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Posts posted by dg98adams

  1. I suggest not treating these adults as unskilled employees and refrain from "assigning them roles".


    #1 - ask what they would be interested in? Go from There.


    #2 - if the CC (in charge of securing leadership) transferred them from the Pack as new ASM's then heavily stress training for that position if they wish to continue as an ASM. This would be Outdoor Skills and SM Specific at a minimum... but there's a host of other useful training like Weather, Climb On/Trek Safely, Safety Afloat, Swim Defense, etc...


    #3 - encourage them to find an area where the Troop can benefit from an extra adult, or to get training that would benefit the Troop, Red Cross 1st Aid/Wilderness 1st Aid, YMCA/BSA Lifeguard, Paddle Craft Safety, CPR certification....


    #4 - You can encourage signing up as Merit Badge councilors, but that's a district role, and not under the Troop control (we encourage primary registration as a Merit Badge Councilor... no cost to the Troop, no hit on training so they can get trained for a needed Troop position).


    #5 - don't assign them to a job a youth should be doing like QM....


    (This message has been edited by dg98adams)

  2. If the Troop does not incrementally keep records of each Scouts advancement (reconciling with the book) with say, Troop Master, then the only thing to do would be to have the SM sit down with the Scout and recreate as much of the advancement for the current rank as possible by discussing the material BEFORE the BOR.


    If an advancement date can't be "recalled thru discussion", then the Scout needs to get it done before being sent to a BOR.


    A SM should never send a Scout to a BOR that he is not ready for.


    In the Troop I serve, Scouts are encouraged to get their advancements into the Troop Master record for this very reason (lost book). An ASM manages Troop Master, but the Scout is given opportunity to bring a book and get his info copied over before the meeting. Also, the PLC uses Troop Master individual advancement reports to plan the program.



    If A Scout lost his HB between the SM signing the SM conference in the HB and the BOR, then the BOR has nothing to sign so no BOR. possible.




  3. Emails.... I have more issues with people not directly answering questions posed in emails, replying with 1 non-specific word to multiple questions, or a blank subject line.




    The signature block can be useful, like the Wood Badge stuff if it's during the current course or as the ticket counselor.


    General rule I use: If it ain't current, don't list it.


    I am spread out in the Scouting Community I serve .. as a ASM, Unit Commissioner for Cub, Scout, Crew, Council Training Comm., and Council Adv. Comm.


    If I send out more of a targeted mass email, I might include 2-3 positions... you never know you might be hearing back from someone for a UC function, who emails back because they are interested in Training or a Merit Badge Councilor question.



  4. Jeffrey,

    I believe it is one of the main roles of a UC to be involved in the recharter process to provide whatever assistance is needed by the Unit. And should not be the only role of the UC, with just an email or phone contact.


    Some of my units I UC for have leaders with Military experience and are always sharp on getting paper work done (and done early)... it's easy when I make my monthly visits (outings, COH, Comm Meeting or Troop meetings) to get a heads up on things, so things don't fall away.


    Some units need more guidance in the form of me asking questions.... to keep the recharter fire burning, planning and communication going. But still they miss or overlook opportunities like the "charter presentation". And the charter was mailed to the unit, as I asked for it to frame and present for them. I even laminated the BSA member ID cards they passed out at the Blue And Gold.


    When I was a CM I had a ghost UC, who I think thought I would track him down to get info... he never returned my calls or visited the unit.... even after repeated invitations. I had to have council reprint my recharter packet (2 years in a row) because he picked it up at RT and never got it to me...I was also at the same RT meeting in the Cub Side when he picked it up!!!


    IF you have a ghost UC let the District Comm. know. Maybe there is someone else willing to step up.

  5. As a UC for Cubs, Scouts and Venturers, I have never been asked to do a Uniform inspection, and don't see it as something I would want to do anyway.


    I don't see a requirement to "count uniformed versus non-uniformed Scouts" on my UVTS entries (I don't call them reports).





