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One Scout dead, another injured climbing (OR)

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A 16 year scout climbing with a friend  when a rock handhold gave way causing his fall. The friend was nearby and attempted to help but was also injured.  The two teenaged boys had fallen in the remote area of Middle Rosary Lake in Northern Klamath County while on a camping trip with their Boy Scout Troop from Corvallis, Oregon


Edited by RememberSchiff
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Sorry to hear that, but we all know that climbing is very risky sport and therefore it becomes  mandatory for all climbers to take all  safety precautions while going for  climbing. How could trainers allow children to climb without any safety kits. Its very disappointing. I pray to God that the injured child will may recover soon.

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1 hour ago, danielhenry12 said:

Sorry to hear that, but we all know that climbing is very risky sport and therefore it becomes  mandatory for all climbers to take all  safety precautions while going for  climbing. How could trainers allow children to climb without any safety kits. Its very disappointing.

With respect, you’re jumping to conclusions and condemning people when the information available at this point simply doesn’t bear that out. We have no idea about the circumstances, training, supervision or equipment used.

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  • 10 months later...

Update 9/14/2019:

The deceased scout's mother is suing the Oregon Trail Council alongside Boy Scout Troop 163, asking for $1.5 million for the pain and suffering that Nolan endured, $500,000 for burial services, and $8 million for being deprived of her son's love and companionship.

The lawsuit claims none of the six adults volunteering with Troop 163 had proper medical, first aid, or wilderness training., alleges the scout master went hiking with several of the boys while most of the group was setting up camp. The SM then returned to camp — leaving the boys to go on an unreasonably dangerous hike without any supervision, and violating BSA policies.



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4 hours ago, NealOnWheels said:

"leaving the boys to go on an unreasonably dangerous hike without any supervision" 

This is exactly why we can't have patrol activities without adult supervision.

My troop does not allow our scouts to go on dangerous activities with or without adults. Unreasonably vs reasonably dangerous hikes, no we plan and execute safe hikes. IMHO, adult-approved patrol activities should still be allowed.

My $0.02,

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