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Cubmaster Jerry

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Everything posted by Cubmaster Jerry

  1. Is this the same unit that is selling beer at the local fair? Just curious. The following comments are made with the understanding that I know little about funding a Troop (I'm a Pack guy ) "$18,000.00.Does seem like a lot of money for a Scout Troop, but paying to insure and maintain all the things they have isn't cheap and maybe the money is earmarked for the next big thing that they aim to buy?" Like What?!? A new fleet of trailers to haul their goods in? How about a new Chevy Silvarado to pull their trailer? At what point does a non profit organization start to becom
  2. One short question - What should we at the unit level expect from Council/District? Seems simple enough but I know it's not. This year, I am finding myself (willingly) getting more involved in activities at the district level - Day Camp Program Director, District Training Staff, helping the UC start up a new unit, and working to split my unit. It has got me thinking more of what assistance I should expect at the unit level from the district or council, not just with those particular items but in general. For example: - Leadership and guidance. Training is one thing but many units
  3. I'd have to agree with Semp in that the boy may be back if the underlying situation gets better. Stay in touch with him, especially since you felt that he was one of your core scouts. You will probably see him at Pack meetings at least. Ask how he is doing and let him know that you'd like to seem him in the Den again. Hopefully you will. Jerry
  4. "Council didnt just step in and take over as some here on the forum might expect. In general, Council lets the units deal with unit business and more or less has to be dragged in farther," As unfortunate as it is, this is exactly what I have experienced and understand from others when looking to council for guidance. Council should be there for units to offer that guidance or assistance in a wide array of issues that units face and that just isn't available. Units are often left to fend for themselves. But I think that is for another thread... Great suggestion by Eagledad for a po
  5. Good points Eamonn. I will echo the others concerns that hopefully your unit will continue on after your service. Hopefully there are others lurking in the shadows. However, if I remember, you have a VERY small unit and a VERY small pool of youth, don't you. Sounds like a tough battle for your CO. I commend you and your committee on keeping such a small unit in a small community going. Has the idea of folding been presented to the parents who will remain? What say they? And one note on the fact that the CO owns everything. I have heard (not seen in practice) where leaders pu
  6. I, too, will echo FScouter. Do it now. We all admire your enthusiasm and concern for putting on a quality program. Don't let this drag on. As indicated here already, you will get burned out and boys will be lost. Since you know the boys best, work with the CM to divide the boys up in the best manner. Good luck! Jerry
  7. Have you or your CC sat down with this parent and discussed the options and the causes for the problem? I would assume that the overbearing parent and his presumed uninvited older son are probably not aware of the seriousness of the problems they are causing and their long reaching effects. They probably see what they are doing as being ok. However, 4 boys and 1 DL already gone because of one family. It should be clear to them what the Pack's goals are. Not letting one spoil it for many. And, as others have stated, don't let this initial welcome to the "Coolest Job In The Pack" (CM)
  8. WHAT!!?!?!?! I...don't even know what to say. Do the logical thing. Go with your instincts. There is absolutely NOTHING that is right about any of what happened. Good luck.
  9. FScouter and rpushies hit the nail on the head. Perhaps there was some misconception that was passed on from the last CM as to the measure of responsibility that a CM has and his role in the Pack? Hopefully it is more of a misunderstanding rather than an abrasive situation. Good luck! Jerry
  10. I have returned from the battle field and it would seem like we won the battle. Next is the War. Out of 16, 6 showed up. From that 6 it looks like we are going to get a CC, CM, Treasurer, and a Secretary! Not bad. And the gleam in their eye and excitement in their voices tells me I am really honing my skills as a salesman! Seriously though, the key was, and this is what I tell all of my prospective leaders, is that "You are not alone". My CC was there along with me and we both told all of them that we will hold their hand until they are comfortable if that is what is necessary
  11. And, I just placed my fundraiser form on the break room table at work. Hoping for good sales numbers so I don't have to badger my family and relatives more than twice this year. I am sure I am not cheating my son out of an opportunity to learn what being Thrify is. He hears his mother and I enough talking about how we have to save money for this or that because we can't afford to buy on a whim. He already understands the art of saving, bargin shopping, and otherwise not wasting money or resources. Right now he is saving for a guitar and accumulating reading hours so he can earn a tick
  12. Well, well. It seems as if a few (many) of your Troop leaders have vision that is clouded by money. While I still see nothing wrong with participating in such an event, as long as the scouting affiliation is not made AND not billed as a scouting (family???) event from within the troop, it certainly seems someone is misdirected. And forcing one to participate isn't conducive to a happy troop. No uniformed leaders? While not an atrocity (but close) it does form a representation of the commitment one has in the organization and Scouting. And, nldscout, I believe $8000 IS a lot
  13. Here are a couple of sites that, while not affiliated with the BSA, state the grade-to-rank relationship in Scouting. It's not "official" though. I would agree with Carol. Why stretch the rules when other opportunities exist? What is currently the accepted practice in your unit? For example, in mine, our cut off is May Crossover. Anything after that goes toward the new rank, all before that can not be applied to the new rank. http://www.boyscouttrail.com/cub-scouts/bear-scouts.asp http://usscouts.org/advance/cubscout/intro.html
  14. Well, not in its entirety. But I am headed off today to help my UC bring the scouting program in my neighboring community up from the ashes. I have mentioned this unit before. This is at least the third attempt at starting a Pack in this community. Leadership has been and still is the problem. They currently have 16 boys signed up and are still in need of a Wolf and Bear leader as well as a CC and CM. Time to bring the calvary in and rally the troops. Wish me luck! Jerry
  15. We use many of those same tactics that you do, cc329. They do work quite well. I think that the key to this the whole process is a well-managed inspection process. If the rules are clear and published for all, the inspection process should be cut and dry. All of your rule-benders should be turned away. Now, that doesn't do much for those parents who don't do a little research to figure out how to make the car leagally roll faster. But you would hope that those are the ones who show up at the clinics.
