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Everything posted by Big_Dog

  1. yeah, but ain't it great that no matter what the ACLU says, we're in an organization that promotes doing your duty to God? God Bless the BSA BD
  2. mk9750, Good for your guys! Now, how do we get that image across to society? Funny how scouts can do all these cool things and society picks on scouts for trying to be nice guys! Just don't add up. If we could hire the same advertising guys that do Bud Lite commercials, we'd probably get somewhere.(This message has been edited by Big_Dog)
  3. Merlyn, If you're responding to me, I don't think my post said anything specific about 'Christian'. But if all you did was walk around Washington and read what is inscribed on many of the governments buildings, you would have to conclude that whoever built those buildings had a belief in God.
  4. Ah, NJ, you've nailed the point to one thing that is causing so much difficulty in America today... " Nor am I suggesting that Christmas should not be a federal holiday; all I am saying is that, at its core, it is a religious holiday." (sorry, I don't know how to make this italicized) The problem is that this country, at its' core, is a religious nation. It's laws were founded on Biblical principles - the leaders at the birth of this nation believed in God. Now, we're trying to severe the two and it's causing a multitude of problems. I agree with Hunt that I really don't want a religio
  5. I'm sure there's better ways, but this sounds like a good chance to do something with a personal touch.
  6. SO, (BTW, this isn't hijacking the thread, my point was about geeky, not gay) Why can't we do something about the perception? i.e. the NFL just reissued the 'shark-tooth' cap. The kids think they are way-cool. couldn't a shark-tooth cap have a scout emblem? Ok, maybe not an exact copy of the NFL, but why not something cool? If 'Goths' can wear black, and preppies can wear really expensive clothes, why not find some way of communicating: white-water rafting/rock climbing / rapelling/high adventure?
  7. Isn't it interesting that the truth is often more insulting than the stereotypes? Ouch!! very true statement..
  8. In the words of the great Huey Lewis: "it's hip to be square"
  9. Thanx for the info. I printed it off and will drop it off with the SPL as a 'just for your info' kinda thing. If he doesn't run with it, will take it to the Cubs. I think kids/parents here would love to help - just don't know how bd
  10. at the very top of the scouter.com banner is the headlines link. I find that a great source of info. For every negative article about scouting, there is a host of great clips about the good things being accomplished by scouts and scouters. Hats off to whoever put that there! My thought was that back in the '70's when I was in school, homosexuals were considered 'geeky'. The way James states it seems to imply that even thought HE considered it 'geeky', he stayed with it because it gave him a sense of community. It's one of those things that if you have to 'splain it, it isn't quite so f
  11. Just read this article in the headlines section. There are several things I take exception with, but on the lighter side... I thought it funny that this guy would call Boy Scouts a "geeky" program. Are we at the point now where he might like to host "Queer eye for the Scouting guy"? bd
  12. Hi, I run an underground railway to help get Gays out of the Bible-belt. Sorry, Dave I couldn't resist. 9 pages and no controversy??? Naw, really I'm a central office technician for Vz in a little town in the Texas Hill Country. BTW, Eamonn, this is a great place to retire to. Warm might be an understatement, but the winters are mild! Have been a carpenter, worked in an aluminum plant, x-rayed welds in pipes for a refinery, played piano in a house of ill repute, now play for church, electronic tech, dispatcher, painter (buildings, not art) and sold real estate. Now I play with
  13. OGE - I can see 'hookt on foniks reelly werkdt fer yew' Happy turkey day, all. and may the Cowboys emerge victorious once again! BD
  14. When I first saw this the title, it seemed kinda strange, but if you drop the '&' it becomes the Red Green banquet! Now that has possibilities. Decorate with duct tape, possum lodge paraphanelia.... hum..... bd
  15. YES, by all means, go to woodbadge. Not only will you get some great training, you'll meet some fantastic people. Kinda like the people here on this forum. They say if you're lucky you might get to be a bear, or eagle or whatever.... But if God truly loves you: you'll become a BEAVER! bd sr113
  16. FOG Texas women look good in high heels, low heels or no heels. Texas men only wear high heels on their riding boots. Guys from Austin, well.... Happy trails to you... bd
  17. cc- who made this rule? I'll bet it wasn't the scouts! Since the troop has grown so much, it might be time to re-visit the rules the boys should be making. Most of the newer scouts are probably used to having moms along. I do see a value to having the fathers on the campout as ASM's, but it's been my experience that having moms along who know the program does not detract from the overall experience. Moms and/or dads who don't horn-in all the time but let the program work as it should are an asset. BTW - it sounds like the charter organization needs a good kick in the attention butto
  18. As close as Webelos are to bridging and knowing the difficulty of memorizing the Scout oath and law, I think you should really focus on the Scout oath and law. They need to know these to advance in Boy Scouts, so why go backward. That said, if there is a strong sense of pride in what they've accomplished as webelos, there might be room for a little latitude. Guess you have to go with your gut feeling. (weeblos wobble but they don't fall down) bd
  19. Being a music ed major that never taught in public school, I have all kinds of music. I don't mind listening to music the scouts bring, but I also like to throw other kinds of music at them. We've listened to R. Carlos' native flute, The Scottish Rogues' pipes and Blood, Sweat and Tears. If the scouts get annoying, there's always the best of Rush Limbaugh on Sunday evening!! PS. I'm holding off from ZZ's "Tube Snake Boogie" bd
  20. Acco40, Are those the big, tall, pointy hats that look like they're made from a white sheet? I would suggest the Scout tobaggan type hat underneath as it helps the tall, pointy hat stand up straight. Nothin' worse than having your hat go limp at the wrong time. bd
  21. The problem, though Eisley, is that Austin is an island of weirdness and lunacy smack in the heart 'o Texas. I've lived all over this great state, and Austnites are just different from the rest of the state. I don't know if it's because of too much government in one place or if they're just carpetbaggers or what!?! Now I'm not talking all or even most Austin-ites, just the ones that keep making the news. ( and help setting the agenda for the united ((pinche)) way). Maybe what those folks need is to drive over to Llano and eat at Coopers bar-b-q, or drive down Lockhart way and eat the world
  22. hey, cc I'm on the other side of Austin, so it looks like we've got 'em surrounded! I think we can take them, don't you? At first, I was pretty ticked, but then I realized it was austin. Strange folk there in Austin.
  23. Well, I don't like to brag, but there was a native american named "Big dog" on the coast to help show the pilgrins how to hunt turkeys and plant corn. And then there was the Indian scout "Big dog" who tried to tell Custer not to go down in that valley. btw - he was kinda short so they nicknamed him 'Little big dog'. Also a little know fact was that originally, Roosevelts phrase was 'speak softly and take a big dog with you' because of a relative of mine who saved his bacon a time or two. He was a real rough feller. 'D' day was really gonna be 'BD' day because another relative of mine was
  24. FOG, that was 10k more than last year. But I do agree we'll have to hustle next year. I do like a challenge, though! Some of the troops/packs didn't sell near like they did last year, so next year we'll just get them a little more excited.
  25. And then, after this news and getting worked up... come home and find message on my answering machine. A lady has heard scouts is picking up in our area. She has an 11 year old, never been in scouts and she said he asked if he could get involved. Dude, that's what it is really all about. have a nice night bd
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