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Everything posted by CynicalScouter

  1. You can’t “terminate” something that never started. BSA is saying that, prior to 1978, there was no BSA insurance coverage of COs. Can’t terminate that which never started in the first place.
  2. Right, BSA's position is "you do not have access to the BSA insurance policies." The COs, in BSA's view, had ALWAYS been uninsured, at least under BSA's policies prior to 1978. The CO's are arguing: we THOUGHT we were covered by BSA and that BSA promised to make up the difference between what insurance paid and what the CO owed (e.g. If it is a $1 million claim, and the insurance covered $500,000, BSA would pick up the other $500,000). Since most of the abuse occurred prior to the 1978 policies, that means the COs (and whatever insurance they carried) are on the hook for anything pri
  3. TCC/FCR/Coalition once again ask the judge to order Century/Chubb to produce documents regarding Century's total assets and how much of Chubb can be accessed to pay for Century's liabilities. https://casedocs.omniagentsolutions.com/cmsvol2/pub_47373/cd0733b5-2a6e-4567-b79c-e973843ae343_6102.pdf
  4. Kosnoff wants to know who leaked this info as well, and wants the TCC to step in.
  5. I think something needs to be clarified here. BSA is not "terminating" the coverage. What they are saying is We NEVER covered COs until 1978; LDS at least contests that. Even then, there were insurance caps each year (total amount FOR ALL claims, total amount PER claim, etc.) and When it comes time to pay out, the DIRECT abuse claims (John Scout vs. BSA) will be paid out first, THEN whatever BSA or insurance money is left over (it won't be much) will be used to cover INDIRECT claims (John Scout vs. Chartered Organization). This is the exact language of BSA's position from
  6. Part of the problem will be what precisely those insurance policies said. I know the MODERN BSA insurance policies say https://www.scouting.org/health-and-safety/gss/gss10/ So, the way I read it (again, not an attorney) is 1) If the registered adult leader in that campout was NOT a party to the abuse and had no knowledge ("Adult Scouter A has no knowledge of or involvement with the abuse."), covered. 2) The adult leader WAS THE ABUSER, not covered.
  7. August 25 disclosure hearing postponed to September 21. https://casedocs.omniagentsolutions.com/cmsvol2/pub_47373/fd0900a9-afc8-469a-a68e-cb3afdf442ed_6101.pdf That said, the August 25 hearing as NOT been formally cancelled but that may be coming or the August 25 hearing may turn into a hearing on other issues.
  8. I would assume otherwise a big mess when people do the math and it doesn't = $650m. Actually, technically think it is suppose to equal $550m and there's a note/loan that will be issued for $100m.
  9. Here's the other thing: all I know is it will be a number and a council. I doubt it will include ANY context whatsoever including but not limited to: How that number relates to the amount of council assets a) as defined by the council/BSA and b) as defined by the TCC and their experts? As noted, $7 million from Grand Canyon is a LOT different than $3 million from Great Lakes. How that number relates to number of claims (both time-barred and not)? Again, $7 million from Grand Canyon (497 claims, 475 not time-barred) is a LOT different than $3 million from Great Lakes (155 claims, on
  10. Unknown. I could see on the one had BSA and the Ad Hoc Committee of LCs sending out a massive spreadsheet with everyone OR I could imagine they may have sent out 250+ separate numbers. There's no way of knowing.
  11. Got an email from someone on my council. List of ALL council contributions will be released/come out from under the NDA this afternoon. That doesn't mean all councils will release everyone (e.g. my council will release our number, but no one else's) but they will be able to release their own.
  12. Just FYI Greater Hudson Valley had already put 3 camps on the market, but they are valued at over $19 million. This gets at a large issue: that some of these camps are being sold for bankruptcy, and some are being sold because they just can NOT be sustained with the number of scouts having collapsed.
