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Everything posted by InquisitiveScouter

  1. Merit badge counselors and unit leaders who keep blue cards for Scouts until they complete their badge
  2. This is where I wish we would go... not for MB's, but definitely for all skills up to and including First Class. When a person says "I am a Scout", that conjures up a paragon or archetype in your head about what a Scout knows/does/is. You have expectations of what their capabilities are. We need to collectively define (or redefine) that paragon/archetype, describe those standards, and adhere to them. The current codification of what a Scout knows/does/is does not accurately measure or adhere to the standard of the archetype most of us conjure. Should it??
  3. Concur. In my tenure, I can remember only one Scout who ever took a class a second time because it was something he really enjoyed (Small Boat Sailing). He was surprised that this was actually "allowed." I think part of this misperception is in our advertising. Scouts do not understand that repeating a merit badge is just fine. Perhaps this discussion should be moved to a new/existing thread? I also, am a Merit Badge Counselor who demands the requirements, and nothing more...the requirements, and nothing less. Scouts tell each other who the "easiest" counselors are. Most choose
  4. Qwazse, That would be brilliant. I'm in, but don't think most leaders would have the time available when the economy opens back up. And leaders swapping out during the session would go against the purpose of the extended camp.
  5. If a high risk program, it is most likely a re-certification. I could see the logic in that, if the candidate has previously completed a course in attendance. Otherwise, can't see the BSA accepting the risk...
  6. Permethrin is awesome. Be careful! It is a nerve agent. Do not spray directly onto your skin or clothing you are wearing. Apply to clothing hanging outdoors. Stand upwind. Do not get the stuff on you in liquid form. Do not let your pets anywhere near the stuff until it dries. It will harm your pets. Bonds to clothing fibers while drying. Once dry, very safe. Persists through many washings, depending on whether manufacturer adds additional bonding agents. Read and follow package directions! Picaridin is supposed to be great. You can spray it directly on yourself. Have some, b
  7. HI there! Kudos to you as an ASPL for taking this on! You are setting a great example as a leader. Our Scouts love the medal "bling", too. There is a whole list of Historical Trails. Almost all have a patch...most have an attractive medal like the one you earned. You can find a lot of them here: https://tap.scouting.org/historic-trails/ From central NJ, here are some I would recommend: Battle of Monmouth (starts at Quail Hill Scout Reservation, you can camp there). http://www.natsihi.org/camping-hiking/battle-of-monmouth-historic-trail/ Here is the medal
  8. Thanks @qwazse !!! - Scouters who intentionally disregard accepted and codified safety practices and common sense! A few specific examples: - The Scoutmaster who refused to get off the river when a thunderstorm blew in, becauseue it was only two more miles to camp... - The adult leaders at an Eagle Scout project or Woodwork MB class who allow Scouts to use power saws, etc....even worse, those who do it without even basic PPE like hearing or eye protection (watch this video at about time stamp 1:30)
  9. @Eagle94-A1 I echo your experiences, in general, with most Summer Camps over the past two decades (there have been few exceptions)...I have become more and more jaded. And I feel as though I am titing at windmills... It's like a whole cheating scheme that everyone is in on...and no one likes it if you make waves to point it out. And it's all about the money...not about integrity or character building. Councils want money through increased camper numbers. The way to get that seems to be to have a high number of Merit Badges awarded. (notice I did not say "earned") The r
  10. @qwazse, We think a lot alike...it wasn't the Scouts' motives I would question, but the adult leaders who would organize such an event during a time like this. Those same adults who make the announcement... Totally agree with striking service hours as a requirement. Also agree with allowing adults to earn ranks...(Rovers, anyone?) As for Bird Study...that is as it used to be, along with Pioneering. We should start a thread for Pet Peeves!
  11. The article above also explains; "The safety of these Scouts and all the volunteers are of the utmost importance to the United Way, especially during a time when social distancing is of high priority. Director Smith has put measures in place to make sure everyone is as safe as possible, “We are screening all of the volunteers when they come in, allowing only a group of 10 individuals to volunteer at a time, and are making sure we maintain the minimum six feet of distance between each other." Each situation will be different...but if an organization you wish to volunteer for does not suppo
  12. Yes, they had lots of other volunteers...and later our county was one of the first locked down in the state, and now has the third highest number of cases in the state. My line in the sand was the CDC guidelines. They were there for a reason...
  13. Early on, but before the stay at home order, our local hospital asked for community volunteers to set up a large tent (an outdoor event-type tent like those used for weddings, about 72' long) outside the hospital so they could screen patients there before concentrating them in the building. We put together two teams of ten, mixed Scouts and adults. We told the hospital we would work shifts of four hours, and that we wanted to adhere to CDC guidelines of groups no larger than ten, we would stay outside the hospital the whole time, bring our own food/water, use port-a-john, etc. The hospital
  14. This could mean the court will also deny Nationals move to have the court view the councils as separate entities for purposes of the overall litigation. Better go take some nice pictures of the camp you grew up with...it could be gone in the near future...
  15. Sorry, but that kind of real Scouting doesn't pay the CEO's six figure salary. We need revenue! Sell more popcorn!
  16. @Eagle94-A1. Unfortunately, the details of your story are not uncommon. There are many systemic issues across the BSA and US culture that do not bode well for the organization.
  17. All good! But most council camps around these parts are about generating revenue for the council first, with Scouting a fairly distant second.
  18. ^^^^ Does this seem just plain wrong to any of you?? Good on you @RememberSchiff for meeting the need directly! Spot on!
  19. We all failed. We try to pre-package Scouting into discrete things like merit badges, Summer Camp, service projects, etc. Scouting is a game with a purpose! Did he have a good game? Did we meet the purpose? What makes an Eagle Scout? As a Scoutmaster, I have written many letters of recommendation over the years. Some are easy. Some are not. The easy ones are long letters regaling the BoR with how I have watched this young person grow and learn, and some of the experiences we have shared. They usually end with this statement, "Jimmy is an Eagle Scout, an
  20. Time to make the distinction between Scouting and the BSA??
  21. Jameson76, That would be the cat's meow! A Troop having its own week long Summer Camp would be Scouting at its best:) I encourage you to try it... One issue with "industrial" Summer Camps is that Scouts are too "busy", as almost every moment of their day is scheduled for them. I encourage Scouts to keep one or two merit badge sessions free to do whatever they wish...nap, fish, hike, play basketball, swim, read, bird watch, contemplate the universe, etc.
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