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Venture Advancement


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21 minutes ago, PACAN said:

Just wonder if the girls will not do Venture advancement since they can switch to Eagle requirements.   Might see a drop in ventures so they can make first class?

It may impact membership. Jr. High girls who've been told to wait three years to join a crew might opt to start a troop and have so much fun, they won't think twice about Venturing. That's a long term hit to the pipeline.

Venturing females who join a troop probably won't quit their crew. If they want to scramble to earn first class, I suspect most leaders will help them. But, that won't stop any girl from still earning her next venturing award. For example, if a 17 gets her crew to give her troop (or maybe an entire district of troops) of 11 year a olds a weekend of five-mile land navigation hikes, her PL might sign of on 1st class rank,  and her Crew President might sign off on a Tier II adventure.

Male venturers have been pulling these kinds of "amp it up" antics with their troops for decades -- even if they weren't interested in Venturing awards.

My bet is that dual-registered girls who started to earn one will try to earn both.

Venturers don't switch, they synergize.

Edited by qwazse
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I know is Sea Scouts, the guide to advancement suggests using the same items for both Sea Scout ranks and Boy Scout ranks.  So position of responsibility can be taken credit for both Star and Apprentice ranks for example.  Kinda makes sense if you equate it to pass the BSA swim test, once passed it would count for both.  

They will join where their friends join.  Unless they really want Eagle rank I am not convinced a 14 year old would join a troop over a crew if they didn't have friends in the troop.  14 year olds vs. 11 year olds makes a huge maturity difference. 

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