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Posts posted by cjmiam

  1. Laurie,


    That was an absolutely excellent post. And believe me, I admire you and all of the volunteers across this country that care about something greater than themselves. To be honest, I didnt give the necessary thought to how much this must be affecting the volunteers of your council, your program, and the Scouts. And they are normally my first concern. I hope you can see that I think no less of the program that you offer or the people in the middle of all this. I took a step back and considered what if it was happening here. It certainly would be very disheartening. Have strength and know that we all believe in you and support each and every Scout of Cradle of Liberty Council.




  2. But what if it turns out to be just a natural act of love inherent in certain human beings from birth? And if its consensual and the parents give permission whats wrong with that? In other words there are no victims. Ah yes, I see an entirely new culture starting. A culture with no moral absolutes. A culture where you make up the rules as you go based on whats convenient. A culture of if it feels good, do it. Oh wait, that culture is already here!

  3. Oh good! I see the lifestyle issue is alive and well here. My question seems to have gone unanswered in the other thread. Maybe I can be enlightened here. If tomorrow the evening news reports that a Berkley scientist has determined that through careful studies, he has determined that he has been a pedophile from birth, does that mean he gets to join the Boy Scouts too? We certainly dont want to discriminate against him now do we? And if he was born with it, then it must be okay. There certainly isnt a problem with him being around children, because if he was born that way it must be natural. Therefore theres no reason to protect children from him or other pedophiles, because theres simply nothing wrong with it. He was born that way dont ya know.


    And on a side note I know some you professionals out there are gonna take issue with me for this, but my troop doesnt necessarily need you. Now I understand that Cub packs might be a bit more dependant upon local executives keeping continuity, but overall the Scouting program at the unit level will run just fine without the local council office. We can just send all of our paperwork to the national office. And we can order our supplies online. Sure you can keep a few professionals around, but hey, many councils had them working out of their own houses for years. My point to all of this? Scouting is too strong to far apart because of a lack of funding at the council level. My troop does not depend on the council for financial assistance. We utilize council owned camping facilities, and process paperwork and advancement through them, but thats about it. If liberals think they can win by taking down local council offices, theyre crazy. But then they are crazy anyways, so I guess that should be of no surprise to anyone.


    And one other side note to the general notion presented by Melyn. You seem to be making a case that the Cradle of Liberty caved to pressure from the national office. Excuse me, but I believe they actually caved to the political pressure of a bunch of liberal activists first. And furthermore, any organization or program that cannot survive on its own should go away. This also should include every single liberal bureaucratic entitlement or redistribution of wealth program that the government has to offer as well. If they cant raise their own money without taking mine, then they dont need to exist. They can go have a bake sale or something.



  4. Im well aware of the fact that there are many good teachers out there. Im also aware of the fact that many teachers are involved in Scouting. If you are a professional licensed teacher doing your job without a political agenda, I thank and applaud you and apologize if it seems I cast you all into the same lot. Unfortunately thats how I feel sometimes when I hear the absurd things going on in the schools today.


    Being from a mid-size town, we had a choice in education. The private Catholic school was well established, but my parents strongly believed in public education and I wasnt going to argue, because thats where many of my friends were. However, as I look back on my middle school, high school, and college education I cant help but notice things that I should have stood up for or against. Granted it may be a public educational system, but that should not have meant that I had to leave my faith at the curb. I mention curb, because I assume that where the school grounds start considering that where the smokers could go and not get in trouble. I certainly did not expect to have a bible verse at the beginning of each class, nor did I expect a cross to be hanging on the wall. What I did expect was tolerance for different viewpoints. In fact I thought thinking on our own was one of the primary goals in education. Instead, after looking back, I see very few times where my ideas and viewpoints mattered. Rather it was a higher than thou teacher or professor that told me what to think. Very few influenced me to excel through developing my own opinions and thought.


    My main argument is that no questions are asked when it comes to teachers, professors, school boards, etc. spewing their political opinions, propaganda and policies on children in a very public place that supposedly is unbiased in its methods of teaching. These people also are paid for with public dollars and endorsed by the local and state government. In many cases some of the stunts being pulled or attempted across this country could even be considered illegal / unconstitutional. Yet, because someone gave them a piece of paper in exchange for 6, 8 or 10 years of payments, they have a right to call it education. And they somehow have a right to preach their views, while others with different views cannot even use the gymnasium for a blue and gold banquet?


