the strip because of the requirements. However, if I'm in Quebec I could do well enough to feed myself, find locations, find the restroom and "get by". But that doesn't qualify me for the strip.





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acco, why don't you ask the scout to find out who does the interpreting at public events for the local school system or for local government. There are a wide range of public activities which now require a sign interpreter by law, so these sorts of institutions typically have a list of people who are highly competent in ASL. Incidentally, asking your scout to help you identify an appropriate person for this might open some doors for the scout to learn more, and who knows, even some job contacts/opportunities (good signers are apparently hard to find).

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I just want to make sure I understoodd your last post.


You are saying that you gave yourself a patch to wear even though you admit that you did not and could not not meet the stated requirements for earning it, because you felt you deserved it anyway? Is that correct?


And just as a comparitive post, in a thread about knots you felt that a person who was selected by a committee of scouters for the Silver Beaver who lead an FOS campaign did not bring credit to the award.


But you gave yourself a recognition that you say you did not earn. How exactly is that better?

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"who can't speak anything but American.... "

Hey I've been here for 25 years and I'm still speaking English.


Not wishing to hijack the thread.

Years back, when I was still scouting in the UK. Our District held monthly Scouter's meetings. These were really boring!!

I was of course a lot younger then and enjoyed stirring things up a little.

To this end a pal of mine and myself would find questions that would get everyone going.

I had one young Scout who wanted to earn the UK Interpreter Proficiency Badge. If I remember right it was a Service Badge which meant that all the requirements had to be fully met with no wiggle room.

This Lad was originally from some place in Pakistan where some dialect of Pakistani was spoken. He was from a single parent family and his mother spoke this, but she didn't speak any English.

My question was, would it be OK if he used English as a foreign language?

The district had me contact the Pakistan Embassy who did have someone who spoke the same dialect as his mother and they acted as the Badge Examiner.


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" Sheesh! I guess you do need an EASL class."

If this was supposed to be funny?

I'm sorry I have no idea what a EASL class is.

Another Forum member has sent me a PM asking why I'm allowing someone to act as a Troll?

I could of course just delete it all?

But that might be seen as a Moderator acting in a heavy handed way.

I think maybe we can all learn from reading this sort of thing.

It's a great example of what we shouldn't be doing.


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English As a Second Language, although in this case, I guess it would be AASL, American As a Second Language


Thats ok Eamonn, I fancy Gold Winger feaures himself as a fly by wit, much as I sometimes do and not all fly bys hit the mark.

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Being a Carly Simon fan, I'll be vain enough to believe that I'm being called a troll . . .


To which I give my standard response . . . . Oooooooo, I'm hurt. The standard internet insult. I'm cut to the quick. Mother mak my bed soon for I fain wad lie doon.

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