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Anyone done Pulp and Paper merit badge?


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Last night, some of our guys decided they wanted to work on Pulp and Paper merit badge. Has anyone on the forum ever done this badge? If so, do you have any information for the requirement on making a sheet of paper? I've seen a few websites with directions and it does look like fun.

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We have had many scouts do Pulp and Paper MB. Of course our summer camp was located in the north woods of Wisconsin where paper is a big industry. I do r3emember them making paper and the camp also arranged a tour of a nearby paper plant that made most of the cereal boxes for General Mills and Kelloggs.

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I have not done pulp and paper yet, as my boys are still Webelos. I do know that International Paper has a website, www.internationalpaper.com, under the 'our company' tab, then 'learning center', there are some materials that can be ordered for educators and scouts. Also under locations you might find a mill nearby. I do not know if they do any tours.


I have made paper with my girl scout troop and it is fairly easy. A deckle can be made from a frame with window screening.



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  • 2 months later...

We did the Pulp and Paper MB this weekend. I found the paper making instructions in the MB book confusing. (And I am pretty 'crafty') I did a google serach and found a fairly simple set of instructions. I spent less than $2 on everything I needed (had most of it around the house)and each boy was able to make and take paper home.

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