    There is a definite double standard when it comes to the publics buildings. The media is all over it when Christians try to assert their rights, yet somehow ignore the antichristian antics going on every day in our public school system. If schoolteachers can distribute safe sex materials, then Christians certainly have a right to pass out abstinence materials. If universities can require students to take sexual orientation acceptance programs, Christians certainly have a right to erect the Ten Commandments in the commons. But thats not the way it works. As soon as Christians attempt to assert any of their values they are considered discriminatory, bigoted, closed-minded, a right-winger (insert your own word here). Then, when Scouting uses just the buildings the liberals are outraged.


    And theres outrage for what the Scouting program teaches in a world where our educational system includes:

    Some states that cant get their students ready for a graduation exam after four years.

    Some educators proposing that only black people are competent enough to teach black history.

    A poll by Quinnipiac University that shows 75% of the population thinks that the supreme court should base their decisions on public opinion versus the law of the land.

    A university where you can get a masters degree in activism.

    A superintendent that failed a basic elementary English test three times.

    A country that spends more money on education that any of the top 25 industrialized nations (OECD), but scores lower than most of those countries in test scores.

    Where in Lawrence, Mass., a school district put 21 teachers on unpaid leave because they could not test well enough in English to be understood in that language in a classroom.


    What a fantastic quality educational system we have. And just imagine all you taxpayers out thereYOU are paying for it. And you are paying for these same individuals to assert their political agendas in place of the education that they should be focusing on. The simple liberal agenda is to get control over the most people possible and discredit anyone that gets in their way.


  5. CrewGirl, not to sound impolite, but did you read a word I said or what anyone else here has said? Or did you just chime in with a question and then announce your opinion?


    If people are in Scouts and gay there is no need to be sad, just leave. No one is stopping them. They arent being held hostage. Were not asking them to hide if it bothers them they can just leave.


    I already stated that I would accept homosexuals. But I dont want them camping with my son. I dont want them leading what I believe is a character development program based on a well established unambiguous set of values.


    I never said gays are pedophiles, however, there is a striking similarity in their agenda and how they are going about trying to change public opinion. No one has yet to answer my question, What if some scientist says pedophiles are born that way?


    So youre saying that its not morally right for me to not want to associate with someone that I feel is a sinner or does not have similar views on morality? If Im not friends with gay people, then Im not moral? Do I not have a constitutional right to be friends with whomever I choose? Are you telling me that the founders of our great nation established a law without realizing that it might hurt someones feelings? What were they thinking?


    Im not punishing anyone. We live in America for crying out loud. Land of the free and home of the brave. Youve heard of the place right? The place that everyone has the ability to be who he or she wants to be. Im not stopping anyone from being gay. In fact Scouting has never attacked gays, they attacked us. Their pettiness was so low and their hate for us so high that they sued us, they called us names, they attempted to break apart our framework so that we could not meet, they waged political sabotage campaigns, they tested every facet of our legal system to find the most liberal biased judges to rule against us. And you ask why not accept them instead of trying to change them. That is probably the smartest thing you said, however, you improperly framed the context in which it was used. A better sentence would be For crying out loud, why cant the gays just get over it and accept that the BSA doesnt want them instead of constantly attacking them and just go start their own organization? Im sure thats how you meant to say it.


    And further, I dont want to tent with a gay person no matter how nice he is.




  6. Judge Moore solemnly swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Alabama. The later specifically calls for his favor to God. The first establishes every humans unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness endowed by their creator, which is the very foundation upon which our laws were established. He is simply upholding his Oath of Office. I see nowhere, where he has demanded others to follow his specific belief system. At no time were my rights discounted. Its illogical to call for a duty to God, but disallow it as soon as an individual says who that God is. Thats just plain silly and again surly not the intensions of our founders. Grave stones are tumbling all over the place because of some very disgruntled dead Founders rolling over in their graves.

