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Need Court of Hono Program Ideas

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This is a non eagle court of honor. I have a several scouts getting tenderfoot a few more getting second-class, one getting first-class and a many merit badges. Its been a long time coming.



I down loaded some off the net. I like the theatrics of the old ceremonies but what is currently taking place in our troops? So tell me what you got for a routine CoH.



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On a camp out COH we did we had older scouts dressed as indians out in a canoe ... the came in when time to start picked up torch to light fire ... and whole COH was based on that theme


we have also done it based on other themes such as mountain man, and historical scouting ... you can also have some kind of pot luck or banquet - maybe even with foods based on the theme....


The big thing to remember is make it special (not just johnny earned blah shakes hand repeat), let the youth leaders do as much of it as they can ...


There also, if you have not founded them many ceremonies (shameless plug) on my site http://www.insanescouter.org/t276/files/ceremonies.html


Hope my wacky 2 cents was of some help...


Scott Robertson


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In addition to the normal campout reports from scouts, rank advancement, and merit badge distribution, we have a meal for all attendees. After dinner, we have a slide show with selected photos of all Troop activities and campouts that have occurred since last COH. The slide show is set to our SM''s extensive collection of 70''s or 80''s rock music. The scouts, scouters, and parents love it!

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We based on end-of-summer COH around Honor Camping. We''d had a batch of young men Ordeal or Brotherhood in OA, and we''d had our first class of Warriors in our local council honor society, Mic-o-Say. Many of our young men didn''t wear Scout uniforms that night, they were in Indian (tribal) attire. All of these particular young men were in their 4th and 5th summers of Scouting.


We went through and listed each Scouts'' accomplishments that past summer. Sometimes it takes it being in print for them to see just how much they''ve done!

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On a COH where I had only the early rank requirements, we did a ceremony that described the original requirements for rank advancement, It was humorous and eye-opening. I also believed it helped connect them with their "roots", in that we''re closing in on our 100th anniversary.


Another COH I used a scout of the current rank to read the requirements and information about the rank (so, a current Tenderfoot would read it for the new Tenderfoots), etc.

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