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GEOCACHING MB Requirements Released by National Council


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The National Council has released the requirements for GEOCACHING MB. It's a simple 2-pager pdf for now. "They" promise us a complete MB pamphlet at some point downstream.


Here's the blog post at Scouting Magazine:



Here is a direct link to the requirements:



I've got a call into my professionals to see what ScoutNet has for an earn start date.


At this writing, these requirements are not in the scouting.org MB list.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Deja vu all over again?


Jan 12, 2010 Scouting Magazine "announces" the Historic merit badges with requirements. Scouts catch the enthusiasm from old timers (like me) and immediately start working on Carpentry, Signaling, Pathfinding, and Tracking merit badges in order to complete by the BSA 100th birthday Feb 8, 2010. They will not receive the merit badge then. Three months later, Apr 1, National "officially" announces on scouting.org these Historic merit badges such that scouts can now start (legally?) working on them and receive badges.


Apr 4, 2010 Scouting magazine "announces" Geocaching Merit badge with requirements. BSA partners with Groundspeak (geocaching.com) to develop this merit badge. Groundspeak creates a Geo-Scouts program with many local geocache events. Scouts already have the enthusiasm for GPS as well as many scouters. Many scouts earned this merit badge at May GPS events. Summer camps have borrowed GPS units and ramp up to offer Geocaching merit badge this summer. Two months later, National still has not "officially" announced Geocaching merit badge on scouting.org, no merit badge pamphlet, no badge ... My guess is there is 3 month lag from Scouting magazine announcement to National official announcement so July 4???


More alacrity, less dilly-dallying National.

My $0.02



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I had a phone call with my Council Program Department today.


Here is what they are advising units in my area:


1) The requirements are public. Youth members may work on them, Counselors may counsel.


2) The badge is not active on ScoutNet yet. Unit advancement folk may not enter it in Internet Advancement, submit a hard copy Advancement Report, or buy a patch yet.


3) Unit Advancement folk should track the completions. When ScoutNet goes live with the badge, input the completion with the "gone live" date.


No policy here, just some common sense from one Council's paid staff folk.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are two others as well, Inventing and Scouting History. A 4th new MB, Robotics will be added sometime after January. Saw the advertisement at for the four new ones at our local Scout shop last week. Thanks for the .pdf on Geocaching. Has anyone seen the requirements for the other two??

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There are two others as well, Inventing and Scouting History. A 4th new MB, Robotics will be added sometime after January. Saw the advertisement at for the four new ones at our local Scout shop last week. Thanks for the .pdf on Geocaching. Has anyone seen the requirements for the other two??

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