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Everything posted by aliscout

  1. What does your troop count as an "outing" for 2nd and 1st class rank requirements? This has come up in our troop- A weekend camping trip or hike is an easy call. But what if several boys get together to work on a MB, does that count? What about a day long MB college? where there is no camping or troop coordination other than carpooling, does that count? What about troop level JLT? Trying to be consistent and be fair to our boys! Thanks for you input!
  2. We did the Pulp and Paper MB this weekend. I found the paper making instructions in the MB book confusing. (And I am pretty 'crafty') I did a google serach and found a fairly simple set of instructions. I spent less than $2 on everything I needed (had most of it around the house)and each boy was able to make and take paper home.
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