    Did the observed program reflect prior planning and adequate preparation?


    Was the observed activity appropriate to the stated advancement and program objectives for this unit?


    Was adult (and age-appropriate youth) leadership present during this activity?


    Did the Scouts appear to enjoy and be engaged with the program activity?


    Was actual attendance at this activity at or near the number of enrolled youth?

  6. One of the Packs I UC for got a new church built (40+ years of tenure), so I suggested presenting them with the charter (framed, which I bought a cheap frame for) and a 3 wick candle (3 aims of Scouting) which I also paid for. I figured a simple Light of Scouting moment during Scout Sunday to present the charter/candle.


    The pastor (IH/COR) was up for it, and I attended with framed charter/candle and took no more than 2 minutes during the beginning of his service.


    Even though I had been talking it up to the CM/Leaders since Dec., 2 Cubs showed in uniform!


    35 Cubs & parents must go to other churches.... it did appear they did not think it was important to strengthen ties with the congregation in the new church.


    In the church where my son and daughter are in the Troop/Crew, there was Scouts from the Pack, Troop and Crew, as well as several leaders in uniform participating in the service, charter presentation, and the sandwiches served after.


  7. In the latest edition of the "Guide to Advancement, 2012, Section


    Any registered Scout may work on any Merit badge (unless otherwise restricted in the Merit Badge) at any time:

    --Needs approval of the SM (signature on a Blue card #34124)


    The SM is responsible to confirm that Merit Badge Councilor contact information from the Approved Council list is made available to the Scout, but a Scout can choose ANY approved Merit Badge Councilor (or event like Jambo midway or Merit Badge event).


    The SM should still consider and approve if appropriate.


    In section a Merit badge councilor is not limited to a # of badges that can be approved for, and once approved can council ANY Scout (including their own son, ward or relative). Scouts are encouraged (but not required) to associate with adults outside their own family.


    Merit Badge councilors are a District function-approval, not a unit function.


    In my opinion, an approved Merit Badge councilor has as much integrity as any other Merit Badge councilor to council any Scout. Otherwise, the District should be alerted to remove them.


    It goes on and on on Merit badge Counseling, but that should be enough to answer the initial post.

  8. The only thing you can do is confirm the person that signed the card COMPLETE is on that councils list of Approved counselors.


    Otherwise, whoever is responsible for the Scout is the provisional leader and can approve starting a Merit Badge.


    The local Scout office should have an up-to-date list that will confirm the Merit Badge counselor is approved.




    (This message has been edited by dg98adams)

  9. Don't qualify as a "Lady" but I felt the need to rub my charcoal stick on the cave-man wall......


    I'm just a Cave-man-like ASM, I don't care how unflattering your uniform makes you look. Do you think the boys do?


    As long as it's clean and worn correctly (as possible with what you can afford - just like the boys we SERVE) just the same as the other "Scouts" are asked to wear it.


    It's not the "7 Methods" as you see fit to observe, there are 8 methods and "Uniforming" is what not only the boys we SERVE see, but what the community we SERVE see.


    Grogg, my fellow ASM drags me from the Cave-wall back to the campfire.......


    (did I mention Grogg is a 6' blonde female leader in our Troop?)



  10. Career Arrow...? That's a 1st for me... the whole arrow thing can be taken a bit too far.


    Was there a Bow Hunting career path I missed out on. :)


    I'll admit to making cedar arrows, bone tips with turkey fletching for the 3 Webelos who had earned the AOL. Maybe since I was CM and that group included my son helped glaze my perspective.


    As a UC for 2 packs, I don't weigh in on it much.


    I do sort of scratch my head at one pack where every den "crosses over" the bridge a previous Scouter made at B & G.


    They want an opinion from me on what to do with the Webelos who do not plan to go into a Troop.


    I think they lessen "crossing over", but by letting all the Scouts do it for rank advancement at B & G.... sets a precedent, which may be why the 2nd year Webelos adults expect them to "cross".


