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Off to FOS School


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Without wanting to blow my own trumpet. Our District has the most successful community FOS campaign in the Council. My part in this is very small, I do know all the workers, I make a few speech's and when we meet our goal I have a small "Victory" celebration. Once a year I invite all the workers to dinner at camp and invite them to tour the camp and hang around for the OA ceremony.

About two weeks ago our DE, said that she needed me to go with her to a day long conference on FOS. The conference is free but lunch is $15.00. As she was the asker I agreed to go. However I don't want FOS to become my "Thing."

Yes I am 100% for asking anybody and everybody who would like to donate to do so. I don't have a problem with FOS. Still what can whoever it is who is putting this on hope to pass on to me?

Our next campaign kicks off in late January, I have made the reservations for lunch. I have a meeting in October with the Community Captains, where I will introduce the new DE and we will look at soft spots.

Have to admit to being puzzled why I'm going.

Eamonn(This message has been edited by Eamonn)

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I thought I had them there skills down pat?

Along with a few facts. That come in handy every now and then.

I'm just a little worried that the powers that be will ask me to get more involved and this isn't really my cup of tea. Sure I know how important it is and I don't mind doing my bit, but ....


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As I have made mention of, this is my last year in my current position. We will have the new DE on board in October. He of course has never been involved in a District FOS campaign, so I feel honor bound to do everything that I can to help him start off on the right foot. Who knows one day he might become a Field Director and it would be great knowing that some other Council has a Field Director who knows where the Field really is.


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A Field Director is a professional position at the Council level. He is the boss of the District Executives. His boss is the Director of Field Services. In my Council, we have one Director of Field Services, two Field Directors and eleven District Executives.

I thoght that was wat a District Director and Scout Executive was for. (slowly realizes why scouts don't get involved in the council level, too confusing)


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Different councils have different organization structures based on size, financial status, whim of the Scout Executive/ Board, etc.


Ours due to a lean period of income dropped the field director and made three of the DE into district directors over one or two other DE while still serving their district.


Like the military and government service, scouting classifies scouting professionals in levels (I dont know the details), the title may be used in different levels depending on the council but the relative level tells how they rank when comparing them nationwide. For example the SE in my council is at a different level than the SE of the bigger council to the south of us.


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Just got back a little while ago.

Have to admit to feeling a bit out of place,me being the only volunteer at the event. I was also a little surprised at how many of them I knew. In fact it was a little embarrassing that I was standing next to our Scout Exec. And I had to introduce him. Approx 12-15 Councils were represented. I had been asked to make a very short power point presentation on how we run our Community Campaign, as part of the presentation that our Council gave. Those in attendance seemed interested and didn't throw anything at me which I always take as a good sign.

There is a lot of new ideas in this entire area and what amounts to a new approach, which I think will make the business of bringing money into our councils a lot easier and hopefully bring in more money.

I also had a handout of a family presentation that Bob White had been so kind to send to me. It got a lot of rave reviews.

I have a ton of stuff to look over and see if and how it will benefit our district.


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So you thought you were going off to FOS school to learn, and were instead there to teach? And you ended up learning as well?


Wow! Quelle Suprise!


Please let me pause for a second while I take my tongue out of my cheek before I bite it off.


Job well done, friend!



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Me thinks that the accent has a lot to do with it.

Her That Must Be Obeyed, tells everyone that I'm a result of President Reagan's foreign policy!!

My Pal Mike tells everyone I'm just here to be an example of diversity at work in our little Council.

I go have fun!!


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