  7. Packsaddle, you sound like a reasonable person. I bet I would enjoy sitting in on one of your courses. My main issue with the public education system is rooted in what I feel is an overall leftward bias. Theres no doubt that there are probably some right wingers trying to indoctrinate youngsters as well, but like the media, I think the liberals have won the majority in education. They select what they want people to hear depending on whether it fits their political agenda. I remember my social studies teacher in 10th grade cutting the American flag into pieces, throwing it on the floor, and then stepping on it to prove that our freedom of speech was greater than the symbol that represents that freedom. Ya know what, that was a lot of years ago, and it sickens me even more today. It sickens me that some have attempted to get the flag removed from the classroom because it might offend someone. It sickens me that condoms, yes I said condoms are getting passed out in 9th grade teen living skills class. It sickens me that when I went through that class, abstinence wasnt even mentioned as an option. It sickens me that they think they are better at teaching about sex and responsibility than parents. How do they know a familys beliefs? Some presume that its okay to teach kids about safe sex, because they just dont know any better? They pass along an attitude that if it feels good do it. Hogwash! Thats not the purpose of the educational system. If theyd spend more time on science, math, reading and physical education, maybe we wouldnt be ending up with all kinds of fat kids that cant read expecting hand-outs from the government, because they are the victim of a failing educational system. More and more people are getting outraged and thats why more and more are turning to home schooling and want school vouchers.


    Merlyn, so if I spell out the theory of evolution letter for letter, but add that I believe God created man, does that mean that I dont understand the topic? I somehow just dont get it right? Or is it the fact that the teacher is upset that she failed to fully indoctrinate me into only her view? And once again, I want to reiterate that the establishment clause was not added to remove religion from our lives in public places such as the classroom. It was meant to protect the people from a government ran or sponsored religion. There is a big difference. Some liberals seem to think that the intent of the Congress was to remove religion from our lives. Well, if that were true wouldnt they have done it immediately? Wouldnt it all be settled by now 200 plus years later? Heck, we wouldnt even know what praying before a football game sounds like. Respecting other peoples beliefs doesnt mean giving up our own or crawling into a cave with our tail between our legs. Creating a level playing field is one thing, but silencing a group certainly abridges their freedom to speak and exercise thereof. I get a real kick out of school districts mandating policy based on the fact that someone might be offended. Madison would probably gotten away with their little ban of the Pledge and National Anthem had it not been for the public outrage. Whether or not the ACLU defended someone doesnt take away the fact of what school districts are attempting to do remove religion from our lives.


    The public square is indeed just that the public square. The public owns it. Each and every building is owned by the American taxpayers. We are a representative republic, which makes us the government. We just elect people to represent us. That means those buildings and schools are ours, not the mayors, not the teachers, not the judges, not the congresss. I also get a kick out of those that scream for tolerance from the mountaintops, yet are so offended when someone wants to display the Ten Commandments. Hmmm tolerance is a one-way street I see. I certainly am not offended by other religious symbols. Why are some so offended by mine? Is it the fact that they are abnormal and want to be normal, thus change societys view of what normalcy is? How `bout this Im offended by the teaching of Greek Mythology. It must be removed from all classes in the public educational system. It offends me and because it offends me, it must be removed. I also want all Greek god or goddess statues removed from all public buildings. They represent a belief system different from my own and certainly dont keep the playing field level. I just cant practice being a good Christian with all these Greek goddesses running around nude. Get rid of them now. In fact, no symbols of any sort should be in any public building. I want white walls inside and gray walls outside. No scales of justice, because that represents that someone is gonna be a loser and no one should be a loser. Get rid of all the pictures of the past presidents. All they represent is their own corrupt political administration. Get rid of any pictures of flowers. I have allergies and just looking at them can make me sneeze. How dare them try to harm my health! No pictures of mountains or water either. Im afraid of heights and cant swim.


  8. Bob, I noticed that you made mention of using the Scouts Social Security number. I have a stockpile of old applications and intend to continue using them. And when the time roles around that I must use the new ones, I plan to cross that off the application. I dont believe that the Boy Scouts of America needs to know a childs S.S. number. If there is an insurance claim I can then see a need, but other than that I dont believe its necessary. Am I missing something? Why cant the name, phone, address be cross-referenced for dual registration checks? Is it just me or has the BSA gone too far?


    Thanks, cjmiam


  9. And further it should be noted that youd never see the establishment clause applied to different religions, just Christianity. It was not our founders intent that students in our schools be shielded from religion. Some kids have even been prohibited from wearing crosses or bringing the Bible to school. They have been required to take sexual education classes totally against Christian values. Some school districts even had the audacity to call The Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem offensive to some and ban it. If these arent direct attacks at a certain group of believers in an attempt to silence them I dont know what is. And yes, it does create the perfect atmosphere for atheistic views to be promoted.