  16. re: scotiacat's last post. Each year, Anheuser-Busch rally's its employees for an entire month to donate to "Friends of Scouting". The money collected internally through this effort is surpassed only by their annual collections for...The United Way. Using the words "beer" and "scouts" in the same sentance offers more negative connotations than positive. However, remember that the boys aren't selling the beer and aren't even in the same booth. And no promotion of Scouts takes place. There really is no problem with this. I would be more concerned with a few other things: 1. The
  17. "Friends of the Troop" idea is designed to be a group that is not affiliated with the BSA. This would prevent the need for the Unit Money Earning Application. "Friends of the Troop" would essentially be considered a third party group donating money to the Troop. Even though the members of the third party happen to be leaders as long as there is no connection between the fund raiser and the unit (or BSA), there shouldn't be a problem.
  18. And I have to add that I think those that I speak of in my last post are the overwhelming minority. I think a bigger issue might be that a boy doesn't have enough help. That the adult doesn't even try to figure out how to make a car legally faster. There might be more cars on the track that are significantly slower than those that are significanly faster.
  19. If a boy knows that a square knot really isn't square, then he might be a Cub Scout
  20. cc329, I think you answered for yourself, the question in your first paragraph. I have seen many boys leave crying, not because they didn't leave with something but because their car didn't do well. When paired up against cars that are adult built, the field is then skewed. The idea isn't for the Cub to do ALL the work himself. It is intended to be a parent/son experience. But when you are running a race and hear parents scream for "their car" while their scout is off somewhere else, there is a problem. When the boy is no where to be found at check-in and doesn't have a clue how th
  21. While the easy answer is to put them in a W1 den, I am not sure that is the best thing. Keep in mind that a boy can't earn his AOL before his Webelos Badge. It doesn't mean that he can't work on it. I would place them in the W2 den. Explain to each boy and their parents the situation. You may find that the boys have enough intitative and are excited enough to work on the Badge requirements at home and, thus graduate with the rest of the Den with both the badge and AOL. If the boy needs more time, they have until May. As CM, I would then take those two boys and lead them for the mon
  22. Well, this doesn't qualify as a blunder and I don't easily get embarassed but none-the-less.... Twas the Pack Meeting before Christmas and the Cubmaster had planned a little reading of The Night Before Christmas. In addition to the reading, there were actors, played by scouts and me, the ACM, acting out parts in the story. There was no rehearsal so the actions had to be on queue with the story and off the cuff. The CM had a few props and costumes for each of us. The boys played parts such as Ma, Pa, & the kids. We brought in someone to play Santa, and I played the part of....the
  23. Typically (and I think it even states so in the kit's rules) ONLY the stock wheels and axles that are included in the kit can be used. To combat the issue with the wheels you describe, light sanding of the axles is allowed. Also, dry graphite is the only thing allowed as lubricant on the axles and wheels. No wet lubricant. There is always a few people that we fail at the inspection table because they don't pay attention to rules and have to change their wheels and/or axles. This is particularly painful for those who glued their axles (which you should do!) Also, as redfox does, w
  24. Well, this is not an answer to your problem. Just an extension of it. While I can't say that I have seen the increased success of Leader's son's cars over non-leader's son's cars, there is certainly a problem with too much parental help. Annual parental comments that begin with "You won't believe how much time I spent....." and fathers who won't even let thier son touch the car on race day are common. We hold a PWD car building session at the local firehouse for who ever needs help cutting and shaping the cars. Boys can also decorate during this time. However, the "problem" parents
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