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Scout Graces

Buffalo Skipper

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I really enjoyed a reading the grace from Camp Sheppard, and it got me thinking. The only grace I have ever taught my children is the Philmont Grace. We have started to learn the Sea Base Blessing, and here is a wonderful blessing from Camp Sheppard.


How about we all pitch in with a blessing specifically from camps around the country (or world). Please include the camp from which the blessing hails.


I'll begin with the Sea Base Blessing:


Bless the creatures of the Sea

Bless this person I call me

Bless the Keys you made so grand

Bless the sun that warms the land

Bless the fellowship we feel

As we gather for this meal



I will collect these in a document which eventually I would like to publish back to the web. Any takers?

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S-F Grace

For the gifts of food and freedom

And hills to roam

For crimson sunsets

For the earth, our home

For the stars at night

And gentle wind in trees

Thank you, Great Spirit,

For all of these.

- Amen

Camp Lewallen Grace

Beneath the stars above Logan,

by the river as it winds,

Looking over old Potashnik,

and sheltered by the towering pines,

We thank you Lord for these blessings

this food, this fellowship, and this day.

And ask your continued grace and mercy

as we carry on the Scouting way




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(Goshen Scout Reservation)


For Goodness

For Opportunity

For Strength

For Happiness

For Enjoyment

For Nourishment

We thank Thee, O God.


(Yes, it spells out GOSHEN!)



For Food

For Raiment

For Life

For Opportunity

For Friendship and Fellowship

We thank Thee, O Lord


(Doesn't spell out anything unless FRLOFF is a word.)


For a sheet containing these and other graces, go to the following link:



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The National Scout Shops have a new book in stock from Red Honor Press called "In Our Own Way" by Robert Lee Edmonds that has a chapter on Scouting prayers. I believe that it includes prayers and benedictions from all of the high adventure bases.


Its main draw is that the author asked the national offices of all the 35+ religious faiths recognized by the BSA to submit 3 prayers in three Scouting-themed categories, including Being Prepared and Serving Others, which is unique. So it has representative prayers from the Maher Baba to the Catholic to the Methodist to the Zoroastrian.




David C. Scott

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S-F is pronounced "S bar F" and is the 5,400 acre scout ranch (with 3 socut camps and 1 Venture base)in the Greater St. Louis Area Council. It has been a patrol cooking camp since it opened in 1966. Camp Lewallen is a dining hall camp in the same council and is 30 miles down the road. Both camps are in the same council as a result of a council merger in 93 or 95.

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  • 7 months later...

These are used at Horseshoe Scout Reservation.


Morning Grace:

Gracious giver of all good,

Thee we thank for rest and food.

Grant that all we do and say,

In thy service be this day.


Mid-day Grace:

Father for this noonday meal,

We should speak the grace we feel.

Health and strength we have from thee,

Help us Lord to faithful be.


Evening Grace:

Tireless guardian of our way,

Thou has kept us well today.

While we thank thee we request,

Care continued pardon rest.

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Wilderness Grace (Northern Tier)


For food, for raiment,

For life and opportunity,

For sun and rain,

For water and portage trails,

For friendship and fellowship,

We thank thee, O Lord.



Similar to the Philmont Grace, but just enough difference. I really like it.

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Thanks for that one. We said it while camping during a portage on the Suwannee this past weekend. Our main portage was just about 100 rods. Almost all of our scouts in attendence were 11 years old (only 2 were older). Everyone groaned when I said the "For water and portage trails" line.


Thank you all for these. I am still collecting, so feel free to keep submitting.

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In as much as God is "all purpose", here is our "all purpose" grace/blessing/prayer....


Dear Lord, we are about to go canoeing/have another busy day at CSDC/begin hiking/rock climbing/white water rafting. In a short while, we will be very busy. Please forgive us if we should forget about you. Please do not forget about us. Amen.

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