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Flash Cards for Map Symbols


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My troop's theme for September is Orienteering, with the boys putting together a good program that will keep all levels of boys interested. One of the games that was listed to play during the Orienteering theme was Map Symbol Relay, which says to have flash cards with map symbols on them. I have looked all over the internet trying to find AMERICAN topographic map symbol flash cards with no luck.


Does anyone on the forum here have any idea where I can get some of these, or is it best to just make them myself. If I need to make them myself, it would be nice to find a place to download them on my computer.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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Google on "topographic map symbols"


You'll get several excellent results for standard lists, USGS and University of Wisconsin Stevens Point are both represented.


Enlarge the graphic as needed, print and paste to 5 x 8 cards.


As an aside, the BSA National theme for this September is Fishing. Orienteering is scheduled for next May. Any reason you're not using the National Program?

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I would surmise that a very large percentage of troops do not follow the National program for myriad reasons. If the boys plan the program, as is supposed to happen, then they will be far less likely to stay with the often "lame" (boys' description) program. The important thing is that the program is planned and involves scout related subjects that focus on the overall mission.

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I show the boys the BSA "suggested" themes for the months and let them decide what they want to do. We had our campouts planned for September through November, and there wasn't an opportunity for fishing. We are doing the Fishing theme in April and then having a fishing campout to finish it out.


This is actually an updgrade from what happened in the past in our troop. We actually didn't follow much of a theme pattern when I first joined.


It would be interesting to find out how many troops out there actually follow month by month the BSA national theme. I will spin off into a new thread.




BTW, thanks for the information!

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