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  1. Not familiar with area, but we have had good luck with renting canoes from a scout camp. The one we used had trailers and rented a rack of canoes for it. Check with camps/councils in the area.
  2. Expedition Canoeing, A Guide to Canoeing Wild Rivers in North America Cliff Jacobson
  3. A couple weeks ago I postponed our Friday departure to the Klondike until Saturday morning because of snowy roads. I happened to get on the interstate at location and time group would have been traveling on Friday and traffic was stopped for accident scene with about 5 ambulances and half dozen smacked up cars. That reinforced for me it was a good decision postponing.
  4. Like so many magazines they slant their reviews to what their advertisers are promoting and selling. It hardly matters if is backbacking, gardening, or computers. In most cases it is the high end stuff that their advertisers are trying to get in the eye of the consumer and distinguish themselves with. Sometimes the high end product has value to the consumer, sometimes it does not. We all have to filter this information.
  5. Purely my personal thoughts. I would leave it to the troop and ask that they use it for Troop camping equipment or summer camp for kids who need help. Troops seems to be more in synch with who needs help.
  6. In the central Connecticut area, a number of places serve a steamed cheeseburger. When I first moved to the area, I was taken aback, but they are pretty good.
  7. Everyone seems to be chiming in on the pants so I will put in my odd comment. I generally like the pants, but I don't care for the way my wallet sits in the back pocket. The mesh pocket seems a little too deep and stetchy. I am planning to shorten the pocket to keep the wallet a little higher.
  8. I would say aluminum poles are slightly more desireable than fiberglass for car camping. We have another manufacturer's fiberglass poles in some of our tents and they are a problem with splitting and slivers. Now they are not new, probably 6-8 years old, but the fabric is outliving the poles.
  9. I would say aluminum poles are slightly more desireable than fiberglass for car camping. We have another manufacturer's fiberglass poles in some of our tents and they are a problem with splitting and slivers. Now they are not new, probably 6-8 years old, but the fabric is outliving the poles.
  10. We are headed out for a long weekend on the AT in Vermont. Overnight forecast is for 45 degrees. I love it!
  11. Unit price: I checked the unit price of microwave popcorn, admittedly, the best buy of the popcorn selection. We have the 15 pack 45 ounce package selling at $12. A unit price of $4.27/lb. I checked the unit prices on the store shelves at my local supermarket and unit prices ran $3.50 to $5.00 per pound. So the unit price is pretty competitive for that product, especially given it is a fundraising item. No agument you can do better still going to the big box store. But retail is about selling the shopping experience and for some of us anyway it doesn't get much better than buying from a young Scout.
  12. Predators taking YPT isn't going to make the difference. It is up to all of us leaders and parents to know the youth protection rules and insist on following those rules
  13. In as much as this thread is about the second class requirement "red swimmer" I don't think it is a particularly good idea to run the test in very deep water. Most of the Scouts taking this test are marginal swimmers and some are likely to need assistance. The camps I have attended have run this test in the intermediate swim area which is about five feet deep. Blue swimmer test is of course a horse of a different color.
  14. Perhaps its just me or my computer, but I couldn't open the Living Your Religion Guidebook link, that would have the requirements for the religeious emblem.
  15. One option is to square lash an 18-24 inch long cross piece to a tree and hang pack by the shoulder straps.
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