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Everything posted by click23

  1. An article from today on the logistics side of the service, http://www.register-herald.com/jamboree/x596953308/Incident-Control-Center-tracks-Scout-projects
  2. I was originally slated to go with our contingent, but stepped out when they had to cut one troop. If I remember correctly every troop has one day of service, they will work with an agency in one of the 9 surrounding counties. The adult leadership should have know about this and passed the info on to they youth. Ah found an article on it, http://www.summitblog.org/40000-scouts-5-days-and-300000-hours-of-community-service/ I think that they were renting out the buses that brought everyone to jambo to take them to the service sites.
  3. I typically stay away from the non-scouting topics, but for whatever reasons I feel a need to post in this issue. It is always a tragedy when a young person losses their life, I pray for both families. From what I have seen so far the state simply did not prove their case, and all the defense had to do was introduce a bit of reasonable doubt. Remember Zimmerman was not found to be innocent, he was found not guilty of the case the state presented. The states star witness turned out to be a better witness for the defense. I doubt that anyone other than Zimmerman and the Lord actually k
  4. Ah, did not catch the mention that it was the camp director that pulled the trigger.
  5. None of the articles I have read indicate that anyone, youth, adults, staff, etc, were ever threatened by the animal. All of the accounts that I have read state they simply could not get it to leave, and it was rummaging through whatever they had left out, so he shot it.
  6. It is the Guide to Safe Scouting, http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/34416.pdf There are several mentions of it in the Youth Protection Training.
  7. "For the safety of all of our youth, which was about 500, we had to take the bear down," said the Scout Executive, yet the troop was asked to leave? Sounds like the SE was more upset over leaving the food out, granted that is a big issue the bear never should have been shot. From the G2SS: "Except for (1) law enforcement officers required to carry firearms within their jurisdiction, and (2) circumstances within the scope of the BSA hunting policy statement, firearms should not be in the possession of any person engaged in camping, hiking, backpacking, or any other Scouting activity
  8. http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/news/56587186-78/bear-anderson-division-leader.html.csp "A criminal investigation is underway after a Boy Scout leader shot and killed a bear in a Scout camp Wednesday evening. The leader told Division of Wildlife Resources law enforcement officers that the bear was on top of the picnic table eating left-out food at about 8:30 p.m. when it jumped down and began approaching Boy Scouts in a threatening manner, said Jodie Anderson, member of the conservation outreach section of the division. He then drew a gun and shot it three times, killing it. The
  9. After reading through all of this, here are some of the major changes “Do Your Best†…In the same spirit as “Do Your Best,†if a boy is close to earning a badge of rank when the school year ends, the pack committee, in consultation with the den leader and the Cub Scout’s parent or guardian, may allow him a few weeks to complete the badge before going on to the next rank. Earning it will give him added incentive to continue in Scouting and carry on and tackle the next rank. Arrow Points Unused Bear badge achievements, or parts of
  10. The Guide to Advancement 2013 was released yesterday, and it contains the first policy change related to the vote. Changes to Requirements ....If BSA membership eligibility rules change, and as a result a former member rejoins a BSA program, still as a youth member, then that youth may carry on in the advancement program, picking up where he left off when last he was a member, but not receiving credit for activities while not registered. Basically if a youth was kicked out for violation of the membership standards, and now is allowed back in because of the vote, he can pick
  11. Here is an overview list of the major changes, Section 2. Advancement Defined 1. and Added that learning Scouting skills and concepts is a vehicle for achieving the primary goal of advancement Section 3. Guidelines for Advancement and Recognition Committees 2. Clarified position on “First Class First Year†3. New topic on building an advancement committee 4. New topic on educational presentations Section 4. The Mechanics of Advancement 5. Clarified procedures for when advancement requirements chan
  12. According to the National Advancement Teams Twitter account, the 2013 revision of the Guide to Advancement should be posted here, http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/AdvancementandAwards/resources.aspx, any day now. https://twitter.com/AdvBSA
  13. DWise1_AOL, I'm not sure if you are trying to call me out on something or what, I simply posted the BSAs official policy. And I'm really puzzled on how I could familiarize myself with BSA's officially published policies even more, as what I posted was copied from the BSAs Charter and Bylaws, that is about as official as you get. I think you thought what I stated was opinion, it was not it was all direct quotes from BSA official publications.
  14. A few quotes from the Guide to Advancement Active Participation The purpose of Star, Life, and Eagle Scout requirements calling for Scouts to be active for a period of months involves impact. Since we prepare young people to go forth, and essentially, make a positive difference in our American society, we judge that a member is “active†when his level of activity in Scouting, whether high or minimal, has had a sufficiently positive influence toward this end. Use the following three sequential tests to determine whether the requirement has been met. The first and se
  15. Churches charter the majority of BSA unit, they technically own the units. What is the difference in Sunday school class using the tax exempt status of the church for purchases it makes, and its chartered units using the same exemption status for its purchases?
  16. Also, from the youth application: The Boy Scouts of America maintains that no member can grow into the best kind of citizen without recognizing an obligation to God and, therefore, recognizes the religious element in the training of the member, but it is absolutely nonsectarian in its attitude toward that religious training. Its policy is that the home and organization or group with which the member is connected shall give definite attention to religious life. Only persons willing to subscribe to these precepts of the Declaration of Religious Principle and to the Bylaws of the Boy Scouts of
  17. Below is the BSA Declaration of Religious Principle Article IX. Policies and Definitionsâ€â€From the Charter and Bylaws Section 1. Declaration of Religious Principle, clause 1. The Boy Scouts of America maintains that no member can grow into the best kind of citizen without recognizing an obligation to God. In the first part of the Scout Oath or Promise the member declares, “On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law.†The recognition of God as the ruling and leading power in the universe and the grateful acknowledgment of
  18. I think the change, really any change at this point, is needed to kick start venturing. Venturing has the potential to be best program the BSA has to offer. The idea of a committee training is great, but I have argued in the past that a committee in venturing should not really be needed if the youth are truly running the crew.
  19. Issue 1 - The guide to advancement is clear on this on, Once It Is Earned, It’s Earned Once a registered and approved counselor has passed a Scout on requirements for a merit badge, it cannot be taken away. Nor does unit leadership have the authority to retract approval, or take the badge away. Even if a merit badge counselor were found to be improperly documented, it would be a rare occasion when a Scout would be penalized for the mistake of an adult volunteer. Issue 2 - Two deep is not an issue here as it was a patrol meeting, two deep is on required on trips and outings,
  20. From http://www.scouting.org/sitecore/content/MembershipStandards/KnowTheFacts/FAQs.aspx The voting members of the National Council of the Boy Scouts are defined in the Boy Scouts of America's bylaws. Commissioned professionals do not vote. Members of the National Council eligible to vote include: Elected members of the National Executive Board and the chairman of the National Advisory Council and NESA president, and those registered youth members appointed by the president with the approval of the Executive Board (national Venturing president and national Order of the Arrow chief).
  21. Then if ALL units say no thanks, then it is. If they all do who determines where the young man will go?
  22. Huzzar, DEs are not always right, you need to read the the resolution, ...."No youth may be denied membership in the Boy Scouts of America on the basis of sexual orientation or preference alone."
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