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Posts posted by dg98adams

  1. When I was a participant, I thought it was a "no-brainer" to do the 360... not that I was looking for an easy way out, but since I was in transition from Pack-to-Troop as a leader & organizing/conducting council training for Cub & Boy Scout I felt I would have plenty of opportunity to ask and receive feedback.


    But I am pretty thick-skinned, and feedback is a gift, right?


    As a staffer, it was interesting how many in the Patrol I was TG for, and the participants I ended up counseling the final tickets shied away from it.



    But it was encouraged during the course but not required.(This message has been edited by dg98adams)

  2. If you are asking "Fire Building" then that comes in at Webelos.


    Otherwise Cubs love participating in anything around a campfire. Den meetings, Pack meetings, campouts are all special with a campfire. You need to follow the flames. If you don't know what that means then you need campfire planning. A BALOO course is a great way to get it.


    You do need to be firm about not throwing anything into the fire, and controlling the

    flaming marshmallow.



  3. It's a Merit Badge, so yep the MBC has the word that counts...but my own son asked this question too (Sister and mom are GS).


    I said.... I think when they ask you to look outside of Scouting, that it means to extend your search to something outside your familiar comfort zone. IMO Girl Scouting, while not Boy Scouting would still be in a Scouts comfort zone.


    My son's MBC said he would have accepted it.


  4. Scoutfish


    There are no really easy answers for your concerns with parents but here are a couple I used when I was Cub Master/DL and my sons SM uses now...


    I talked about it at the beginning of the meeting...email me your questions and I will answer them later after I have had dinner.


    All that information is in the Pack/Den newsletter...I can email it if you don't have your copy (we put the Scout/family last name on copies so we knew who left it behind).


    Now for what the SM says...


    You need to get your son to contact the his Pl about that.


    You need to get your son to contact the his SPl about that.


    You need to get your son to contact the his Merit Badge councilor about that.


    You need to get your son to contact the the ASM that in charge of that.


    If an adult leader spends more than 2-3 minutes talking about something or making announcement after announcement it's not for the youths benefit...most youth won't write it down, so why do it?


    (This message has been edited by dg98adams)

  5. Sounds great!


    Involve the new Scouts with "cracker barrel prep" & "dessert" prep & cleanup.


    I'd have my PLC pick 2 from Short's list (keep it simple, keep it fun), but add a station for some of the Scout rank req. you can knock out.



    # Repeat the Pledge of Allegiance ----> perfect for morning flag ceremony


    # Demonstrate the Scout sign, salute, and handshake. ----->Right after the morning flag ceremony.


    # Demonstrate tying the square knot (a joining knot).


    # Understand and agree to live by the Scout Oath or Promise, Law, motto, and slogan, and the Outdoor Code. -----> Good time to do a quick LNT talk (police campsite & cleanup fire remains).


    # Describe the Scout badge.


    I'd stress using the Troop guides to run the stations but let the entire troop help with the Scout rank items.


    (This message has been edited by dg98adams)

  6. 1 piece of advise, don't expect the NSP (or established) Patrol to be sacred for ever.....they can be dissolved, reformed, augmented how ever the Scouts in that Patrol want. Established patrols will need to change to be viable.


    I agree, I don't think a Patrol of 3 is viable.....I think the key is to not to push the adult "decision", so let the Scouts see if they can come up with a solution.

  7. I have never seen the term "poaching" in any BSA manual or training class. Not saying I don't understand what you mean, but I would not hesitate to talk to or answer questions of a "visiting Scout" for fear of it.


    Boys vote with their feet.


    Straddling the line between 2 troops for "advancements", sounds more like a parents idea than the Scout.


    Our Troop relies on Troop Guides and the support of an assigned ASM to guide new Scouts thru the first year....advancement is still individual.

  8. Try a registered letter informing them they need to either turn in the $ or the product.

    CC the council SE.


    I had this happen 1 time too. Parents thought they were due the $.


    Never did collect.

  9. I have been a RT regular since I was CM, and now an ASM. This year I became a UC for 2 Troops and 1 pack, so I collect stuff the units I represent don't get to.


    I know it's a pain, and not all CM/SM use it, but if I was RT chair, I would use email and the council newsletter/website more to advertise what will be covered at the RT to include special trainings, guest speakers, special topics, etc...


    Phone calls I have found are not effective to advertise an event, as no one seems to be home on my schedule. :)


    I did see a suggestion a while back that RT commissioners should poll attendees to create a plan for the year and broadcast that so attendees could come to the meetings that means the most to them.