  10. Well, how about my Healthy American professor that ridiculed me and laughed off my spirituality and devotion to God in a lecture class of 250 students. When he told me to use some logic, what do you think he was driving at? When my high school science teacher wouldnt allow my short answers on tests to include my opinions about creation, what do you call it. And please remember, I did not leave out the answer she wanted. I simply embellished what was the correct answer with my beliefs and she still marked it wrong. If thats not closed mindedness and discrimination in an attempt to create a disbelieving (atheistic) populous I dont know what is.

  11. Trail Pounder, ya know you might have something there. After re-reading some of that stuff one has to wonder.


    Well, I do see certain similarities between what the gay rights activists did in their early years of establishment to what the boy love activists are attempting to do now.


    A constant argument homosexuals use is that they were born into it. Homosexuals slowly tried to change public opinion into believing that they had no choice in the matter. They got it removed from the list of psychological diseases. They waged a major public relations campaign to appear as the victim. They pursued to change public opinion through peer pressure, so that if you said anything against them, everyone should consider you a bigot, homophobe, or simply intolerant. Then they sought out our institutions, our government, and our schools in an attempt to create laws and mandate public opinion.


    What is to stop pedophiles from doing the same? What if some scientist says pedophilia is genetic? They are already trying to get it removed from the list of diseases. PR campaigns (partly helped by the press) are already trying to diminish the felony as just a natural occurrence of love. Corporations like Amazon seem to think theres nothing wrong with putting that kind of sludge on their Web site.


    I know that homosexuals want to steer far clear from the pedophilia group, but the similarities are quite noticeable. If gays can argue the case, I see no reason why boy lovers cant do the same I know that some homosexuals claim there is a big difference between them and pedophiles. I guess I wonder where that line is drawn. Is it at age 18? How about 16? Well, some kids are getting tried as adults at 12 or 13, does that give you justification to drop down to the same age level? Just wondering where that line is drawn.

  12. It seems amazing to me that liberal teachers and professors are able to use our public schools with free reign, to indoctrinate our children with anit-war sentiment, unAmericanism, atheism, sexuality acceptance programs and condoms. Where is the tolerance from these so-called teachers? Where is the acceptance of different views from these teachers? Where is the public accountability? There is none! And yet my tax dollars must pay for what they have the audacity to call education?! Go visit the classroom of a liberal professor and you will soon learn the true meaning of discrimination and where the hate starts. All this brought to you courtesy of our local and state government paid for by you and me. Maybe its time to kick these teachers out as well. Then they can go buy their own land and erect their own buildings and profess all the intolerant views they want.




  13. My previous posts on this thread are somewhat vague and I do not intend to reread the entire thread. However, one thing is for certain, my opinion and thoughts remain the steadfast. As Americans, we are all blessed with an awful lot to be thankful for. We could have been born in a country where the government determines what we think, with whom we associate with, what we say, where we work and just about everything else we do. But thankfully thats not America. The Land of the Free provides each citizen an unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Our Constitution provides a clear picture of how the government is NOT to interfere in our lives and the Bill of Rights establishes even more clarity to protect our citizens. It should be noted however, that your rights could never discount my rights. CubScouterFather, while your intentions are notable and your love and concern for your child is commendable, its irrelevant to my right to freely associate with whom I choose. I have no intention to demean you or your intensions, but will do my best to be respectful, asking only for respect in return.


    Ive never cared much for the doom and gloom theorists. In fact I constantly see problems as opportunities. The Scouting program in my area shows no sign of stopping. And like Trail Pounder, our units continue to grow and funding continues to rise. All this after 93 years of providing character education to young people. Recently it seems that some have resorted to finding judges that are willing to legislate from the bench when things arent going their way. The same individuals demanding tolerance are the first ones to wage a court battle against the BSA, because they cant get their way. What about my rights granted to me by God and our Constitution? It will be a terrible day in this country when the government determines with whom I must associate with. CubScouterFather, you sound like a very nice person and I bet we could even be friends. I have a gay cousin and we get along great. I love her very much. But my love for her isnt based on what groups shes affiliated with. Instead, its because of who she is as a person. Would I allow my kids to stay at her house? Certainly! Would I allow her to be a leader in my Scout troop? No. The parents have enlisted their children into a program that they believe in. Many specifically because of the values we have as an organization. Those same values are expected and demanded to be present in our leaders.


