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50 Miler, OA Camping, Camping MB?


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I do not have all the requirements in front of me, but the previous discussion leads me to ask:


* Are all the above "Campy" Awards to be fulfilled with similar activities? Must a Scout fulfill the requirements for each and all at ONLY Scout events? ie., are church camps, rec department trips, 4H camps, etc., even if otherwise appropriately qualifying, NOT to be counted toward the award requirements?



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Here is what is listed at the National Requirements website for requirement 9 of camping Merit Badge:


Show experience in camping by doing the following:


1. Camp a total of at least 20 days and 20 nights. The 20 days and 20 nights must be at a designated Scouting activity or event. Sleep each night under the sky or in a tent you have pitched. You may use a week of long-term camp toward this requirement. If the camp provides a tent that has already been pitched, you need not pitch your own tent.

2. On any of these camping experiences, you must do TWO of the following, only with proper preparation and under qualified supervision.

1. Hike up a mountain, gaining at least 1,000 vertical feet.

2. Backpack, snowshoe, or cross-country ski for at least 4 miles.

3. Take a bike trip of at least 15 miles or at least four hours.

4. Take a nonmotorized trip on the water of at least four hours or 5 miles.

5. Plan and carry out an overnight snow camping experience.

6. Rappel down a rappel route of 30 feet or more.

3. Perform a conservation project approved by the landowner or land managing agency.




There is nothing there about this being done only within BSA. The print edition of Advancement #33215 for 2008 may say something. If it does, the print edition still governs SFAIK.



Certification of the 15 days and nights camping for the Order of the Arrow is a discretionary matter of the Scoutmaster.


The BSA Historic Trails Award and 50 miler award are not discretionary. They must be done inside the purview of Scouting activities. Note the application has additional requirements over what is set in Requirements #33215.


Requirements page



Application page


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The National Camping Award specifically states that church camp, other youth groups, family camping, etc. all counts. The idea is to go camping. The camping merit badge says camping must be a Scouting event. Other requirements say whatever they say. You'd have to read each one for specifics. There is no commonality.

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IF you are asking about merit badge requirements, the answer is "it depends". Camping specifies camping 20 nights at a "scout activity or event". The cycling MB does not specify the 50 miler must be at a scout event. Communications for example, the 5 minute speech must be "to a group" which I take to mean school, patrol, church sunday school class, etc.


Cycling MB

9. After fulfilling requirement 8, lay out on a road map a 50-mile trip. Stay away from main highways. Using your map, make this ride in eight hours.



9a. Camp a total of at least 20 days and 20 nights. Sleep each night under the sky or in a tent you have pitched. The 20 days and 20 nights ** must be at a designated Scouting activity or event**.



3. Write a five-minute speech. Give it at a meeting of a group.


I think it is a good policy to require a written note from a teacher or adult supervisor (preferably not the scout's parent) to allow outside scout activities to count.

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Knot Head is right on camping MB. It must be done within the purview of BSA. I'd not had enough coffee when I posted the extract from Requirements online!


I think it's also a good idea for a Scout to approach his Counselor (when working MBs) before the event to say "I plan to do XXxx at this event." That gives the Counselor a chance to guide the Scout.(This message has been edited by John-in-KC)

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