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Advancement Committee Policies and Procedures


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My council and national Scout Shop has informed us that the latest revision of Advancement Committee Policies and Procedures (actually called Advancement and Recognition Policies and Procedures in this revision, but still the same 33088 document #) has been pulled from national supply and should no longer be used. For those of you who did not see this revison it can be found here, http://www.troop198bsa.com/upldDocuments/Unit613/Advancement%20Policies%20BSA%202010.pdf


According to them the 2009 revision should be used, http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/33088.pdf


What were told is the 2010 revisions had policy's listed that not correct, this happened because it through one review and changes needed to be made. After those changes were made, it did not go through a second review but instead was issued.


Has anyone else heard this?


A few things of interest in the 2010 revision:


No more district and council Advancement Committees, according to the new book they at Youth Development Committees

Added "In communication with the unit leader on a quarterly basis." to the definition of active, which I believe is in the new scout handbook

"In the past, in an effort to secure national approval for a time extension beyond the normal range so that their Eagle candidate son could work on his Eagle Scout requirements past his 18th birthday, some families have tried to use nonsevere, temporary medical conditions such as a learning disorder or ADD/ADHD as extenuating circumstances. Such requests will continue to be denied, and families and/or individuals should be discouraged in requesting a time extension for these reasons."




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I hope they end up NOT changing the names of the advancement committees to "youth development" committees or anything else. That sounds like a pointless and confusing change. I think National has better things to do than that.


You can see signs that this was just a draft, because it is pretty sloppy and not well-edited. On page 5 alone there are references to "district advancement committees", "district youth development committees" and, my favorite, "district youth development advancement committees." And then on page 9 is a reference to the "district youth development and recognition committee." Hopefully these inconsistencies show that, at least as of that draft, they had not definitely decided to make that change.


I also noticed words missing here and there, as well as sentences that are repeated (not consecutively, but within a few paragraphs of each other.) What this document needs, in addition to any legal and policy review, is a good copy-editor.

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