    So, all I said was, "Let the Troop that will be there to greet Scouts on the other side of the bridge know which Webelos don't want to join."


    That way they can save on loops/neckers/books. Handshakes are free.


    But if none of them are moving on to Scouts, why ask and Boy Scout Troop to show up?


    (This message has been edited by dg98adams)

  11. As a Merit Badge counselor, it's pretty much the only "talk" I have with Parents on a MB is telling them to have their son contact me.


    Although, I will discuss the difficulty level of a MB with the parent (or Scout) and overall estimated effort needed.


    I will discuss with the parent the Troop policy on Blue Cards and dealing with Partials from camp and the council policy on who can be a Councillor.


    I will try to explain why BSA encourages seeking those outside the family (but does not prohibit it) for a MB, and how to get signed up if they are seeking approval to be a Councillor.


    When I talk to a MB Councillor, I say "if it says do, then they have to "do", if it says "explain", then they have to "explain", etc.... Otherwise there's no magic interpretation on the requirement other than the level of effort the Scout rises to meet it. He either meets it, or needs counseling on how to get there.

  12. IMHO, the business needs to donate to the CO to get a charitable write off (assuming the CO is non-profit)... Most packs do not have non-profit status by themselves.


    The CO owns the unit and all equipment.


    So as long as the business is willing to donate the item to the CO earmarked for use by Pack ##, it should be good. No problem hanging the logo off it either.



  13. the Troop I serve uses the same model as mentioned above, and works if you stick to it.


    Patrol gets a nice custom made aluminum cook box (we have a Fabricator dad in the Troop donate 4 boxes) stocked with array of pots, pans, propane stove, etc....


    Patrol get a plastic tub with 4 tents, propane tree, lantern.


    Each Patrol has QM (or assistant QM/APL) to check in/out from the plastic tub as needed. Consumables or normal wear and tear are reported after each camp out to be addressed. A list of gear/stuff is printed (several copies and placed in the tub).


    the SM/ASM has to really be on-board with not allowing PL's to pillage a Patrol's gear (for ANY reason - a patrol's gear is NOT a spare if the other Patrol did not do their job) or the system breaks down..

  14. I've seen cooks for the camp out back out when the food the patrol decides is not what they want.... or if a member of a patrol don't get McNuggets he skips the camp out. When the size of the patrol dips below 4, back-pack style cooking is easier, funner and they learn more.


    The Patrol cooks/feeds/cleans up after those that show up and go, they will figure it out and mush on. Our Troop does not have refunds for those who cancel after the grub master for the patrol collects food money (the Monday before the outing).


    This usually corrects itself... don't like cooking/cleaning up/food you have to make instead of a Styrofoam container...don't stay Scouts for long.


    Always a good opportunity to just have an extra box of cake mix/brownie mix the smaller patrol can use. What Scout don't like cake/brownies? There's egg & flour there... almost a meal in itself if you count butter.


    P.S. I like cake/brownies.

  15. SeattlePioneer,


    It is a District event (involves 3 of the 5 Districts in our Council). We're the Northern Tier, and the Southern Tier handles the other MB event.


    I was recruited for the event initially for Computer support, and I grew into chairing it.


    It had been running (all though not as smooth as now) for several years.


    As far as how it's run, Scouts pre-register for 3 MB's from the list (I have the schedule broken down by 3 sessions with ~20-22 MB's each session). The idea is they get 1 hour-25 minutes of each of the 3 MB's, each Saturday, for a total of ~4 hours of class time.


    I choose MB's that span the ability level of the Scouts from one that are usually finished by the 3rd Saturday, to several that almost always are partials.

  16. I chair a Merit Badge Trail Drive event spanning 3 Saturdays, each one 2 weeks apart.


    Here's what it IS and IS NOT.


    It IS focused on offering badges not primarily offered at our local Summer Camp.


