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Incident Reporting for What?


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 So, it took a while for someone to find a quote that we could actually hang a hat on ...

Thanks @HashTagScouts. The YPT incident reporting form uses language that is far broader than I have ever read in the g2ss itself. Taken to extremes, "inappropriate behavior by a scout" would indeed imply if the scout so much as blasphemed once, it should be reported. But a more straightforward reading is if a troop has a discipline issue that might motivate them to suspend a scout for a few months , they should file a report ... Something I have never done or insisted upon.

The language of the YPT report statement is new to me, so I may have to rethink things. But, for now, how inappropriate does your scouts behavior have to be before you get your council involved?

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I think for most of us the behavior has to be repeated and serious before it goes beyond the troop. Or if it is of a sexual nature or use of a weapon. Minor offenses of occasional language or sneaking a Playboy are technically against BSA policy however I feel they should be on an individual basis usually at the troop level.

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2 hours ago, qwazse said:

 So, it took a while for someone to find a quote that we could actually hang a hat on ...

Thanks @HashTagScouts. The YPT incident reporting form uses language that is far broader than I have ever read in the g2ss itself. Taken to extremes, "inappropriate behavior by a scout" would indeed imply if the scout so much as blasphemed once, it should be reported. But a more straightforward reading is if a troop has a discipline issue that might motivate them to suspend a scout for a few months , they should file a report ... Something I have never done or insisted upon.

The language of the YPT report statement is new to me, so I may have to rethink things. But, for now, how inappropriate does your scouts behavior have to be before you get your council involved?

Like many things, our individual discretion can be tested with such broad brush strokes that these reporting "guidelines" suggest.  Two scouts getting into a verbal spar, with or without vulgar language, may be a simple disciplinary situation handled by the SPL/PL(s).  Some may say otherwise.  To me, the moment that the discipline is punitive to the point you are banning a scout, whether it is for one meeting, one outing (or more), take the side of caution and evaluate giving notice to council.  

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