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Everything posted by Troop75Eagle

  1. there are some indications that unconscious bias are at work, but it is equal opportunity. I'll not do the researchers justice but let me explain why this bears some scrutiny. Statistics can matter. Why? It demonstrates recorded patters and when they are presented to the public, that becomes their impression. The press and internet bear a lot of the blame on this particular issue because they report the sensational and selectively based on what keeps their ratings up. Humans go for the wild and sensational, always have. But we get pounded and bombarded with the stories that are tai
  2. I got my Eagle 33 years ago and OA Brotherhood. I’ve commented a lot lately on decentralization and focus in various ways. I was a little taken aback at this new diversity merit badge, let alone its requirement. For my part, I don’t like having to inject high octane gas politics into the enjoyment and development of youth. As I’ve written elsewhere, that was not my experience in Memphis, TN...not always viewed in a particularly progressive light. Diversity is certainly a fact of life. I was under the impression that Boy Scouts, being a global enterprise with just about every ethnic group
  3. Not that I’m aware. I Obtained my eagle and a palm 33 years ago then went to college and really have had much involvement since. I’m glad to hear it. I pointed those out to add fodder to the idea of worthy avenues for scouts that are provided by companies and others. Looking at an uncertain big picture of change can be intimidating but being reminded of features that are and have been present and don’t depend on national can bring reassurance and perspective. In this day and time, I bet there are even more outside groups willing to step up to the plate.
  4. I hear what you are saying. I’m new but have been pushing the idea of local control for a couple of days and made numerous posts on it. Local control, I think, is the way to go. There are a lot of possibilities. Now local control is a word that can mean a number of things. Local could mean each troop at each location, Troops under a community, district or region. There is truth to what you say regarding each group becoming a law unto themselves. But I don’t believe that would be the case. There are too many common features and accepted norms to be a complete jumble of people and ideas
  5. Thank you for the endorsement. I relieved others are doing that. It used to be that the NRA had marksmanship awards/ medals you could earn at summer camp. Shiloh Battlefield has medals for Historic, military and 20 mile hikes. Not sure what happened to these or if they are still around. But I am willing to believe there are other organizations that would leap at the chance to craft activities to challenge and reward effort and accomplishment. The God and Country award was handled through each church, synagog or other belief structure albeit with the simplest forms from na
  6. I have read a lot of the posts and am glad to see the scope and depth of passion and dedication to keeping scouting to its core missions (albeit even that isn’t entirely agreed upon). Naive or not, I want to advance the idea of what must be done. It may be self evident but I haven’t seen it expressed as such. it seems to me, the most reasonable choice of action is to revert to community control and NOT ask for permission to do anything. A national organization embroiled in its own legal trouble will more than likely just say no, wait till things are settled. It’s the safest route.
  7. That is a very good post I think. It’s amazing how things change slowly over time. Ideas often move little by little and take on a whole new character. People do like recognition and awards with a sense of accomplishment. This mindset has changed a lot of things and a lot of activities. One only has to look at baseball, soccer, gymnastics etc and see how expensive equipment, camps, training and so forth have made activities just about too expensive for many people. That could be competition run amok. Scouts, as I have always seen it, has been a competition for ones self to bet
  8. I’m long winded... I hear what you are saying and understand the distinction you are drawing. When it comes to matters of ethics, morality and reverence, they are indeed stated objectives of scouting. This certainly is a slippery slope. I had the honor of being chaplain as a scout and was very conscious of various denominations. The leaders were conscious of behaviors such as any tobacco use and drinking which were not allowed and one scout who drank on a campout was suspended. Things of a sexual nature were simply not brought up much though when I was fairly new I told another y
  9. It’s been a long time since I’ve noses around about scouts but I see there is a program called Traditional Scouting that harkens back to Braden Powell’s day. It seems to really be the fundamentals upon which the entire program started and isn’t burdened by the modern culture wars. It’s easy to see how it could be though antagonists have the BSA to pick on. It’s quite fascinating to look back at all the tradition, discontinued merit badges (Master-at Arms and Blacksmithing are my favorites). I can only imagine the reaction if scouting brought back master at arms and made it a required badge
  10. Now here is a thought. That’s spot on as far as I see it. I guess many don’t think that’s a good thing. Pity isn’t it.
