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Everything posted by CynicalScouter

  1. THAT clarifies 95% of it. The other 5% is how did AIS get the info from those two people. It wasn't BSA is my point and there's no proof it was BSA.
  2. Back to the bankruptcy! Amended notice of hearing August 30. It is now BIGGER than ever. Grab a tub of popcorn because we are getting into the (allegedly) fraudulent claims. https://casedocs.omniagentsolutions.com/cmsvol2/pub_47373/49aca881-6256-4550-a8f6-e93d204a36ac_6124.pdf Item #1 is still the FCR/TCC/Coalition effort to get Century/Chubb to produce documents. Item #2 is Hartford and Century’s Motion for an Order (I) Authorizing Certain Rule 2004 Discovery and (II) Granting Leave from Local Rule 3007-1(f) to Permit the Filing of Substantive Omnibus Objections (D.I.
  3. I think we've gone around and around the bend on this. There's still not a shred of evidence presented that BSA through its officer/agent/employee (the Scout Executive) directed claims/claimants to AIS. Until such time as there is, I plan on staying safely in my TARDIS and letting the issue drop.
  4. But you aren't claiming that the domain was held. This conspiracy is beyond that. It includes people filing claims at the nonexistent page (www.OfficialBSAClaims.com) or the blank/placeholder website (bsarestructuring.org) and then BSA forwarded the information collected on to AIS. How precisely does BSA "direct those complaints/claims over to the Abused in Scouting Coalition" in November/December 2019 when the websites you alleged were being used didn't even exist in order to collect that claims data until February 2020? Answer: A TARDIS. Still waiting on that proof BSA "dir
  5. This is more than "built" the @Gilwell_1919 is claiming that people were filing claims on those websites and then getting calls from AIS. Again, websites that were blank pages (bsarestructuring.org) or didn't even exist as domain names (www.OfficialBSAClaims.com) until February 2020.
  6. To file claims online to a website (www.OfficialBSAClaims.com or bsarestructuring.org) that didn't exist until February 2020. How can they file a claim in November/December 2019 to a site that doesn't exist until February 2020? TARDIS-time.
  7. Except that I showed, the domain went to a blank page until February 2020, longer after the supposed November/December 2019 RT.
  8. And my main concern isn't accusations AIS acted improperly, but you accusation that I don't care what AIS did (well I do, not right this second). It is this misinformation that somehow BSA was in some kind of criminal conspiracy with AIS and "directed" bankruptcy claimants to a particular attorney/law firm group. Again, still waiting on that proof. Right, with the AIS time machine that directed people to a web domain that didn't even exist until months after. Got it.
  9. Because if BSA was going to collude with any group of lawyers, they wouldn't have picked Kosnoff.
  10. Here's the thing. The webdomain www.OfficialBSAClaims.com simply redirects to Omni's website. https://cases.omniagentsolutions.com/content/index?clientid=CsgAAncz%2b6Yclmvv9%2fq5CGybTGevZSjdVimQq9zQutqmTPHesk4PZDyfOOLxIiIwZjXomPlMZCo%3d&vid=792910 Omni, by direction and order of the court, is the official claims agent/taker/collector. Even if the BSA IT department bought the domain on February 8, 2020 (it likely did) that was February 18, 2020. Not November/December 2019. And no claims data was even possible to be collected on that website until the 18th. Again, none of
  11. I've got to think that is a maybe at best? The OTHER possibility is that people didn't really file at the official BSA claims website run/operated by Omni (which again did not exist until February 18, 2020 at the earliest) but some OTHER website they thought was but in fact was a front for AIS.
  12. No, the main issue was your claim that To date, you still have not provided a scrap of proof of that. You have mentioned several times what AIS phone people said, but not anything BSA ever said or "directed". Moreover, as explained, if BSA had "directed those complaints/claims over to the Abused in Scouting Coalition" at any point after February 18, 2020 (bankruptcy filing date) it were are talking bankruptcy fraud and collusion between debtor and creditor-attorneys. Finally, I sincerely doubt given that AIS was headed by Kosnoff at the time that BSA would have launched this
  13. I believe that no one would INTENTIONALLY make a mistake like criminally colluding with AIS as part of a bankruptcy proceeding. Certainly not NEC or NEB who have been lawyered up and told (wisely from a legal perspective) to let the lawyers do ALL the talking about the bankruptcy. I can believe a local Scout Executive who did NOT have the benefit of legal counsel in his ear mixed up messages made a mistake and may have made an inadvertent error and directed claimants to AIS. Or put more crudely "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity".
