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OK, how 'bout a break?

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Oops. I hit the wrong button, and I can't edit my posts. Here is what the previous post was supposed to say, actually I might have made it better if I had a chance, but the basic idea is the same.


I hate to inject a note of discord (I think it's a D-flat) into this Era of Good Feeling, but I think Terry's suggestion of a 48-hour break was reasonable, so unless he decides to extend it, I don't think anyone should feel any "obligation" to wait any longer than that. That also does not mean that anyone should feel obliged to start a new thread under Issue and Politics at 9:09:56 PM CST. I don't have any plans to do so, nor do I necessarily want to be the one to "break the ice" after that. But I don't think anyone should be made to feel that they are violating "the law of the pack" if they choose to start a thread at some point after the 48 hours have passed.

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Ed, I don't know. When someone makes a statement about what they or someone else has said in the past, I think it's good that everyone has an opportunity to go back and see whether that statement is true or not, and post proof one way or the other. I've done that. I also think that when a specific situation has been the subject of four or five threads in the past, it's helpful to be able to look at the past articles and statements. (I am talking about something very specific, like the lawsuit over charitable deductions in Connecticut, or the building lease in Philadelphia, each of which have had several different threads, as different events have occurred.)


Although I know you don't intend it this way, Ed, I think that to wipe out all past discussions would be like saying they had no value, and I think they did have value. It also would basically say that one person has the power to come in here, and through their sheer ability to make 10 or 20 lengthy posts a day and their willingness to say outrageous things and call other people all sorts of names, that they can cause the forum owner to wipe everything out and start over. I think it would be a mistake to give in to that sort of thing.

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Wipe the slate clean? Not a bad idea--IMO anyway. However, it would be nice to pull some of the really positive stuff that is in these threads, some of the things that aren't exactly political but very scouting-oriented. Just a thought. Unless we, the posters, can move a few things--only those NOT political, controversial--to the proper forums?? Just a thought, and if a bad one, I'm ok with doing nothing and would accept a clean slate. Regardless of what comes next, THANK YOU TERRY!


We posted at the same time NJCubscouter--excellent points. I'm glad this is not my call to make :) I'm happy just to try to get along with everyone and utilize these boards as intended, which seems to be to better understand Scouting and all that is related to it.


Now, time to get back out of this forum so it can truly be at rest :)(This message has been edited by Laurie)

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Well, if not remove them, lock them all. Every one!


My thoughts were a clean slate would bring new discussions instead of piggy backing on old ones. And NJ I'm not saying they have no value. They do.


Ed Mori

Troop 1

1 Peter 4:10

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Ed, I agree that from this point forward, discussions should be in new threads and not old ones. This could be accomplished either by Terry actually locking all the threads or by all of us acting as if they were all locked. I suspect the second choice would be much easier for our moderator, so that is probably preferable.

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It could be that I am starting to become one of the old fogies??

My idea about Scouting is not rocket science. While we are aware of the purpose and all that safety stuff, uniform stuff, advancement stuff and some other stuff. I 99.9% of the time enjoy what I'm doing be it with a bunch of young people or a bunch of adults. While I may be in some stage of "Growing Up" I still think that this is fun. I kind of like the idea that this forum and all of us who post and use the forum are still "Growing Up". Sure we can help each other with the "Stuff" and maybe along the way make friends.

I for one don't give a tinkers about dead Greeks. Rub my nose in it wizards or Gay rights. While there may be a place for this I kinda think that we have a lot of the "Stuff" that we could be looking at and the end result could be that the youth in my district, your district and Crew and Pack and Troop and kids who have yet to join will end up with a balanced program where the Stuff has been discussed and new and novel ideas of how to have more fun are in the forefront.

Very few of us will be able to change what some nitwit of a judge is doing. We do have the opportunity to maybe work with a Lad who will one day replace the nitwit.


I still think that two fortnights is a good idea. But I will still play if the politics returns and just like a moth to the flame....

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