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NRA Is Coming To Town


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Next week the NRA is holding its conference in Pittsburgh. While I am not a member and don't own a gun. I have in the past been invited to a couple of NRA dinners mainly to have them present a check to the Council. Over the years they have donated enough money for the rebuilding of the Scout Rifle Range at our Summer Camp site and the building of a Range at the Cub Scout Camp. In all they have donated about $10K.

These NRA members really do want to further the idea of shooting sports and I really like to meet an organization that will put its money where its mouth is.

I'm not sure but I think they also help out with the cost of running the rifle range each year.


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All BSA rifle ranges that I know of, are operated by a NRA certified training instructor. I believe you have to have these certifications to be a MBC. At least in this coucil.


Life NRA member here, Alan


I too am also a member of the NRA and my dad is a life member. MY dad is NRA ceritfied and was a merit badge counselor. Interesting note is that last year at summer camp when he still was they lacked the staff up thre to run both the riufle and shotgun ranges at the sametime. My dad volunteered to help out during his week when he was up their. But then he was told he couldn't because he duidn't go to merit badge school to get ceritifed even though he was a nra certified. Plus they also said it would hurt them for that camp summer award thing that national does.


But overall the NRA is a very good organzation.

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Thanks for the input, I thought it was just this council. I don't have any idea why they wouldn't let him help, unless they didn't have enough ammo on stock. They should have given a reason.


So as well as being certified you need BSA approval to run thier range, Well, you can't be to careful.

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I also believe that a merit badge councellor for riflery must be a NRA certified instructor. I responded this info to an adult youth leader who asked how one becomes a MB councellor. The adult youth leader snarled up his face and scolded me for pulling his leg, "That's crazy!", he said, and continued that he "wouldn't have anything to do with an organization that said he couldn't be a councellor. I've been shooting for 30 years, I know all about guns!" he replied. As I mentioned, "shooting doesn't necessarily mean knowing all that need to be known....." But he had walked away from me by that time, insulted at my comment.

I've been looking all over the web for this exact information and I cannot find it. How about archery, swimming, all these activites have organizations with certified instructor ratings.

Could someone here please direct the rest of us, me, to those sites. Thanks so much. I need some sort of official documentation for MB Instructor criteria. Thanks, Dave J775, ASM, 584.

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I'm an NRA member and NRA Certified Instructor for rifle and shotgun. I will also be attending BSA Camp School to be a shooting sports director this summer. Maybe the fellow wasn't allowed to teach because of that. Although in my council you don't have to be NRA certified to teach the merit badge or help on the council range. You do need NRA certification to run the range, and you do need BSA certification to be a Director.

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