    Class size IS limited, to 10-15 Scouts,... usually closer to 7-9. I have 3 sessions each Saturday day with ~20 different MB's each session, usually have ~250 Scouts spread out.


    It IS NOT a fundraiser. the registration fee ($5) covers the patch, janitorial fees (and some administrative costs (paper, printer ink, extra Blue Cards..).


    MBC's give out their contact info since it's expected outside work IS needed to complete the badge requirements.


    Its stressed to Scout & MBC's that ATTENDANCE IS NOT PARTICIPATION.


    I personally extend MBC training to new MBC's, and I only use the Council MBC approved list of councilors who have current YPT and use email (I use email for communication before, during and after the event).


    I use Blue Cards originating from the Troop (signed by the SM), and provide a Troop/Scout MB report spreadsheet with any progress for each MB and return the updated/and/or/signed Blue Cards to the Unit (not the Scout) after the event. I use the Blue Cards (last thing touched by the MBC) to check my electronic record which also has a check mark for Blue Card (so no Blue card is lost).


    My MBC's have no quota to fill, and have the option to continue working with the Scout when the event is closed.


    The event IS NOT a give-away in any shape/form, in fact, I announce the ATTENDANCE IS NOT PARTICIPATION during preceding RT's and at the opening Ceremony.


    I believe the event is well regarded in our council and outside the council. I even get some Scouts from out of state.

  17. Adult leaders. She is the Den Leader of WebsI. The other person is the Cub Master.


    Webs II - 3 cubs, Cub Master son is in this group and will cross over with his son.

    Webs I - 6 cubs, (ladies group)

    Bear - 1 cub (parent is doing lone scouting????)

    Wolf - 1 cub (parent is doing lone scouting????)

    Tiger - 0 cubs (had one, got in fight with Wolf and left).


    This is NOT a Pack and is likely in trouble of not being rechartered or should not have been rechartered. Not surprised it's "on the list".


    A Pack needs a DL for every level of Cubs in the pack plus CM (who cannot dual role as a DL) and a Comm. Chair. Where are the IH/COR? It's their job to secure appropriate leadership.


    A Wood Badge ticket based on Webelos Transition, is not going to save the pack.


    Recruitment of leadership should come before the Cubs getting recruited.. "cart before the horse"...

  18. Catchup, water, and spaghetti noodles....... New patrol grub master forgot the sauce.


    They finished eating, and the leaders heard about it over the camp fire later..They were discussing the pro and cons of roasting the grb master ;). .. Sorta good they mushed on without an SM/ASM addressing the problem of the missing sauce.


    Note to self: what is catchup..... Tomato flavored after all right?

    (This message has been edited by dg98adams)(This message has been edited by dg98adams)

  19. Our camp started a mountain man program at camp for Scouts that done 3 years at camp. They get a pioneer shirt, and additional gear each year. Several in our Troop have done it 3 years and are now the boose way way to teach it.


    Our Troop has several ringers for throwing hawk and the frontier style camping is popular.


    I recently completed NRA rifle instructor and plan to add muzzleloader for Spring.


    I think they enjoy the pioneering when it's fun, and hands on.






  20. It's probably a recommendation you'll make to the COR on the choices... but I would add another way to look at it.


    If all the ASMs have been active and have a reasonable amount of respect with the Troop youth, leaders and and Committee you could try this:


    Ask the ASM's in turn to recommend an ASM for SM. If they nominate themselves, ask for a 2nd choice, and discount the self-nomination.


    Then ask would they have any problem continuing on as an ASM under that choice.


    If you have a perfect, group you will have 4 different recommendations... but I bet you'll get 1 to bubble to the top without needing to nominate them selves.(This message has been edited by dg98adams)

  21. Heating with wood is thrisce (sp) heated.


    Generate your own heat when cutting

    Generate your own heat loading/stacking

    Generate your own heat when burining.


    We had a fan/Buck stove for years. 3 cord of wood a winter.


    Had a new house built, and wife wanted a gas ventless fireplace instead of stove. :(

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