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Posts posted by AK-Eagle

  1. Egad, they brought back the blue card pocket,


    YO! national supply cargo pocket means you can put something, like a digital camera in it and carry it comfortably.


    Please tell me the canvas uniform pants are not going away.



  2. For backpacking and general camping I have a Olympus Stylus 8010 with a extra battery pack. I've used the camera on summer and winter camps. In temps below +20f keep the camera in a warm pocket when not being used and it should keep going.

    If you want to see some of those photos please send me a private message.


    For Courts of Honor I use a Fujifilm S9100.



  3. I have had a Bemidji Red wool jacket for a number of years now and it has been a great purchase. The material is heavier (warmer) than the Jac-shirt found in BSA Supply. Another definite plus for the Bemidji are the hand warmer pockets.


    Bemidjis customer service is outstanding, I called them after losing one of the buttons on a camp and they sent me a card of buttons at no cost.




  4. I use the BSA hiking sock worn if actually hiking I wear them pushed down around the ankle, it keeps them little stones from finding their way into the boot that way.



  5. G'day all,


    A series of mudslides came down a hillside in Juneau Alaska damaging at least one building and endangering several others.


    Scouts and leaders from Troop 700 volunteered to assist the American Red Cross in setting up a evacuation center for those who were displaced.



    Phillip Martin


    Troop 700

    Juneau Alaska

  6. Here is a few from Alaska


    Eagle River Scout Camp, Juneau Alaska

    Main flag pole 5830'57.2" N 13449'23.9"W


    Parking Lot, 5831'13.0"N 13448'04.7W note it is approx 1.5 mile hike from parking lot to the flag pole, no driving


    Gorsuch Scout Camp Anchorage Alaska

    Main flag pole 6125'27.1"N 14924'13.9"W


    UTMs on request


  7. Gday all


    Just passing the word to you land lubers "Field Day" in nautical speak means a day of sweeping, swabbing, polishing and painting.


    That said have a great time as for the cheers you might have a different cheer for each station depending on either the theme or the sponsor

    some punny examples.


    BB guns "You hit the spot"

    Cooks "Ruba dubdub thanks for the grub"


    Running for cover



  8. Instead of a wholesale change of the Wilderness Survival merit badge, what about creating an award like the current BSA Lifeguard.


    Off the top of my feathered head:


    1. Earn the or show skill in the following merit badges

    a. Camping

    b. First Aid

    c. Hiking

    d. Wilderness Survival

    e. Safety


    2. Earn or show the following certifications

    a. Red Cross Wilderness First Aid or equivalent

    b. Red Cross CPR or equivalent


    3. Demonstrate the following

    a. Ground to Air Emergency Signals

    b. Three different ways of sanitizing water

    c. Knowledge of local poisonous and edible plants



    4. With the permission landowner(s) or responsible parties create a shelter from

    improvised materials and use it for two nights.


    Theres a start lets build on that



    Scoutmaster Troop 700


    I used to be a Bobwhiteetc, etc.


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