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Thanks EagleInKY,


I've done that and saw that there is "one" on there with a starting bid of $800 but no bids, but of-course I don't know if the seller has a clue or not. I also cannot find any listed in the completed section on ebay also couldn't find anything when I did a search for the title on the internet..... the resources are just elluding me. :) If you find anything else or have any further ideas let me know...


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I would try contacting either a Boy Scout museum or a Norman Rockwell museum for help with this. My parents, when visiting a Norman Rockwell museum, were told that the Scout prints could not be sold as they were owned by the BSA. Therefore, one of these two sources might be best able to help out.


What a treasure, regardless of dollar item assigned to the prints, this is!

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Actually the question of copyright ownership is a good one. Unless Brown & Bigelow has turned copyright over to the BSA, B&B would own those images because they were produced for B&B calendars. When I got permission to use one of those works for a project in my council, I had to get B&B's permission, not BSA's.


David C. Scott

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I have that box set of prints. I don't recall off hand exactly how many prints are in my copy -- but the "prints" aren't the originals. They are printed copies of the original artworks.


So, I guess I'm saying $800 sounds a mite high. I bought mine a couple of years ago, but I think I paid around $75 for it.


Why are you looking to value it? If you're a Scouter, I'd treasure the box set and not worry about the value.

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