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Hi, I just logged in today and I figured I might as well introduce myself.


I am a 17 year old campstaff member Eagle Scout from Treasure Island SR, the oldest scout camp in the country. My list of awards includes:


Eagle Scout, with Gold Palm

Brotherhood Member, Unami Lodge, 1

Lifeguard BSA

4 years as a patrol leader with Troop 109, St. Helena's, Philadelphia

3 years on staff at TISR

Senior Lifeguard at TISR

12 years in scouting

Arrow of Light


I'm still trying to decide what to do when I turn 18 in a few months. I might transfer to Venture or Sea Scouts, or I might become an adult leader, I'm not sure

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Welcome TI_Lifeguard, it's good to see another youth member in the forum. Your perspective can be helpful to us adult Scouters.


My oldest boy, who is nearly finished with his eagle requirements (and closing in on his 18th birthday), is also pondering his next move in Scouting. I think he's leaning toward Venturing, but time will tell.


Technically, I think he/you can be dual-registered as an adult leader with the troop and as a venture crew member. Does anyone with better credentials have the answer to this one?(This message has been edited by ManyIrons)

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Why not? I think you can be registered in mre then 1 crew. Just so happened the college i'm going to this fall has recently or is forming a venture crew this summer so i'm considering joining that.


btw welcome aboard!

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I just encountered the 18 thru 20 registration situation.

You can't do a duel registration in this situation.

You need to register as a youth in the venture crew and you need to submit an adult leader registration form for the troop.

So you need to pay 2 registration fees.Had a disscusion with

people at council about this situation.The people I talked to didn't like the situation since it penalises the tweeners who are adults in one program and youth in another.

a 21 yr.old can be duel registered on the same dime as with the 17yr. old.

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