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Multiple uniform shirts?

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here's my delema. Scout shop will only allow you to purchase Rank insignia with an advancement form. But what if a scout has 2 shirts? AND what if that scout will be going to jamboree for 2 weeks and will need both of these shirts?


I have an extra Rank badge for this one scout, so this is more of a "how do you folks handle this"? question. I'd like this scout to be in full uniform with his rank and patrol patch on both. but what of the scout store policy? How can I purchase another insignia without a rank advancement form for him without simply filling out a bogus one, which would be deceitful and not very scout like, so I don't want to do that.



Mike B



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Not having ever filled out one of these forms...Is there a spot for commenstr or "other" on the form?


Is there a somewhat decently wide margin on the form next to the edge of the paper?

Could you call the scoutshop and say that you want to buy "duplicate badges" just for the reason you stated?



What if a shirt gets lost/destroyed/ worn out? Are scouts expected to re earn every rank and such in order to get another badge?

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SF: Exactly my questions too! :-) I guess I could fill one out, and put Duplicate badge needed for second uniform shirt on the form.


I think I'll print out this scout's internet advancement record, bring that in, and just let them know that he's in need of a couple duplicate Rank insignia for Jamboree. I honestly doubt the fellow will refuse, but it is technically against their policy....



Mike B

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It is my understanding that only the Eagle rank badge is a 'controlled' rank item. My wife, a troop advancement chair, never had an issue purchasing rank advancement patches. We met the FOS limit so we got our rank advancements "free" but she could easily purchase extra for Scouts with multiple uniforms. She could do the same for the Eagle patch (both my sons are Eagles and have more that one shirt) but I think she had to show that her sons had earned the rank. That is, a stanger going in wishing to purchase a few Eagle ranks badges would be out of luck.


The same goes for Scouter knots. I had at one time about five shirts (commissioner, Scoutmaster (3), Den Leader) and had the same set of knots on each. Again, if you showed proof that you earned them, they let you purchase them but you needed to show cause so to speak.

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Our Scout Shop wants to see an Advancement Report in order to purchase rank or merit badge awards. I have purchased a second set and told them they were for a second shirt for my son, with no problem. If you are only purchasing 1 or 2 badges, they shouldn't give you a hard time. There are a lot of Scouts going to Jambo, so the Scout Shop employees should have seen these requests before.

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Our scout shop will sell you extra rank insignia if you tell them why you need them: lost, new shirt, etc. What they don't want is a troop "stockpiling" insignia and then not turning in forms.


Since every scout going to Jambo has to have at least two complete uniforms they're going to have to allow people to buy extra insignia, and they're going to have to accept Jambo as a reason.

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All advancement items are controlled, they are supposed to be sold only if an Advancement Report is given. As stated, this is so units do not have a stock of patches.


Usually, though, the clerks understand: - Need shirts for Jamboree

- Need shirts for OA position.

- Am setting up a Venturing uniform, but am continuing to accrue Boy Scout rank


They'll deal with the matter.


It helps to have a relationship over time with the Scout Shop staff.

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I've never had an issue with square knots for myself; I even picked up the NESA Lifetime Eagle knot when putting together a second shirt for myself without a problem. I also pick up an Eagle rank patch for my collection when there is a change in the patch (like this year for the Centennial). Again, no problems. Knots are kept behind the counter. Rank patches are on the shelves. As far as I know, the people who sold them to me had know idea who I was. I certainly didn't know them.


I also don't recall there being an issue with additional rank patches when I needed extra shirts for the Jamboree when I was a youth, but I may not have been paying attention.


My guess is that how restrictive they will be depends on the shop policy or the individual behind the counter.(This message has been edited by nolesrule)

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having worked for supply, the policy was a advancement report still had to be filled our and the word REPLACEMENT underneath the information. ALL advancement items are restricted: arrowpoints, badges, medals, etc.


Also in reference to knots, while an advancement report is not necessary, proof that you earned it is required.

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When we have needed additional rank patch(s) for a scout we have written "replacement" on the form with the scouts name and have not had a problem.


We do this for our Eagles so they may have an Eagle rank badge that they do not need to put on a uniform. A keepsake.

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Yah, it's a tom-fool policy. Especially since IMNSHO units should have a stock of rank badges in order to recognize a lad as soon as he completes his BOR. With scout shops few and far between especially in more rural areas, a boy should not have to wait until the next time an adult makes the 90 mile trek to the scout shop, or supply gets around to mailin' things.


As a unit, yeh can just follow da BSA way. Keep a set of extra fellows on da roster and promote 'em to build a stock of badges ;).


Yeh just go in and tell 'em it's for a new shirt or a second jambo shirt or whatnot. If they give yeh any lip ask to talk to their superior.




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I've seen this policy from both ends. From a Scout Shop perspective, the advancement #1 does need to be recorded and #2 you don't want just anyone buying BS ranks.#2 was especially a problem during Halloween and Mardi Gras with folks trying to "buy their costumes." I had to pull the old "May I see your membership card" line a few times. What is it about sorority girls and Boy Scout 'costumes?"


And from the volunteer side, I know how frustrating it is when the local scout shop or council distributor is out of needed items, especially now with the mess on CS ranks going on. This is a pet peeve of mine: not giving a CS his rank at teh pack meeting when he should be receiving it. I remember not getting my Wolf badge when I was suppose to b/c the council distributor did not have enough in stock. DO NOT WANT THAT TO HAPPEN TO ANY CS ( caps for emphasis) I just hope that I can get my den's TC ranks for monday as I've been scrounging for them.

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Aren't there rank advancement cards that are awarded to the boys when they received the rank? Our Pack uses them. Do Troops?


Speaking as a parent, I want to be able to buy my son what he needs; I thought that's what those little cards do. They tell the Scout Shop to sell me (his momma) the restricted item that he earned.

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We had one Scout shop in our area that would sell you anything with no advancement report. They unfortunately were shut down by National due to budget cuts. Our other Scout shop won't let you buy anything without an advancement report and I am struggling with this same issue. I wanted to get my son a second AOL award with the 2010 in case his ever gets messed up, ruined or falls off his uniform! I think it is pretty cool that the rank badges this year have the 2010 on them and you should be able to buy a spare if so desired for back up, second uniform or whatever.

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You would think the pocket certificate would be enough to get the badge, BUT the problem is, and IMHO it is a problem, the cards are NOT restricted.


If you talk to most leaders, they are willing to fill out the REPLACEMENT reports for you and get them, as long as you pay for it ;) I know my SM replaced all my Skill Awards for me when I traded them for neckers, at least the ones he could find as national had just discontinued the. Also bought me duplicate ranks for Jambo uniforms, and my eagle table totem used at COHs 9 table totem is a unit expense though, stillpaid for dup ranks)

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