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Posts posted by st0ut717

  1. We do set minimum requirement for scout activites to be a scout in good standing. Including 6 hours of community service and 6 scouting events per year. This allows a scout to have a season of Athletics while being a scout. I agree scouting should have a higher priority then sports. In my house scouts is the priority and other activites such as martial arts and sports come after scouts. I am having my son miss his first wresteling practice as it fall on the time of an OA meeting and his por is OARep. Kids can't do everything and expect to succeed.

  2. I think if kids want to do base ball they should go though the organizations that currently do that. little league for instance. If you have a few hours for the kids get them in the woods on a hike. or bicycleing. swimming. recreateing leagues of packs takes away from scouting.


  3. @natelie,


    Age issue should goto council. the current pack adults are doing a disservice by falsifying birth dates. In my book if you lose popularity points because you shine a light into a dark corner you will be awarded in good karma.


    I hated Cub Scouts. I was against Cub scouts when he first joined (under the advisement of the school system to build social skills) Like you i hated the arts and crafts and the activities seem far to childish and i was really only involved at the Den level. My son tolerated Cub scouts and was about ready to quit until his webelo 1 boy scout troop camp out. it was at that point where we realized that Boy scouts was not cub scouts. He stuck out he next 2 years simply for the fact he wanted to cross over in the best way possible.


    So far my son has thrived at Boy scouts. even as a 12 YO he is pushing star rank and his troop awarded him into the OA.

    I would not judge boy scouts on a cub scout experience .


    If your son wants more adventure seek a different pack or just wait till crossover and find a HA troop in your area.


    If he doesn't like camping boy scouts may not be for him.


    I hope he and you find something that interest him besides couches and video games.

  4. Thank you all for your responses.


    Especially nice to know that my son should have final say on choice of counselors.


    My son does want to make Eagle, but just not the way they want him to. I do feel that I am already public enemy #1 and my son in the number two slot.


    I am more concerned that the SM will attempt to sabotage my son. Not out of spite, but more as a twisted effort to get him to conform.


    Will probably end up having to leave the troop, but nice to know options and hear from others with more experience on troop politics.

    He wants to make eagle but without summer camp or camping in general?


    Camping is eagle required and eagle merit badges are not easy. they require significant effort on the part of the scout. My son has been working on Camping merit badge for 2 years and is almost there. He attends most of our camping events. How can he learn camp based stoves? lighting a camp stove in a classroom / meeting place is far differenct then lighting it (or not) or not being able to have a safe hot meal.


    Knots are needed for camping. bear bags etc. without the need for experience in the wild this is a book excersice only. did youi learn knots yes. can you apply it in real file? not tested.


    Cooking is eagle required and part of that is planing for meals for troop backpacking, hiking and camping for multiple days. How is he going to be able to plan without experience in the field?


    I can go on and on.



    yes the scout master is not correct. but i think you want more of a paper eagle program. boxes checked to the minimum specification.




  5. Remove the bling. Make them for the boys' date=' not the adults. Shirt cost is $10. There's a summer and winter weight/material. It needs a US flag, the world crest, and something that says BSA. There is no need for troop or council patches. No pockets, epaulets or collar. Patrol, rank, POR, and OA are pins that go on one, removable thing that easily attaches. Keep the necker. Zippy cargo pants are fine, but make them simpler and cheaper. Kids grow and get dirty, adapt.[/quote']

    I think there is a need for troop numbers and patches.


    As a cub scout my son got lost at a council wide event. having his pack number helped immediately. Troop / pack numbers are needed when dealing with district or higher events. As yopu go to jambo / world events you need these unit identifiers more. not for the scout but for the leaders knowing which kids goes where.


  6. Wow' date=' in that last paragraph are those are actual quotes from someplace? If so I'd like to get the references because those are some great quotes. Alternatively, did you just make those up and put "quotation marks" around them for emphasis?[/quote']


    From Bob Morris US representitive from Indiana ®

    " February 18, 2012

    Members of the Republic Caucus

    Dear Fellow Representatives:

    This past week I was asked to sign a House Resolution recognizing the 100th Anniversary of Girl Scouts of America. After talking to some well-informed constituents, I did a small amount of web-based research, and what I found is disturbing. The Girl Scouts of America and their worldwide partner, World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), have entered into a close strategic affiliation with Planned Parenthood. You will not find evidence of this on the GSA/WAGGGS websiteâ€â€in fact, the websites of these two organizations explicitly deny funding Planned Parenthood.

    Nonetheless, abundant evidence proves that the agenda of Planned Parenthood includes sexualizing young girls through the Girl Scouts, which is quickly becoming a tactical arm of Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood instructional series and pamphlets are part of the core curriculum at GSA training seminars. Denver Auxiliary Bishop James D. Conley of Denver last year warned parents that "membership in the Girl Scouts could carry the danger of making their daughters more receptive to the pro-abortion agenda."

    A Girl Scouts of America training program last year used the Planned Parenthood sex education pamphlet "Happy, Healthy, and Hot." The pamphlet instructs young girls not to think of sex as "just about vaginal or anal intercourse." "There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore and be yourself!" it states. Although individual Girl Scout troops are not forced to follow this curriculum, many do. Liberal progressive troop-leaders will indoctrinate the girls in their troop according to the principles of Planned Parenthood, making Bishop Conley's warning true.

    Many parents are abandoning the Girl Scouts because they promote homosexual lifestyles. In fact, the Girl Scouts education seminar girls are directed to study the example of role models. Of the fifty role models listed, only three have a briefly-mentioned religious background – all the rest are feminists, lesbians, or Communists. World Net Daily, in a May 2009 article, states that Girl Scout Troops are no longer allowed to pray or sing traditional Christmas Carols.

    Boys who decide to claim a "transgender" or cross-dressing life-style are permitted to become a member of a Girl Scout troop, performing crafts with the girls and participate in overnight and camping activities – just like any real girl. The fact that the Honorary President of Girl Scouts of America is Michelle Obama, and the Obama's are radically pro-abortion and vigorously support the agenda of Planned Parenthood, should give each of us reason to pause before our individual or collective endorsement of the organization.

    As members of the Indiana House of Representatives, we must be wise before we use the credibility and respect of the "Peoples' House" to extend legitimacy to a radicalized organization. The Girl Scouts of America stand in a strong tradition that reflects with fidelity the traditional values of our homes and our families. The tradition extends from coast-to-coast and back through the past one hundred years. That said, I challenge each of you to examine these matters more closely before you extend your name and your reputation to endorse a group that has been subverted in the name of liberal progressive politics and the destruction of traditional American family values.

    I have two daughters who have been active in the Girl Scouts of Limberlost Council in Northeastern Indiana. Now that I am aware of the influence of Planned Parenthood within GSA and other surprisingly radical policies of GSA, my two daughters will instead become active in American Heritage Girls Little Flowers organization. In this traditional group they will learn about values and principles that will not confuse their conservative Hoosier upbringing.

    I have been told that, as of today, I am the only member not supporting the Girl Scout Resolution.

    I challenge each of you to examine these matters and to decide carefully whether or not to sign the resolution.


    Bob Morris"






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