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Court of Honor Ceremonies


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Does anyone know of a site on the Internet, where I can find some good Court of Honor ceremonies? Something meaningful, where I just don't hand out Merit Badges, and Badges of Rank, without it maning something to the boys?

Thank you.

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Have you asked your PLC to get on the internet and do some research?


Things I've seen my PLC do:


Have a "campfire" COH, where all was formal, but done at a fire ring. Opening was led by members of the Tribal Council in the Tribe of Mic-o-Say.


Ask respected elder Scouters to visit and talk with the Scouts...


When a Scout earned his religous award and purple square knot, invite an Eagle Scout elder for the candidate's church to present the award.


Waaay back when, we had a potluck dinner COH.


Ask your PLC for ideas, then help your SPL take those to the Committee. After all, the Committee is functionally charged with making COH's happen.

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