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Eagle Scout Project Maintenance


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Neither the unit, district, or council can add this as a requirement. Only National (by changing Eagle Project requirements formally for all Eagles - not yet done), or the benefitting organization can add this in.


That being said, ongoing maintenance is an issue, so you don't get lousy looking Eagle Projects associted with your Troop years later. What we do in our Troop:

1. Sometimes the project is for an organization that is willing to undertake the maintenance in the future. We generally request this, and often provide them any additional fundraising above that needed for the Eagle project cost. It also gives us a place to donate excess funds.

2. Often, the scout or their family will desire to maintain the project themselves, as their name is associated with it.

3. Finally, for projects that do not fit either of the above, our Troop schedules times and gives service hour credit to maintain Eagle projects that need maintenance. Usually, this is painting or weeding or something simple to keep the project nice.



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I have just one question.


How will they enforce a maintenance requirement?


Scout is awarded his Eagle Scout - then doesn't do any maintenance - what can the unit do? The answer is "nothing".


When the unit says the Scout has to maintain the project afterwards, I'd nod my head, then just promptly ignore them.

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I seriously doubt that many beneficiaries would insist that the completed project site be maintained in perpetuity. For starters, it's not very good manners! Does the local Little League demand that the construction company that put up the concession stand building for free also provide free upkeep over the years? No, it thanks the company profusely for its help and takes over ownership. Ditto for the local library where a landscaping company puts in a garden and small paved walking path. No legitimate nonprofit or community group worth its salt would think of demanding such a thing of someone who wants to help.


This urban legend - or illegal local rule, whatever it is - also unfortunately reinforces the common misconception that an Eagle project must involve building something. It doesn't.

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