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Everything posted by ScoutMomSD

  1. every cub in our den gets an award. We take digital pics and decide at the leader meeting. Some are very funny. Like "Best red car". Basically we pick out something unique about the car and create a "best" for it. These are paper certificates - the trophies are for speed in the heats
  2. Do you have folks in the Den you consider friends, enough that you can switch off with taking the kids to meetings? Or help you with Rank requirements? One of the issues I have seen is that due to many of the requirements for rank and more plus Den meetings and Pack shows, people get really overwhelmed. And in our area, I have tried to recruit kids from single parent homes and we have a number of kids with two working parents. Its really hard and in a few instances, folks sign up and then think, "what the heck have I gotten myself into". I would DEFINATELY ask these questions of yo
  3. As someone who eventually will take over the roll of CC, I am looking for input as to communicating between the pack and the leaders and some type of summary/monthly document that is a one stop shop for finding out what is going on and when. 1) we currently have a mix of methods, a website with a monthly calendar that is usually not current, a yahoo group for leaders and one for the pack and a monthly newsletter that has key stats. 2) when changes or additions happen it seems like we end up with a barrage of emails to our yahoo groups. This also becomes an inefficient way to handle a
  4. thanks so much - it ends up we are going to push it back a week so will probably go to where we were before - any input on an Americana theme? Barbeque? thanks again - the above was really helpful E
  5. we need some quick cheap ideas for blue and gold - our community centers are all booked - where do you hold yours and about how much per scout does it end up costing? do you charge or is it part of the annual dues? thanks so much
  6. My daughter is in 7th grade and I am just getting used to the requirements. I believe they are working on the award (Bronze?) - I still confused about the Journey thing. At our age group they do a lot of service projects. Also they do a lot of work with Brownies and younger girls. I love that we are back in an active troop. A great leader (NOT me) and a great group of like minded girls really helps!
  7. I have heard racist, sexist, anti gay, anti liberal, anti women, anti californian, etc comments on this board and I WAS OUT OF LINE??????????? Are the Yes on Prop 8 folks being paid to RUN the board too? Its about THE KIDS folks - all else is immaterial. There are folks on this board who seriously, scare me. And who I would NEVER leave my kids with. But thats from a California liberal born in SF.
  8. (OGE here, maybe I am just a prude, but the comment I deleted was over the line, well, I thought so ) (This message has been edited by a staff member.)
  9. "So, when the Zoological society at the San Diego Zoo has a special set of hours for members to attend and see new things, or simply enjoy as members, someone who is not a member should have the right to participate during that time too, even though they do not meet requirements?" As a member of the SD Zoological society (and having been one for close to 20 years), note that it is not limited to race, sexual preferance or religion. If you have the money to join, you can join. And there are no religious references and meetings and events arent held in a church. I am a proud and loyal
  10. As a native Californian living where folks get out down parka's when the temp dips below 50 (like today) I think it depends on your lifestyle. I would never trust my son or my den to do this. We are Wolves. And they are So Cal babies. But my husband lived in Minneapolis a number of years and I have relatives in Minnesota and I think kids there are more accustomed to the cold than we are. And one of my New Year's resolutions is to think about things a bit more than just reacting as again we are in a suburb of a large metro area so what we think is normal or outside of it may not
  11. I have been lurking a while and was determined not to get into the psycho drama of this site anymore but I read this thread and as politely as I can will say you are all nuts. I am amazed that I am finding more and more that Beavah is the voice of moderation. If you strike a child or teen and they call the Dept of Social services, they will probably arrive quickly and possibly take your child away. this is not the 1940's or 50s' - thank goodness. When men were men and women were on valium. the "good old days" were not so good. Not good for women and in many instances, n
  12. I came to this forum truly trying to find out about boy scouts and now sadly, I will have to back out of this forum for a while. I will lurk but forget posting. Those of you who are still spouting the "hate speak" including those in the McCain audience last night who booed when the name Obama was mentioned, need to seriously look in the mirror. I dont care who you voted for, as you ALL said in the last 8 years "have respect for the office". Look I know lots of you live in Red States and maybe havent travelled much. This last June I was lucky enough to visit Chicago and have stood in
  13. I think the over abuse of the term creepy which I used once can be substited for intuition. I dont want to put my small child in a position where I dont feel comfortable. that is me - you can do whatever you want with your kids. I am responsible for my kids and if I am not comfortable with a situation and I find certain folks disturbing, I have the right. Its just something I have never seen in Girl Scouting except in leadership positions, which are not troop involved. And the Girl Scouts dont have the same rep as Boys scouts with regard to discrimination, leader/boy "issues" etc.
