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Everything posted by Achilleez

  1. I am not a "rancher". I have cows but not many. They are not my main source of income. I run a pallet recycling business off of my farm. When I drive out in the morning to collect broken pallets I stop in at the "Sip and Bite" for coffee. I am not a liberal. I support capitalism as a much more fair and freedom-bearing system. But I also do not like handgun ownership or capital punishment. Yes, my son knows I am an atheist but he also sits on the council of the youth group at my church. I will support him in whatever he chooses to beleive in. I was a scout when I was younger, and I signed
  2. Common people, Can't you realize that for many people, myself included, atheism is not an abstance of anything. It is not void of anything, it makes perfect sense to us. Everything on Earth has a scientific explanation, and if it doesn't, it will in the future. I can live perfectly comfortable in the knowledge that there is no super-being living above me. I am alone in this and I can accept that. Of course we are all alone, we are individual conscientious (pardon my spelling) beings that live and interact with other individuals. It is not discomforting or depressing not to beleive in God
  3. I fail to see how a speaker's past political stances directly affect the outcome of the fundraiser. The purpose is to raise money, and so having the speaker that will draw the most income is the right speaker to choose. So long as he does not promote a right-wing polical platform, or at least refrain from attacking another, his political views seem trivial. If I go to a comedic performance, a concert or even a religious seminar, I don't care what political views they have, so long as it doesn't interfere with providing a good performance.
  4. Huh, I guess it was silly for me to have missed that one. Stalling an investigation until the months prior to an election does seem both logical and beleivable. Of course it may mean nothing, just as Bush-Saudi Arabian relations may mean nothing. Nothing is certain. Sigh... Trail Pounder. You certainly have done some snooping. Please feel free to continue, but I doubt you will be able to prove that me or my son don't exist. FYI "beleive" is spelled exactly as such. I even checked by typing it into Microsoft Word and no red squiggle appeared beneath it. Perhaps the Canadian spelling is dif
  5. That was my son, who is now 16. I said he should take a look at this forum, because he is after all a scout. He has his own account now though.
  6. Creationism and Evolution cannot be taught side by side, or on any plane of equalness. They are not just two different "theories" as to the cause of the creation of the universe, they are in essence two different ways of looking at life. Creationism relies on faith while evolution relies on factual evidence. You cannot teach them equally, presenting the evidence behind both and let students decide for themselves based on evidence. Why? Because if material evidence were your guideline than evolution would win out every single time. If the book of Genesis is accurate, then the Earth is
  7. I just came from my recliner in the den watching CBC's Global Report, and came upon the news that George W. Bush is now launching his own private investigation into the events leading up to the war in Iraq (namely WMD). But why was Bush so opposed to a private investigation earlier? He took the intelligence concerning WMD in Iraq to Congress and started himself up in a war. Does it not seem logical that he would have launched an investigation and made 100% certain that his reasons were valid prior to invading? Did he employ the tactic of 'shoot first ask questions later'? Now he has
  8. Twice FOG, thats twice you've bashed Canada! Before you invoke upon another opportunity to insult us, I invite you come up for a stay in the autumn. It's really quite lovely. The rocky sheild with crystal clear water springs, golden maple leafs fluttering on the trees, and perhaps you will be fortunate enough to hear the call of the loon across the lake. It's quite tranquil. BTW FOG, have you ever been to Canada? Let alone experienced it's judicial or criminal incarceration system? Or are you doing as so many politicians have done (and on occasion, Ace Ventura, pet detective) and talking
  9. We had a collective meeting and decided to stop listening to him. You weren't invited.(This message has been edited by Achilleez)
  10. I beleive the gaping expanse that exists between evolution and creationsim spawns from a religous standpoint, and a scientific standpoint. Some creationists disregard evolution because it blatantly contradicts biblical passage. Some other creationists disregard evolution because they reason that life is too complicated to exist on its own. I mean, life is so unbelievably complicated. Few people realize it. A single fertilized egg has a hundred thousand genes, which act in a coordinated way, switching on and off at certain times, to transform that cell into a living creature. That one cel
  11. Adrianvs, I am intrigued by your beleifs about salvation and I wish that more Christians were as open-minded as you seem to be. My problem is that some Christians DO rank themselves higher in their mental dossier than atheists. Some of them even recognize that fact openly. As for me, I can't answer your questions becuase I have no idea. And I don't expect to have any idea for a long time.
