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Everything posted by bt01

  1. An idea has been thrown out to the Troop Committee about forming a Venture Patrol in the Troop. The idea is to keep the older Scouts active. Does anybody else have such an arrangement in their troop? If so, what are the guidelines and regulations for them? Some of these older boys were board stiff with the regular meetings, and were disrupting more than they were helping. Are there any set guideline/policy before they started. Your input is appreciated
  2. On friday we are going be part of History, 227 years of it. We should pas on to Scouts the tradition. The Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind r
  3. Camper: Camp Siwanoy, Read Reservation. Staff Member: Read Reservation. More to Come BT
  4. Merlyn_LeRoy Course reversal in Philly??? In God Wwe Trust BT
  5. ASM1 How does this relate to Scouting???? Are you running for President???
  6. But they do pront on their money "iIn God We Trust"
  7. It sounds like things are happening for the good. B t
  8. Merlyn, all walks of life What does that mean to you???
  9. A group of individuals (Club, civic group, church, PTA, ect.) wants to charter a Boy Scout Unit, Cub Scout unit or venturing unit. What are there responsibly?? How can they be responsible Charter Organization???
  10. Local chartering organizations are responsible for the selection and approval of adult volunteers and they come from all walks of life. ??? Merlyn, not all chartering organizations accept gays. There are plenty packs, troops and crews that are sponsored the RC church. They do not accept gays. Not all religions aspect the gay life style.
  11. How are the BSA going to police this?? Are we going to do background checks on every one??
  12. From my understanding of the united way, the discussion to support the BSA is left to the Local Chapters. The local chapter that covers the territory that I live in may support the BSA but in the next county may have another United Way chapter and they can do what they want.
  13. OXCOPS Ok hes not working on Cope this summer the girls work with non-scout groups on the COPE course. What do the girls do for the rest of the week??? Do they have contact with him?? I have worked at some camp for eigth differedt years, I am always surprised on what the kids can pick up.
  14. With the Pew Charitable Trusts and United Way balking in funding the Cradle of Liberty Council. How the Council going to pick up the slack?? Boy Scout Council That Won't Admit Gays May Also Lose United Way Funds Published on 6/26/2003 Philadelphia One big charity withdrew a six-figure pledge to a Boy Scout council after it lost a battle to admit homosexuals, and the local United Way is considering following suit. The United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania said Wednesday that it may yank its annual funding of the Cradle of Liberty Council, the nation's third-largest Bo
  15. MarkNoel said: And done what? Lied? Hidden? What if he thought that the best thing for the Scouting movement here in the US would be to confront this issue head-on rather than having everyone pretend that there weren't gay scouts out there? I am not saying that he should have lied or say hidden. I am saying he should have not walked down the streets of Philadelphia with a sign in scout uniform. His actions have gotten him kicked him out of scouting and has brought this topic to eyes of the press.
  16. You said that: Second, this person is a COPE staff member. I have other staff members (teenage girls) who refuse to work if this person is around. He has hit on them and they are scared of him. That is behavior I can't tolerate at COPE. It defeats the entire basis of the 7 core goals of COPE. In a previous posting, I said keep the Camp Director in the loop. His actions off of camp property are now affecting the camp program. The Scouts are going to pick up on the fact the female staff members are not going to work with him. Have the Camp Director remove him from the camp.
  17. Great!!!! Hope some people can take advatage of it.
  18. I was about to post the the same thing to get feed back. This is not good. What happened to the background checks and two deep Adult Leadership?? BT
  19. This must be reported, ASAP. Report it to the scout executive and the local authorities. If this happened at the Scout Camp. The Camp Director should be in the loop. BT
  20. OldGreyEagle You might have hit the nail on the head with your comment
  21. The values of the program and the oath and law make BSA what it is, a strong organization. There are adults and organizations that do not understand where the BSA is coming from
  22. What was this scout thinking when he decided come out???? Didnt he know that his registration was going too denied??? Or asked not to come back??? Was he living in some cave on some island?? If he believed that the BSA was an outstanding organization he should have kept his mouth shout. By his actions he is tearing the BSA apart.
  23. I can see having a DE spend some time at camp because there may be troops in his District that attend the camp. It is an easy way for him or she to contact them. It is a good way fore him or to be seen
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