  13. Abuse Type Count Base Value Maximum Base Totals Maximum Totals A 84 $600,000 $2,700,000 $50,400,000 $226,800,000 B 72 $450,000 $2,025,000 $32,400,000
  14. I did this computation with Bay-Lakes, now I am doing it with Grand Canyon. As previously noted, Grand Canyon is paying $7 million Grand Canyon is in Arizona and New Mexico. Arizona is an open state, New Mexico a Gray 1. There are 497 claims of which 475 are NOT time barred (which means they are probably almost all in AZ). I am just going to calculate as if all 497 claims are are in Arizona because there's no way to parse out where those are or are not. Abuse Type Count Base
  15. What if anything is to stop the TCC from posting the Berkeley Research Group Dashboards?
  16. So this is cute and confirms that the bankruptcy lawyers are paying attention to social media (and possibly this site?) A reddit post just made its way into the latest filing by the insurers. See page 90. https://casedocs.omniagentsolutions.com/cmsvol2/pub_47373/ab03e093-d345-44e7-b022-cb07dd245278_6097.pdf
  17. By the way: for those wondering about a delay in this and BSA having said they'll run out of money by August, I got confirmed from a reliable source on my Council board who is high up with OA that BSA has now completely raided the OA fund to "keep the lights on". There's nothing much left in the National OA account. Previously, BSA had said those funds were off limited/restricted, something TCC had contested. So for those wondering at this point how BSA is functioning, it isn't. It's raiding its endowment, taking out operating loans, and raiding the OA and other internally restricted
  18. The NJ Methodists who were already told I believe not to recharter are being told again: don't recharter. https://www.gnjumc.org/the-boy-scouts-of-america/
  19. What I mean is that the fact that this person was not just some relatively unknown scoutmaster but was a long time scout leader in the area and had been awarded the council's highest honor probably made him more well known. Thus if a scout executive saw the name "Scoutmaster Smith" on a proof of claim he might say "who? huh?" whereas this person was active in local scouting for decades. This is my wild, wild, wild speculation here. BSA policy under YPT is that once a scout executive is notified of potential sexual abuse of a scout, they MUST report to law enforcement. Thus, I coul
  20. Maybe? BSA's ORIGINAL plan was that for victims in closed states/in cases where the statute of limitations had run out, they would get 1% of the value of their claim. The Grey/Open State system was part of the RSA. That can now proceed IF the TCC/FCR/Coalition are willing to accept the Hartford deal. Or they can walk away from the RSA and ask that the Grey plan still remain part of the final reorg plan that goes out for a vote. Depends, depends, depends. There's two factors here: Equitable compensation is a major issue, but keep in mind that from BSA's perspect
  21. So, I am going to tread very, very lightly here but I want to make a point. Under the RSA plan, everyone was and is aware, each type of abuse was given a minimum and maximum value. Certain types of abuse would be paid out higher than others. The math works out like this (and I am NOT listing the abuse types here, I am simply calling them A, B, C). Abuse Type Count Base Value Maximum Base Totals Maximum Totals A
  22. So, let's look at that Bay-Lakes had 155 claims, of which only 5 are not time-barred. MOST of Bay-Lakes is in Wisconsin, although it includes the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Both states are "Gray 3" states, meaning that under the TCC/FCR/Coalition/BSA approved plan (which again may be up in smoke after today) means they'd only be paid out 10-25% of the full value of their claims due to the statute of limitations.
  23. Right, that's why the amount councils are being asked is balanced against their ability to function. In other words, no council is being asked for more than it has in existence, nor is it being asked to give to the point it dissolves (although exactly WHERE that line is can be murky).
  24. Well, let's take a look. It looks like they can get $3 million by selling their stocks/long-term investments. https://casedocs.omniagentsolutions.com/cmsvol2/pub_47373/ee5156a3-0c08-4833-a600-8256c44c8a56_5485.pdf According to BSA data provided to the court, as of March Bay-Lakes had Assets Cash & Equivalents 667,003 Land, Buildings, and Equipment 8,083,634 Long-Term Investments 24,486,659 Other Assets
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