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Everything posted by BulldogBlitz

  1. let the market decide. they can open up a 'GLT' youth movement call it the rainbow league or whatever floats their boat. since, in an open market, it is competition which rules. walmart sells tons of things, yet there are people who will refuse to shop their as a matter of principle. target and several other stores have walmart to thank for some portion of their client base.
  2. trail crew - philmont '87 eagle - '85 SE-2 OA conclave
  3. glad (or sad) to see that i'm not the only one in that situation. the last troop committee meeting, i suggested that we are an adult troop and the boys are along for the ride. at that point, it was suggested to me that the boy scouts are no longer the way i recall and that asking untrained parents to stand aside would be very wrong. things don't change overnight, but maybe this one little ember of a compromise is what is needed for you to get things turned.
  4. "Why do non-whites want to join all-white country clubs? Why do women want to join men-only Jaycees (when they were men-only)? " why is there a need to move a black family into an all-white area, when there is no need to move a white family into an all-black area? forcing a minority opinion on a group isn't the right thing to do.... and a lawsuit won't make it "right" either.
  5. "3) go to the C of L HQ in their $1/year building and say "I'm an atheist, can I be a scout member?" See if the answer is "no"." why would someone want to join an organization that doesn't accomodate a certain viewpoint? if there were an atheist youth program, would they accomodate non-atheists?
  6. IF texas secedes.... and nobama tries to stop the secession with force wouldn't that make for an interesting issue? nobama invading a nation for oil.
  7. I do not care for the weekend flurry of MB earning. We have a MB university here two times (at least) per year which is only a single saturday offering. The 60 scouts in our troop are encouraged to maximize this opportunity, and combine it with the over eager parent MB counselors within the troop who will ensure that they all get signed off quickly with questionable effort. This weekend, we'll have a court of honor, and 10 scouts will be signed off on communications merit badge for the CoH portion of the requirement. I raised a red flag at the last committee meeting, and it was as if I
  8. did the SM say he would never hold a conference for your son? did he give a time? does it absolutely have to be "this week"?
  9. "This whole argument is BS. The woman will always have the choice, the technology is not going to vanish - it's too simple...and eventually there will be biochemical ways to terminate pregnancies that are undetectable and private. The only thing in question is how much it will cost, its convenience, and its safety. None of that other stuff is going to change the fact that she will decide and that her decision will be based on how she weighs the factors in her life. Get over it." why bother with safety? the intent of the procedure is to kill.
  10. "For those who refuse to fund organizations that also provide abortion, the hypocrisy is often evident in that these same organizations supply non-abortive family planning information that could have the effect of LOWERING abortion rates." the non-abortive "family" planning is out there without these organizations - it is called self control - there's only been one case where a woman got pregnant without sex. it is completely unnecessary and incorrect to say that planned parenthood is "family" planning. a majority of those who use their services are unwed people looking to avoid
  11. band and other things trump scouts because scouts is currently set up to be a doormat program. as long as the boys are paid members of the boy scouts, they are "boy scouts" - no further participation required. little johnny can advance by showing up to one meeting saying "hey mr. smith, i did this (random MB requirement) at school a couple of weeks back.". Mr. Smith not wanting to upset the parents of little johnny (because he tried to have that "go get 'em" talk early on, and johnny's mom was completely frazzled with keeping up with the schedule of band, soccer, choir, school play, family
  12. Nope, not a craft post.... I'm referring to what I seem to be witnessing within a troop. "We have 5 Life scouts and 17 more who are Star or within a month of being Star. They need the adults to fill the paper work out so these guys can get their Eagle. I know some of the responsibility for doing the work falls on the boys, but we can do a great deal of it so we don't miss this great opportunity for our troop." Is this situation wrong? Are we just attempting to be an Eagle mill? I know of the 5 Life scouts, 4 of them have point blank said they are not interested in scouts and are
  13. james dale and any one else who feels slighted or left out can go create their own group... call it the "rainbow boys" or the "pink brigade"... have an "open" policy (knowing full well that an overwhelming majority of their membership would be of one thought). all these ridicululously frivolous lawsuits are ultimately more of a waste and drain on society than their intended "positive". i don't feel the least bit slighted because the gay club downtown doesn't accomodate me. i never felt the least bit slighted that the GLA at college (a public university mind you... allowing them to use t
  14. "active" is defined as being a paid member ? why do we not have 50X more Eagle Scouts every year? i'm going to try that at work. i won't show up for three months and wait for my promotion.
  15. "I am one of those nagging moms that wants her son to be Eagle. I have bribed my son to get him to go to meetings and outings. He is so close to completion and it is killing me. I have been in Scouting as long as he has. Up to now, all that he is lacking is the paper work to finish 2 merit badges and the Eagle project. 1 year and a half ago he put his foot down and did not want to finish. I am so scared that he will never go that extra step. So yes I will threaten and beg and deprive him of the luxuries of the driving or talk owning a personal cell phone until he earns his Eagle. U
  16. i hear you dean. i don't get it either. it must be the void of strong (or even any) male adults which are being filled by female volunteers.
  17. this is absolutely great. it is something i've said for some time. i shared it with my troop. unfortunately, i believe that most of the parents (the ones doing the dragging) won't understand the message. the demands will still be as strong, the expectations will still be there.
  18. he made life at 12? and he's 15 now? 3 years banging his head against this wall? wow....maybe he should add "perserverance" to his scout law.
  19. "I'll be waiting for my big check which I figure should arrive on January 22nd. " never trust a person that thinks it is a "right" to kill children.
  20. how completely confusing... uneducated voting isn't "winning". jimmy carter x 2 isn't a better tomorrow, it is a "how long before tomorrow (the next election) gets here?" and "wth were you folks thinking?". bush was re-elected because the repubs didn't learn from the past, now too many have voted "for change (no specifics mind you)". this country is blessed today, tomorrow, we will begin to see how many of those blessings will be stripped clean. today, i actually heard one of the obama-zombies in line stating that if mccain won she'd be forced to leave the country. huh?
  21. so what are your other opinions which are formed by south park?
  22. add me to the list of the offended. i was a boy scout for 7 years. i was awarded eagle scout. i loved all the trappings of boy scouts. i regret now that i am 20 years removed from my youth, i am just now coming back to the program. my son is only 9. one day he will at least sign up for boy scouts, if he doesn't stick with it, that will hurt, but will be what it is. i am getting more offended by the day by people that meet me and immediately think the worst of me. i have to almost constantly remind people within the troop that i have been in the program before and i am an eagle scout.
  23. seems that if it isn't literally in print, then it can't or shouldn't be done. all other explanations are that it must be an "urban legend". ;o
  24. "It's been stated by high-up at Philmont that the 'tail over the shoulder' is an urban legend. There is no basis for it, but its been around for years." urban legend? seems that if it has been around for years, it makes it to "tradition" status. when i went 20 years ago, no one in my troop had ever been. i heard about the tail over the shoulder in the trading post at philmont. if i have to declare myself a uniform or patch police, i'm more inclined to say that this patch says that you went to philmont for a trek, staff, training, etc. it represents that you physically were at phi
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