  14. Fire - yes I know A friend of my daughter's who is 13 has a grandmother who went to school (high school) with my husband coincidentally. I know - you have to give them roots AND wings. I have a good friend who was really "close" to her daughter when she was 17 and all of the sudden she figured out her daughter was pregnant. Thats where the tie the camel comes in. thats why I do what I can and the rest has to take care of itself. As to this forum, I dont think scouting really is in the ballpark of the problematic choices they will run into. I have always told my daughter I cant
  15. probably the use of the word creepy was over the top. There is a muslim saying (which I believe has been used in a number of religions) which I was taught in college (those liberal havens!) that said "tie your camel first and then put your trust in Allah". I really like and appreciate the comments above by "GAHillBilly" but trust me I am not naive. I know that most kids are molested by folks they know including parents and relatives and friends. I know there are many married pedofiles. Again I am going to say that my point was I and all parents are allowed to choose the place
  16. as to southpark: I believe that the Fab 5/QESG ARE actually crab people I believe in Towlie I believe in Mr Hanky I believe Cartman is fat
  17. Beavah - thanks so much for starting this thread. I will freely admit that this week I am "charged up" being in Calif with the whole prop 8 issue, including the interface with the LDS church. Here is where I am at - its a lot like the southpark episode with Big Gay Al who was the scout leader. They kicked him out because he was gay and brought in an ex military guy who wanted to take naked pics of boys. At the end they ask Al to come back and he says he doesnt want to be in a group that doesnt want him. I have NO issue with out of the closet former scouts who are gay being invo
  18. My point of this whole discussion is I am fine with having a difference of opinion. Re the two boys who approached my daughter - I would have not had an issue, if they had not as TWOCUBDAD said, they had asked for email, address and phone number. And yes GoldW, of COURSE she didnt give it out, but as to parents, why are THEIR parents/church/etc encouraging soliciting young girls (or boys in the case of the above) to get phone numbers. And I agree that at the tender age of 13 my child has more intellectual smarts than common sense, but that is definately not a generational thing. I am of
  19. private message I received - can you all have the parts to just post this stuff? "ScoutMomSD, How long have you been in scouting? Where would you get the idea that because a leader does not have a son in a pack/troop that they are evil? Chances are you've stood next to more evil people in public, at the store, on the street, or at the park. Man I am sure glad that closed minded people like you are still not in a position to take away from me the one passion that I have. I love scouting, I was a cub scout, boy scout, and now I am a scoutmaster. Maybe before you throw a whole group of peop
  20. thanks for clarifying the roles - I am only in my 2nd year in Cub's and am still learning. I have years of Girl Scout experience but I am still trying on this side thanks again - I appreciate constructive criticism!
  21. first let me clarify - I have know some LDS folks who were fabulous. I had a friend in Junior high, worked with someone who was LDS who was a fellow CFO at a rehab hospital in SLC area and many are really really great folks. But like with far left liberals, born agains, etc. there are the folks with agendas. And I see a "yes on 8" border on this site, which just makes me very very very sad. Why is "scouter.com" involved in ANY side? And the person who knocked on my door was telling me "I am just reminding you to vote" and giving me a door hanger with some "suggestions" - of course at the
  22. Gold - "sez" me. Okay here goes my non PC side again. I think its kind of creepy to have men whose kids have long left who spend their spare time "hanging around" scouts. In fact that kind of creeped me out at the Roundtable I went to also. There have been so many "issues" and I believe a whole patch (bobcat) about that subject that I would never be in favor of folks who dont have kids in the pack/troop involved. My mom used to say, "avoid the appearance of evil".
  23. So I am starting this thread for 2 reasons - first I dont get the integration of the mormon church into scouting and second as one of them knocked on my door and practically assaulted me about voting for Prop 8 in California (the we hate gays prop). I have to say I am pretty uncomfortable going to Roundtables at Mormon churches or whatever they are. I used to work with a heatlthcare group which had a hospital in Salt Lake and my brother in law lives in Park City. I have known and worked with a number of LDS. But how are they so enmeshed in scouting? and why? Re: the prop 8 issue - t
  24. This is really interesting. first you have to talk to this person. Starting a new group or avoiding it is exactly what NOT to do - what are you teaching others and your kids? when confronted with a problem you have to deal with it head on. The person may not know how they are coming off. I know as a "cc in training" a number of times I have told folks tell me if I am coming on too strong as I have some management experience and even though it was a while ago, it comes out in group settings. One of the worst thing in ANY group is the whole power trip. I probably go the other wa
  25. good thread - lots of fun! I am an Obama supporter in a sea of McCain and prop 8 yard signs. But being in a Blue state, it doesnt really bother me. I am not going to lessen or change my opinion. Interesting is I had my Obama button on my purse and I cant TELL you how many folks have said "I love your button" - nothing else, no hatred for McCain. And I have to say 100% of these folks are women or young (under 30) people. I am not trying to convert or preach, but I have a right to show my support. I used to work for a company based in Macon, GA (the corporate office, I lived in Calif
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