    If a group of people believes they were born unhelpful wish to be leaders of our program, should we let them? What about a group that scientists have determined was born untrustworthy from birth? What about those that dont believe in God? What about those that stomp on the flag and yell death to America? From your statement, you seem to think that the BSA would be a more well rounded program if we allowed gay leaders. I believe that millions of parents already believe that Scouting is the most complete well-rounded character development program available to youth. To include a group while sacrificing our values is not our burden. As I know Ive stated before, if some are so convinced that the Scouting program would be better with gay leaders, might I suggest they start a similar program and use it as their experiment.


    With all the court battles, laws, regulations, bans and the like, I see my freedoms slowly eroding away. How long will it be before my local Lions club must allow members that dont believe in helping the blind. How long will it be before my church must allow atheists? How long will it be before my company must hire a black person instead of a white person even though he is less qualified? Oh wait, thats already happening.


    This country was founded on equality. Everyone has the right to pursue his or her dreams. Instead of some dwelling on how unfair they believe our laws are or how they have been victimized, why cant people return to the values that made this country great? Hard work, perseverance, and good `ol American know-how would surely go a lot further than looking for hand outs, court battles and citizens having to sacrifice their freedoms. (Please note some of this is not directed at you, but rather just my rant on general opportunities facing America)


    Tjhammer, it seems that you think that Scouting will inevitably be required to deal with the gay family demographic that according to your number (where did you get it) would be about 4% of the youth population. I dont believe that is Scoutings burden. We already have a program for any boy that meets the registration requirements. It is up to his parents to determine what is best for their child. CubScouterFather, registering your son in Scouting program is not a vote of any sort unless you believe it is. And if thats the case, Id recommend looking a little deeper inside yourself. My guess is that deep down inside you would never want to see your sons childhood and happiness equated as a vote. Scouting has proven itself and stood the test of time and millions of people like our program. We teach respect and ask only for respect in return.


    Thanks for listening,




  14. Well, I know I've read about this before, but I guess maybe someone here could provide more insight. Some Amvets were at our district roundtable tonight. They brought up the fact that our BSA shirts have the wrong flag on them. We are wearing left shoulder flags on the right shoulder. The flag is to be worn and displayed on planes etc to appear as if it were blowing in the breeze. I always knew this was the case, but never thought much to argue the fact or question why. If anyone can answer this I'd appreciate it.






  15. Im glad to hear that everything worked out. Im sure that this was a very difficult experience. Everyone and everything has a purpose. This happened for a reason and I hope that all of us no matter where we stood on the issue use it to the betterment of Scouting. Please extend my best wishes to your son on his future in Scouting.


    For A Better Future Through Scouting, cjmiam


  16. I think chartered organizations are an excellent concept of the BSA. What a great way to get community support and spread the spirit of Scouting! I wouldn't be surprised that most chartered organizations don't take a real active role in the troop program. However, I think it would be wise to find one that at least takes interest in what you are doing.


    If you aren't affiliated with a church, then I'd recommend that your next stop should be your local Lions club or American Legion. These groups have demonstrated steadfast support of Scouting and its ideals for many years, locally and nationally. Furthermore, their ideals and dreams for our children are very similar to that of Scouting- citizenship, patriotism, community service, duty to God, etc. I'm not saying that other organization don't, but rather from my experience, these two groups have been phenomenal when it comes to showing support.


    And by the way, they usually give us money, not the other way around. To thank them we take part in their service projects and do service work for them. It's a great partnership and one that I believe many groups in our community really admire.


    Good Luck!


  17. Double Eagle,


    Your courage and helpfulness is admirable. However, many parents dont have a lot of time to help one troop let alone two. Her opportunity is to help her child develop to his fullest potential NOT fix a troop.


    I recommended filing a small claim action, because that is our countrys legal route to resolve a dispute such as this. She has gotten nowhere but most likely closer to a statute of limitations clause. I recognize the implications that type of legal action may have on a troop, however she would either win or loose by the judgment of an unbiased, professional authority (aka Judge). Everyone can have an opinion, which can often become cloudy by our own personal bias, but the law is clear (most of the time) through a judges eyes.