  12. "The War of 1812. The British, Canadians, and Indians try to take out the new country." That certainly is a unique way of putting it. Another way would be to say that the USA attempted to conquer Canada but was stopped at York. Remember Cypress Hill?
  13. The Mennonite church began as an offshoot of the original Anabaptists who were burned alive by the Romans for not approving of baptising infants before they could make the choice for themselves. In the 1500's they were located centrally in Switzerland, Germany, and what is now Poland and Austria. They came to North America to escape persecution and established a colony in Pennsylvania and some migrated to area of Southern Ontario and Winnipeg. Today Mennonites are easily recognized for driving horse-drawn "buggies" and wearing complete black. This is of course stereotypical and only a sma
  14. "5) The Bible warns us that the road to salvation is narrow. It further explains that those who reject Christ will spend eternity in Hell. " You have hit spot on the common misconception people have about my view on this matter. I do not argue that the above statement is true. However, I do argue that there is a large difference between rejecting Christ and not knowing him in the first place. Is a man brought up in a Jewish home, taught Jewish beleifs from an early age, instilled with Jewish doctrine and faith any less loved by God? If this man in whole-heartedly faithful and loves G
  15. How nice to see a thread that doesn't turn into a political or religious argument
  16. Just incase you don't really know the situation here, I will clear it up. Beleive me I know I'm an Ontario beef farmer. Please do not listen to the media on this matter, they are covering the television with things like government subsidies, improving economic conditions, improved bse testing techniques. The "government subsidies" are nothing more than a few tax breaks on feed and medicine for cattle. Doesn't do much help considering we have farmers who owe $500,000 to the bank for their farm mortgage, and have to call their retired fathers and uncles to help on the farm for no pay (a few
  17. I respect your reply Adrianvs, and agree. My point was that there are alot of people who do think that way. They see (or at least give the impression of it) the afterlife as a crossroads. You will be judged by God and either go to heaven or hell, based on whether you have repented your sins and accepted Christ as your God. According to that logic, all non-Christians would be condemded to eternal damnation. Yet when I question these areas of their beleif, I usually receive vague replies that leave me frustrated. As for me, afterlife is a great mystery that I hope I won't know the
  18. Indeed, this is quite bad news for me. I can't sell them and I have to keep feeding them. Don't worry, I won't lose the farm; I operate a second business recycling pallets. I know some friends in deeper mud...
  19. Amen, Le Voyageur I think it's funny that Brazil has begun fingerprinting Americans traveling into its country
  20. My conclusion that mentioning hell would be appropriate was based on a few things. First, you argued my statement that people can beleive in fundamentally different things and be equally right. This led me to beleive that you disagreed with that statement and therefore thought there was only one true correctness. Then I assumed (perhaps jumping the gun) that you were a Christian, based on the large percentage of Christians on this forum. I then assumed that since you were a Christian arguing against equal correctness among different beleifs that you thought other beleifs in
  21. IMO space should stay weapons free, but perhaps that can be owed to the fact that I am not a citizen included in the nation launching a program like this, so my security feels somewhat unnerved by it. But my opinion of it aside, what are your thoughts about the validity or the probablility of this program?
  22. Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. Do you beleive every single devout Jew, Muslim, Hindu, or Buddhist is going to burn in hell? If thinking otherwise condemns me to hell as well, so be it.
  23. This has been a concern of mine for some time now, although I have heard nothing new on the topic for about 2 years. Basically this article is an outline for America's Global Engagement Act that the Bush Administration has been supporting since day 1. Be prepared, its LONG. If you havn't the time to read the whole thing, you can just read the end of it. ----------------- GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT: A Vision for the 21st Century Air Force 1.CONTENTS Today's Air Force Planning Into the Next Century Air and Space Power for the Next Century Core Competencies Air Force Peopl
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