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How do your troops handle the actual scheduling of BOR. Who is the one scheduling the parents and other members? Paperwork and such.


I know that Eagle is separate. I am asking about Tenderfoot through Life.


I have my answers, I am just looking for addtional input as to other possibilities.


Does your Troop Advancement person handle it or is it by an internal committee- data entry, BOR, COH?



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Our troop advancement person heads all of this up and makes sure appropriate committee members are available. Our BORs are more or less on demand, usually right before or right after our weekly troop meeting, rather than once a month or something like that. Boys are expected to sign up at least a week in advance so we can be sure to have enough committee members present. But we've done a few on the spot (usually when COH is approaching).




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I've seen all kinds of things in troops. Ours is pretty simple; the boy or the SM/ASM who did the conference call the advancement chair, he/she arranges members and date/time/location.


Some troops like doing the once a month "standard" time with the boys signin' themselves up with the advancement chair.


Some troops the SM grabs people from the back of the room at a meeting / from the campfire at an outing when needed.


I've seen one troop where the Troop Scribe was responsible, working with the advancement chair.



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In our Troop we are still in such a training and learning mode that I (SM) schedule the BORs. Heck, it has only been in the last few months that I have a Scout even ask me for a SM conference.


In the past, advancement was recorded in TroopMaster software by advancement chair, SM or ASMs. The Troop had gotten completely away from using handbooks and merit badges were done at summer camp or Troop meetings. The Scouts never actually knew what was being recorded for them. Then, the Advance Chair, SM or ASMs would look at TroopMaster and then tell a Scout when he was ready for a SM and BOR.


Over the past year, Scouts would come to me and ask "what do I need to do to get _____ rank?" Or, "what do I have left to do on ____ merit badge?" That gave me the opportunity to mention that they bring their handbook/blue cards and we at least go over it and whatever has been recorded in TroopMaster, have a SM conference, and figure out where they stand. This has also allowed me to have a conference with every Scout whether it was for rank advancement or not. A nice chance to get to know each Scout individually and discuss his part in helping the Troop turn around from adult-run to boy-run.


Now, PLs are signing off on requirements (T-lst) and Scouts are starting to bring their handbooks more regularly. Past few months have seen Scouts who are ready actually come and ask to schedule a SM conference.


I really like the idea of having the SPL or Scribe set up the BOR with advancement chair. Might be a nice next step in leadership towards our goal of a Scout-let Troop. Very small step forward we can make is progress toward that larger goal.

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Our troop meets on Wednesdays, and we schedule all SM conferences on the 3rd Wed. of the month, and BOR's on the 4th Wed. We will also do them both on our monthly campouts if we have anyone ready. Our Advancement Chairman coordinates this.


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For both SM conferences and BORs, the scout is responsible to request it in our troop. We have a BOR Chairperson on our committee and she requests that scouts call her in advance to schedule a BOR.


Our troop has a policy of requesting that at least one parent from each family register as an adult with the troop. If they want to work directly with the boys, attend most campouts, etc, we usually suggest that they register as an ASM and take the training, otherwise they are registered as committee members so we usually have plenty of committee members at most meetings to hold BORs as needed.


Occasionally, scouts will come up to the BOR chairman at a meeting and request a BOR that evening. Sometimes she can accomodate that but other times, they must wait a week but that about as long as they have to wait for all BORs other than Eagle.

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