    Youre right, the troop needs help, but that shouldnt be ScoutParents primary concern. I think it is unlikely that she would even be welcome to provide any advice or assistance under the current leadership and circumstances.


    What would have been the right thing to do if there were no clear rules on individual accounts and the Scout earned the money? What would have been the Scoutlike thing to do if the leader knew full well that the Scout was continuing Scouting in another unit and there was not set of bi-laws to use as a guide in making a decision?


    I didnt side with the parent. I sided with the kid as I have done with thousands of kids before him. He earned the money to be used for his Scouting career and it appears the unit had no policy regarding the issue. Im sorry but given those circumstances the money should be forwarded to his new unit so that he can continue his Scouting adventure. Making up rules in the middle of the game at the expense of a kid is wrong, not Scoutlike, and certainly does not further our Mission.



  18. Yaworski,


    Being a team player, supporting a common goal, learning the importance of loyalty and self-sacrifice are far different than trying to save a sinking ship. It seems to me that the unit is not providing the promise of Scouting. It is every parents right to do what he or she feel is best for his or her child. Wouldnt it make sense to shop around for the best unit just like you would for a car or home? Why would anyone purposely put his or her child in a position to fail? This isnt about avoiding personal responsibility! This is about perseverance and rising to the occasion. This parent has chosen to continue on with the Scouting program and NOT give up! God bless her for her devotion to her child. Many parents would say the heck with it and their kid would never put on the Scout uniform or recite the Scout Oath again. Hooray for heroes like her that DO look out for the best interest of their children.

  19. Double Eagle,


    That is absolute hogwash! This parent doesnt need to worry about saving the troop. She needs to do what is in the best interest of her child. As a Scoutmaster I would never expect a parent to put the troop before what is in their childs best interest. The failing troop is NOT her problem! The Scout earned his fat money fair and square. The far-reaching implications this type of untrustworthiness extends beyond just being a matter of money. What kind of precedent does this set and what does it teach the Scouts? Work your tail off just to have someone take it all away? Make up rules as you go along? Honor, integrity and character dont really count? This is an absolutely disgusting act by the troop and they shouldnt be in the character development business!



  20. Havent you read any of these posts? You ask why so quick to sue? Because she has tried- in her best spirit she has tried. Im sorry, but I dont believe using our legal system is taking the low road. I dont believe that using our system of justice sets a bad example to our Scouts. I think some individuals on this board need to walk a mile in someone elses shoes. If this happened to my kid, I would use every legal avenue possible to make things right. And maybe I wouldnt win, but at least I would know that I tried in a lawful and peaceful manner.

  21. Well, actually Bob my first suggestion was small claims court. I do believe that is the perfect place for this or else take it to Judge Wopner. Im sure hed love it too. The point is that we have a place for this type of dispute to be settled lawfully. Why not use it? Sure, maybe it should be a last resort, but I believe the parent has given it her best shot and is at that stage.


    The comparison wasnt between $500 and the sex abuse scandal. The comparison was between what some of the people seem to be suggesting on this board and what the Catholic church did- lets just forget it and sweep it under the rug... shhh don't tell anyone, we really dont want anyone to get a bad name... no we don't need the courts, we can handle this privately... come on suing is so messy and negative you don't really want to do that...

  22. Suing may be perceived as negative, but that is not the Scouts fault. Your description of the situation is a perfect example of why an outside arbiter is necessary. This is a good example of why we have our court system. This is the same orderly fashion that we teach in the Scouting program when we disagree with our laws. We do not disobey them, but instead work to have them changed in a lawful and orderly fashion.


    The parent believes her son has been unfairly deprived of money that is his. The unit believes differently. The alleged injustice has already been done. I am sure that the troop has taken steps to make sure this does not happen again, but that is beside the point. If the matter cannot be resolved privately, our laws clearly show what course of action the plaintiff may pursue. Following our countrys laws is not negative or un-productive. Dismissing this as if it never happened just because it deals with Scouting or people that really meant to do the right thing is NOT right.


    Oh but their just volunteers- they are really good people at heart is not an excuse.


    But think about the harm youre going to do... Im sure the Catholic Church said the same thing a few years ago

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