    (This message has been edited by dg98adams)(This message has been edited by dg98adams)

  10. We managed our pack this way. I think the Troop my son is in does the same way, although for most they take registration out of dues.


    If the Scout worked on the unit fundraisers, then I believe they plan to recharter him unless hearing otherwise.


    If the Scout is not being seen a lot (and skipping fundraisers) he probably would not get rechartered. But if he showed up at the next years meeting (Sept for Cubs, Jan. for Troop), he would get a new app & asked to complete it and likely asked to pay for it.(This message has been edited by dg98adams)

  11. Really... F.M.B. for Cubs?


    Although a great movie for boy Scouts,not likely a good choice for Tigers..


    I'd suggest a G movie that hits somewhere in the middle age-group wise.


    Disney movies are a good choice as they won't likely cause an up roar and probably are owned by a lot of families.


    Here's an idea, have each Den contribute 2 movies choices (assuming they can be rented) then have the pack vote from that set of movies, where everyone gets 1 vote. CM (or the driver) is the tie-breaker.



  12. Eagle92

    If you have your SM/PLC on same page with uniforming:


    Uniformed Scouts are chosen/selected/asked 1st for flag raising/retirements.


    Sometimes put Scouts in a line based on the completeness of uniform when sorting for an activity (not rely on it always, just one of a few sort methods).


    Excuse uniformed Scouts 1st when an activity ends.


    Call uniformed Scouts up front when going on a hike or getting on the bus or queuing up for a treat.


    Basically put importance on the uniform method, without "stiff inspections", and above all ADULT Scouters properly wear the uniform. The best example is sometimes just seen and not spoken.


    (This message has been edited by dg98adams)

  13. Have not had too many, and all are at SM/ASM suggestion.


    I think the battle of "tuck it or shuck it" or "nice skirt, I did not know we had GS visitors" has been won.... as I hear more of the Scouts in the Troop say it before I get too (ASM).


    What I would like to see are Patrol leaders doing a quick look-see at meetings/activities and squaring the patrol away instead some stiff inspection.


    Incentives like 3 regular-size candy bars (for the most complete uniformed - more than just what is expected), mini's treats with minimal Troop -T's, and hard candy for the rest.


    I don't make a big issue of uniforms other than wearing it un-tucked or un-buttoned. I can't stand the OA sashes or the flat hat tucked in a belt. But maybe that's my own pet peeve because they see other OA Scouts do it.


    (This message has been edited by dg98adams)

  14. The thing with most Cub leaders (whatever position) by the time they figure out the position, they are about ready to "age out".


    This isn't the case when you have a leader with more than 1 Cub.


    When you have a strong pack, that doesn't work to constantly bring in new leaders/positions..... it seems to suffer all at once when the strong leaders transition.


    So the key is have a plan to work with new parents (prospective leaders) all year long.



  15. Sounds like there is no effective PLC, other than the SPL and the "core" group. Or they were not allowed to manage the Scouts thru the PLC.


    I would hazard to guess the boys are either brothers or tight friends.


    I would also guess the boys are children of the CC or long-standing Scout position within the Troop everyone is not willing to get on their bad side.


    It sounds like the previous SM may not have been able to effectively counsel these boys during the advancement process.


    It does sound like the Scouts (not referencing boys anymore) in your Troop have made their grievances known.


    I think it will be good to let it continue to play out.


    Be prepared to find another Troop as an option if these Scouts don't get some resolution.


    (This message has been edited by dg98adams)(This message has been edited by dg98adams)

  16. I found some khaki velcro at the Military clothing store I used for my sons rank patch on his centennial shirt pocket.


    It was large enough I think I will do my shirts (UC & ASM) and put some velcro on my temp patches.


    The Velcro looked like the same brand available at Joann Fabrics...

  17. I would definitely NOT consider myself a social butterfly, but if I have enough interaction with a person to create some common bonds (cements me remembering their name), I would consider that person a "friend".


    But it would take more than that to consider that person a real life-long friend, and even more to become a "best friend".




  18. Position of Responsibility or POR I have seen most oftenly used describing youth leadership.



    Adults are not playing the game of "Scouting" we just pass out the marbles. :)


    I have not seen POR referenced when describing an Adult Scouter position, but it could be used in the same way "description of your job" could be.

    (This message has been edited by dg98adams)(This message has been edited by dg98adams)

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