  11. It seems the LDS has a system that survives scrutiny. From what little I have read (and it is little) They have Decided to focus a little more on the religious angle and less on camping or out doors. That is good for them but certainly takes on a more sectarian character but with 400,000 scouts and a existing template of scouts, it’s ready made for tweaking to their needs. The country has excelled in faction building so why not. I guess maybe that’s the future of scouts. Sectarian offshoots with a rump organization that is open to traditional cross sections.
  12. That surprises me too. I guess I just liveD in a privilege world. We had a broad cross section of people in my troop in Memphis and none of these things or issues did I Ever hear of. Of course the big issues I recall were Reagan, war in Lebanon, Cold War the birth of CNN and the just say no movement. Maybe I have selective memory. The big desks to us were rarely winning the blue ribbons slim knots at camporee, working on advancement and planning for next campout. I’m sure adult leaders sat around campfires and discussed things but we were too busy having fun to get swept up in that.
  13. This entire discussion line on homosexuality baffles me. I understand the social context, the cultural values, forced changes and all but when I went through, such matters never once surfaced that I could tell. As it turns out, two people in my troop did later in life come out as gay but such notions and concerns never surfaced. The worst we had was one scout that got suspended for apparently drinking wine. That was indeed a scandal at the time in the mid 80’s. I suppose I was either blind or the matter was just not an issue. I suppose the difference is that the current generation feels
  14. As an example of how Scouts have adapted, I know there is the Disabilities Awareness merit badge badge. That was not available at the time of my Eagle. I doubt anyone would dispute the need and desirability of disabled boys and youth to bring great value and opportunity. Clearly that was a response to social pressure and legal requirements. it may be that trying to understand how the changes of those forces changed scouting can be useful to the future. I accept they are not apples to apples in comparison but the process of handling new forces can be.
  15. I agree about the religious angle. It has god and country award that is available to just about every denomination and belief system (maybe not paganism) that one can conceive of. I wish I had done it. The discussion about oath and law, while personal and meaningful to the sense of values each member has, can begin to look like the council of Nicaea when early church authorities had to sit down and hammer out a creed. Or, in alternate, the Anglican Lambeth conference or Protestant denominational National conventions that periodically meet to review and discuss doctrine. As I se
  16. The real test of character would be the people. As we all know, Scouting is an idea with form and tradition that cannot be destroyed. It’s shape and appearance could and it could require rebuilding but there is merit (in a tough sort of way) of putting an idea through a test. It can emerge stronger and more pure in its followers and substance. This is putting a great spin on a shitty deal but it’s a reality in many situations. People set up scholarships and volunteer assets like they do churches and parks. There are many many people with assets and who believe in the mission who wo
  17. There are several of silver linings...no lawsuit can strip scouting out of existence...It’s traditions, history, culture, uniforms, awards, names, etc. People would flat reject that and fight against it even if the name was bought and tried to be suppressed. The real test of character would be the people. As we all know, Scouting is an idea with form and tradition that cannot be destroyed. It’s shape and appearance could and it could require rebuilding but there is merit (in a tough sort of way) of putting an idea through a test. It can emerge stronger and more pure in its follower
  18. I’ve recently paid more attention to what has been going on and finally wanted to find a way to at least weigh in. It can be difficult to reach a larger audience. There are those individuals who would torch it all and I get that. No payment will erase the pain and the crime and justice won’t be done on most of the perpetrators or their abettors. I don’t have a good solution for them because I would want severe retribution for a lifetime of scarring too. But as we know there is a lot of good to be had. I suppose that scouts was originally local and limited. Maybe there is
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