  14. Yep. I suspect that AIS got claims data from the filings with the court and ran with it. NOT that BSA acted in criminal collusion to direct claimants to AIS. Here's another thing that doesn't make sense. At least in the supposed 2019 timeframe, Kosnoff was still part of AIS. Is the argument that Kosnoff was part of the BSA-AIS conspiracy, too? To help BSA? Seriously?
  15. Here's the problem. 1) I think I've pretty well established that the information/directing people to AIS couldn't have happened in November 2019 or December 2019 because the websites you listed didn't even exist yet. Again: you originally claim was that BSA, through your Scout Executive, was directing people to do this in 2019. 2) The earliest any such direction to those websites could have existed was February 7, 2020. 3) BSA filed for bankruptcy on February 18, 2020. 4) There's 11 days in-between the purchase of the www.OfficialBSAClaims.com domain and it going live (Febr
  16. Which is why I said if true the SE was operating as If the BSA told the SE to tell claimants "go to AIS" the SE would be within employee (maybe he is a LC employee?) or agent (absolutely; directed by a superior to deliver a message). I added officer because that's the typical trifecta; he's definitely not an "officer" of the debtor.
  17. That's why I mentioned the officer/agent/employee aspect of this. The Scout Executive supposedly a) directed claimants to AIS and b) claimed BSA said to do as much. IF that happened (IF here) IF it did the SE was acting as EITHER an officer (probably not) agent (yes), or employee (maybe if read in a certain way) of the debtor: Boy Scouts of America. Even if he was technically a council employee, he was operating as an agent of BSA delivering BSA's message. Again, I am not convinced that message ever took place, for the reasons outlined above, or that if it did take
  18. ECREE: “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” What you are alleging is a vast criminal conspiracy (to defraud claimants and the court), including the use of a time machine to get websites into your November/December 2019 Roundtable presentations that didn't exist until February 2020. Things are not adding up because your dates are off your data is wrong, and your recollection is faulty unless somehow a TARDIS is involved.
  19. Yes, I firmly and totally believe everyone here is being honest. I 100% believe that he believes what he is saying and that he may have in fact been told what he was told by his SE.
  20. I want to be clear here about these two websites and why your timeline is literally impossible. 1) As I noted, https://www.bsarestructuring.org/ was a nonexistent website when these supposed November 2019 and December 2019 roundtables occurred. The domain was purchased in May 2019, but the site was a blank page until February 2020. https://web.archive.org/web/*/bsarestructuring.org https://whois.domaintools.com/bsarestructuring.org 2) www.OfficialBSAClaims.com is even more bizarre and impossible. The domain didn't even exist until February 7, 2020. The ONLY thing that doma
  21. Which is impossible since the Chapter 11 didn't even exist/get filed until February 2020. Thus there would not have BEEN any "chapter 11/claims guidance" until, at the earliest, that month. Again, I suspect you are conflating a series of dates, times, and years together here.
  22. Again, produce the slide. I've never, ever heard anything in my council like this at all. Again, if this were so then surely it would have been mentioned in some other council. I suspect a SE shared bad information in one RT. That is all.
  23. Absolutely. If AIS or the Coalition or some claims aggregators were giving people the impression that they were acting on behalf of the court or BSA, that's a whole other issue. I have no doubt that based on the evidence that the insurance companies already put in, including from a person in one of these claims call centers, there were shady practices by some of these firms, that does NOT demonstrate that BSA was involved, which is what I had questioned.
  24. Yep. And that website didn't even EXIST in 2019. While the domain was purchased in May 2019 (indicating BSA knew it was heading for bankruptcy at that point, interesting) it was a blank page until February 2020 when the bankruptcy was filed. https://web.archive.org/web/20200501000000*/bsarestructuring.org https://whois.domaintools.com/bsarestructuring.org Again, note the claim. A page that didn't exist in 2019.
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